Example commands

Please note that you do not have exactly enter these commands! You do not need to enter the class names in the brackets

Please do also note, that 80% of the following commands are generated automatically. Sometimes the english is a bit... awkward.

Activity find view by id [Activity]
Activity find view by identifier [Activity]
Activity find view via id [Activity]
Activity find view via identifier [Activity]
Animator set duration [Animator]
Animator start animation [Animator]
Capitalize first letter in EditText [TextView]
Intent add email extra [Intent]
Intent add phone number extra [Intent]
Intent add stream extra [Intent]
Intent add subject extra [Intent]
Intent add telephone number extra [Intent]
Intent add text extra [Intent]
Intent add topic extra [Intent]
Place cursor at the end of text in EditText [EditText]
Set Actionbar icon from resources [ActionBar]
Set drawable as Actionbar icon [ActionBar]
TextView set text [TextView]
TextView set text appearance [TextView]
TextView set text with buffer type [TextView]
abandon audio focus [AudioManager]
abort Toast [Toast]
activate 24 hour format for TimePicker [TimePicker]
activate EditText [View]
activate Preference [Preference]
activate TextView [TextView]
activate all caps in TextView [TextView]
activate anti aliasing at Paint [Paint]
activate app cache in WebSettings [WebSettings]
activate app cache in WebView [WebSettings]
activate application cache in WebSettings [WebSettings]
activate application cache in WebView [WebSettings]
activate dom filesystem for WebView [WebSettings]
activate dom storage for WebView [WebSettings]
activate every caps in TextView [TextView]
activate geolocation in WebSettings [WebSettings]
activate geolocation in WebView [WebSettings]
activate haptic feedback [View]
activate hardware rendering for view [View]
activate home up icon in ActionBar [ActionBar]
activate horizontal scroll bar [View]
activate javascript in WebView [WebSettings]
activate javascript in preferences [WebSettings]
activate javascript in prefs [WebSettings]
activate javascript in settings [WebSettings]
activate javascript in sharedpreferences [WebSettings]
activate javascript in sharedprefs [WebSettings]
activate local filesystem for WebView [WebSettings]
activate local storage for WebView [WebSettings]
activate long click for view [View]
activate long clickable for view [View]
activate media volume key for Activity [Activity]
activate multi choice mode for list [AbsListView]
activate multi modal selection mode [AbsListView]
activate options menu for Fragment [Fragment]
activate scrolling in TextView [TextView]
activate single choice mode for list [AbsListView]
activate software rendering for view [View]
activate underline text for Paint [Paint]
activate underline text in Paint [Paint]
activate vertical scroll bar [View]
activate view [View]
activate view element [View]
activate view instance [View]
activate wifi [WifiManager]
activate wireless network [WifiManager]
activate zoom by gesture in WebView [WebSettings]
activate zoom in WebView [WebSettings]
activate zoom via gesture in WebView [WebSettings]
add Collection into ArrayList [ArrayList]
add Collection into ArrayList at specified location [ArrayList]
add DatePickerDialog
add Fragment
add Fragment via FragmentManager
add Object to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
add String to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
add TextWatcher to TextView [TextView]
add TimePickerDialog
add a null value to content values [ContentValues]
add action to IntentFilter [IntentFilter]
add and get value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
add and get value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
add and obtain value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
add and obtain value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
add and receive value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
add and receive value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
add and return value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
add and return value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
add boolean array as extra to Intent [Intent]
add boolean array to Intent as extra [Intent]
add boolean as extra to Intent [Intent]
add boolean to Intent as extra [Intent]
add boolean to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
add boolean to content values [ContentValues]
add bundle to Intent as extra [Intent]
add byte array as extra to Intent [Intent]
add byte array to Intent as extra [Intent]
add byte as extra to Intent [Intent]
add byte to Intent as extra [Intent]
add category home to Intent [Intent]
add category launcher to Intent [Intent]
add category to Intent [Intent]
add change listener for text to TextView [TextView]
add char array as extra to Intent [Intent]
add char array to Intent as extra [Intent]
add char array to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
add char as extra to Intent [Intent]
add char to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
add character to Intent as extra [Intent]
add child view [ViewGroup]
add child view at index [ViewGroup]
add column to table [SQLiteDatabase]
add compat extender to notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
add double array as extra to intent [Intent]
add double array to intent as extra [Intent]
add double as extra to Intent [Intent]
add double to Intent as extra [Intent]
add double to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
add double to content values [ContentValues]
add element at specified location into LinkedList [LinkedList]
add element into LinkedList [LinkedList]
add element to ArrayList [ArrayList]
add element to SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
add element to SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
add email clone extra to intent [Intent]
add email copy extra to intent [Intent]
add email duplicate extra to intent [Intent]
add email extra to intent [Intent]
add extender to notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
add flag activity clear top [Intent]
add flag activity empty top [Intent]
add flag activity new task [Intent]
add flag to clear all activities on top of home [Intent]
add flag to clear every activities on top of home [Intent]
add flag to empty all activities on top of home [Intent]
add flag to empty every activities on top of home [Intent]
add flag to intent to prevent default animation [Intent]
add flag to prevent animation [Intent]
add flag to start in new task [Intent]
add flag to window [Window]
add float array as extra to Intent [Intent]
add float array to Intent as extra [Intent]
add float as extra to intent [Intent]
add float to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
add float to intent as extra [Intent]
add footer to ListView [ListView]
add footer view to ListView [ListView]
add fragment to FragmentTransaction [FragmentTransaction]
add fragment to back stack [FragmentTransaction]
add header to ListView [ListView]
add header view to ListView [ListView]
add int array as extra to intent [Intent]
add int array to intent as extra [Intent]
add int as extra to intent [Intent]
add int to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
add int to intent as extra [Intent]
add item to ClipData [ClipData]
add javascript bridge to WebView [WebView]
add javascript interface to WebView [WebView]
add launcher category to Intent [Intent]
add line break in StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
add line break in TextView [TextView]
add long array as extra to Intent [Intent]
add long array to Intent as extra [Intent]
add long as extra to Intent [Intent]
add long to Intent as extra [Intent]
add long to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
add long to content values [ContentValues]
add mapping to SparseArray [SparseArray]
add mapping to SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
add matching action to IntentFilter [IntentFilter]
add menu in Toolbar [Toolbar]
add new item to menu [Menu]
add new item to menu by resource id [Menu]
add new item to menu by resource identifier [Menu]
add new item to menu via resource id [Menu]
add new item to menu via resource identifier [Menu]
add new line in StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
add new menu item [Menu]
add new menu item by resource [Menu]
add new menu item via resource [Menu]
add new uri to UriMatcher [UriMatcher]
add notification action to notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
add null value to ContentValues [ContentValues]
add parcelable array to Intent as extra [Intent]
add parcelable object as extra to Intent [Intent]
add parcelable object to Intent as extra [Intent]
add phone number extra to Intent [Intent]
add runnable to message queue [View]
add runnable to msg queue [View]
add serializable object to Intent as extra [Intent]
add short array as extra to Intent [Intent]
add short array to Intent as extra [Intent]
add short as extra to Intent [Intent]
add short to Intent as extra [Intent]
add stream as extra to intent [Intent]
add string array as extra to Intent [Intent]
add string array to Intent as extra [Intent]
add string as extra to intent [Intent]
add string to content values [ContentValues]
add string to intent as extra [Intent]
add subject extra to intent [Intent]
add telephone number extra to Intent [Intent]
add text change listener to TextView [TextView]
add text extra to Intent [Intent]
add text to TextView [TextView]
add topic extra to intent [Intent]
add up indicator to Actionbar to the left of the icon [ActionBar]
add uri to UriMatcher [UriMatcher]
add values to ContentValues from another ContentValues object [ContentValues]
add values to ContentValues from different ContentValues object [ContentValues]
add values to ContentValues from other ContentValues object [ContentValues]
add view [ViewGroup]
add view at index [ViewGroup]
add view to RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
align text at the bottom in TextView [TextView]
align text at the top in TextView [TextView]
align text left in Paint [Paint]
align text left in TextView [TextView]
align text right in Paint [Paint]
align text right in TextView [TextView]
align text to the left in TextView [TextView]
align text to the right in TextView [TextView]
allow pinch to zoom in WebView [WebSettings]
allow scrolling in TextView [TextView]
allow zoom by gesture in WebView [WebSettings]
allow zoom via gesture in WebView [WebSettings]
animate view [View]
animate view instance [View]
animate view object [View]
append Object to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
append String to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
append boolean to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
append char array to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
append char to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
append double to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
append element to SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
append float to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
append int to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
append line break in StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
append long to StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
append mapping to SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
append text to TextView [TextView]
apply pref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
apply pref change [SharedPreferences.Editor]
apply preference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
apply preference change [SharedPreferences.Editor]
apply setting [SharedPreferences.Editor]
apply setting change [SharedPreferences.Editor]
apply sharedpref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
apply sharedpref change [SharedPreferences.Editor]
apply sharedpreference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
apply sharedpreference change [SharedPreferences.Editor]
ask user to grant permission [ActivityCompat]
attach file as extra to Intent [Intent]
attach file as stream to Intent [Intent]
attach file to Intent as stream [Intent]
automatically make first letter upper case in EditText [TextView]
awake scroll bars [View]
awake scrollbars [View]
begin fragment transaction [FragmentManager]
bind service [Context]
bind service class [Context]
bind view
bring view element to front [View]
bring view to foreground [View]
bring view to front [View]
build Notification by notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
build Notification via notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
call a number via phone
call attached OnClickListener [View]
call finish for Activity [Activity]
call method delayed by Handler [Handler]
call method delayed via Handler [Handler]
can navigation backward in browser [WebView]
can view scroll horizontally [View]
can view scroll vertically [View]
cancel Animation [Animation]
cancel AsyncTask [AsyncTask]
cancel AsyncTask and do not interrupt if ongoing [AsyncTask]
cancel AsyncTask and do not interrupt if running [AsyncTask]
cancel AsyncTask and interrupt if ongoing [AsyncTask]
cancel AsyncTask and interrupt if running [AsyncTask]
cancel AsyncTask if not ongoing [AsyncTask]
cancel AsyncTask if not running [AsyncTask]
cancel AsyncTask with fire [AsyncTask]
cancel PendingIntent [PendingIntent]
cancel Toast [Toast]
cancel ViewPropertyAnimator [ViewPropertyAnimator]
cancel alarm [AlarmManager]
cancel all notifications [NotificationManager]
cancel animation of ViewPropertyAnimator [ViewPropertyAnimator]
cancel animations for view [View]
cancel dialog [Dialog]
cancel download from DownloadManager [DownloadManager]
cancel every notifications [NotificationManager]
cancel long press [View]
cancel long push [View]
cancel notification [NotificationManager]
cancel notification when user clicks notification [NotificationCompat.Builder]
cancel pending syncs for account [ContentResolver]
cancel vibrator [Vibrator]
center text horizontally in TextView [TextView]
center text in Paint [Paint]
center text in TextView [TextView]
center text vertically in TextView [TextView]
change color of Drawable in ImageView [ImageView]
change color of image in ImageView [ImageView]
change color of photo in ImageView [ImageView]
change color of picture in ImageView [ImageView]
change divider in ListView [ListView]
change separator in ListView [ListView]
check for android sdk version compatiblity
check for min sdk version
check for permission [ContextCompat]
check for runtime permission [ContextCompat]
check for sdk version compatiblity
check for system version
check for system version compatibility
check if Activity is dead [Activity]
check if Activity is embedded inside another Activity [Activity]
check if Activity is embedded inside different Activity [Activity]
check if Activity is embedded inside other Activity [Activity]
check if Activity is finishing [Activity]
check if Activity is immersive [Activity]
check if Activity main window has focus [Activity]
check if ArrayList is clear [ArrayList]
check if ArrayList is empty [ArrayList]
check if BigDecimal is zero
check if CheckBox is checked [CompoundButton]
check if GPS is enabled [LocationManager]
check if HashMap contains specified key [HashMap]
check if HashMap contains specified value [HashMap]
check if HashMap includes specified key [HashMap]
check if HashMap includes specified value [HashMap]
check if HashMap is clear [HashMap]
check if HashMap is empty [HashMap]
check if MediaPlayer plays [MediaPlayer]
check if NetworkInfo is connected [NetworkInfo]
check if Nfc is enabled [NfcAdapter]
check if RadioButton is selected [RadioGroup]
check if Rect is clear [Rect]
check if Rect is empty [Rect]
check if SharedPreferences contains pref [SharedPreferences]
check if SharedPreferences contains preference [SharedPreferences]
check if SharedPreferences contains setting [SharedPreferences]
check if SharedPreferences contains sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
check if SharedPreferences contains sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
check if SharedPreferences includes pref [SharedPreferences]
check if SharedPreferences includes preference [SharedPreferences]
check if SharedPreferences includes setting [SharedPreferences]
check if SharedPreferences includes sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
check if SharedPreferences includes sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
check if bluetooth is enabled [BluetoothAdapter]
check if camera is available [PackageManager]
check if certain android version is supported
check if current thread is main thread
check if current thread is ui thread
check if cursor is closed [Cursor]
check if device is in keyguard constrained input mode [KeyguardManager]
check if device is in keyguard limited input mode [KeyguardManager]
check if device is in keyguard restricted input mode [KeyguardManager]
check if device is locked [KeyguardManager]
check if drawer is open [DrawerLayout]
check if external storage is available
check if external storage is readable
check if external storage is writable
check if font is bold [Typeface]
check if font is italic [Typeface]
check if fragment is visible [Fragment]
check if internet is available [NetworkInfo]
check if javascript is enabled [WebSettings]
check if main thread
check if message is loggable [Log]
check if msg is loggable [Log]
check if network connection is available [NetworkInfo]
check if permission is denied
check if permission is granted
check if preferences contains key [SharedPreferences]
check if preferences includes key [SharedPreferences]
check if prefs contains key [SharedPreferences]
check if prefs includes key [SharedPreferences]
check if runtime permission is denied
check if runtime permission is granted
check if settings contains key [SharedPreferences]
check if settings includes key [SharedPreferences]
check if sharedpreferences contains key [SharedPreferences]
check if sharedpreferences includes key [SharedPreferences]
check if sharedprefs contains key [SharedPreferences]
check if sharedprefs includes key [SharedPreferences]
check if string is not clear [TextUtils]
check if string is not empty [TextUtils]
check if string is null or clear [TextUtils]
check if string is null or empty [TextUtils]
check if two strings are equal [TextUtils]
check if typeface is bold [Typeface]
check if typeface is italic [Typeface]
check if ui thread
check if user is a monkey [ActivityManager]
check if value in column is null [Cursor]
check if vibrator is available [Vibrator]
check if video is playing in VideoView [VideoView]
check if view has focus [View]
check if view is enabled [View]
check if view is visible on display [View]
check if view is visible on screen [View]
check if wifi is enabled [WifiManager]
check state of external filesystem [Environment]
check state of external storage [Environment]
check two strings for equality [TextUtils]
choose all text in EditText when it gets focus [TextView]
choose contact from contact list
choose every text in EditText when it gets focus [TextView]
choose item in ListView [AbsListView]
choose item of Spinner [AbsSpinner]
choose text in EditText when it gets focus [TextView]
choose text when it gets focus in EditText [TextView]
clear ArrayList [ArrayList]
clear Calendar [Calendar]
clear ContentValues [ContentValues]
clear HashMap [HashMap]
clear ImageView [ImageView]
clear LinkedList [LinkedList]
clear List [List]
clear Map [Map]
clear Set [Set]
clear SparseArray [SparseArray]
clear SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
clear SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
clear bundle [BaseBundle]
clear caches in EventBus [EventBus]
clear data from bitmap [Bitmap]
clear focus [View]
clear image in ImageView [ImageView]
clear info from bitmap [Bitmap]
clear information from bitmap [Bitmap]
clear latitude from Address [Address]
clear lon from Address [Address]
clear longitude from Address [Address]
clear photo in ImageView [ImageView]
clear picture in ImageView [ImageView]
clear pref change [SharedPreferences.Editor]
clear preference change [SharedPreferences.Editor]
clear setting change [SharedPreferences.Editor]
clear sharedpref change [SharedPreferences.Editor]
clear sharedpreference change [SharedPreferences.Editor]
clone SparseArray [SparseArray]
clone SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
clone SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
clone all extras from intent to another intent [Intent]
clone all extras from intent to different intent [Intent]
clone all extras from intent to intent [Intent]
clone all extras from intent to other intent [Intent]
clone all extras from source intent to target intent [Intent]
clone content values from another content values object [ContentValues]
clone content values from different content values object [ContentValues]
clone content values from other content values object [ContentValues]
clone every extras from intent to another intent [Intent]
clone every extras from intent to different intent [Intent]
clone every extras from intent to intent [Intent]
clone every extras from intent to other intent [Intent]
clone every extras from source intent to target intent [Intent]
clone html to clipboard [ClipboardManager]
clone text to clipboard [ClipboardManager]
clone uri to clipboard [ClipboardManager]
close Activity [Activity]
close AssetManager [AssetManager]
close FileOutputStream [FileOutputStream]
close ParcelFileDescriptor [ParcelFileDescriptor]
close all drawers [DrawerLayout]
close all navigation drawers [DrawerLayout]
close context menu [Activity]
close context menu from Activity [Activity]
close contextmenu [Activity]
close contextmenu from Activity [Activity]
close cursor [Cursor]
close dialog [Dialog]
close drawer [DrawerLayout]
close every drawers [DrawerLayout]
close every navigation drawers [DrawerLayout]
close navigation drawer [DrawerLayout]
close options menu [Activity]
close options menu from Activity [Activity]
close optionsmenu [Activity]
close optionsmenu from Activity [Activity]
commit FragmentTransaction [FragmentTransaction]
commit pref change to preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit pref change to prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit pref change to settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit pref change to sharedPref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit pref change to sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit pref change to sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit pref changes to SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit preference change to preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit preference change to prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit preference change to settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit preference change to sharedPref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit preference change to sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit preference change to sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit preference changes to SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit setting change to preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit setting change to prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit setting change to settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit setting change to sharedPref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit setting change to sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit setting change to sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit setting changes to SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit sharedpref change to preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit sharedpref change to prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit sharedpref change to settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit sharedpref change to sharedPref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit sharedpref change to sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit sharedpref change to sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit sharedpref changes to SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit sharedpreference change to preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit sharedpreference change to prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit sharedpreference change to settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit sharedpreference change to sharedPref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit sharedpreference change to sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit sharedpreference change to sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
commit sharedpreference changes to SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
compare BigDecimal value [BigDecimal]
compare BigInteger value [BigInteger]
compare Pair objects [Pair]
compare PendingIntent [PendingIntent]
compare String [String]
compare two ArrayList objects [ArrayList]
compare two Pair objects [Pair]
compare two arrays [Arrays]
compare two font objects [Typeface]
compare two strings [TextUtils]
compare two typeface objects [Typeface]
compare uri for equality [Uri]
compare uri to another uri [Uri]
compare uri to different uri [Uri]
compare uri to other uri [Uri]
concatenate string with delimiter [TextUtils]
convert Bitmap to BitmapDrawable [BitmapDrawable]
convert Bitmap to Drawable [BitmapDrawable]
convert Date to String
convert Drawable to Bitmap from Resources [BitmapFactory]
convert File to Uri [Uri]
convert FileDescriptor to Bitmap [BitmapFactory]
convert String to ByteArrayInputStream
convert String to Date
convert String to Uri [Uri]
convert String to double [Double]
convert String to int [Integer]
convert String to int with specified radix [Integer]
convert String to long [Long]
convert String to long with specified radix [Long]
convert StringBuilder to String [StringBuilder]
convert Uri string to Uri [Uri]
convert boolean to String [String]
convert byte array to Bitmap [BitmapFactory]
convert char to String [String]
convert dip into pixel [TypedValue]
convert dip into px [TypedValue]
convert dip value into pixel value [TypedValue]
convert double to BigDecimal [BigDecimal]
convert double to String [String]
convert double to String with one decimal places
convert double to String with three decimal places
convert double to String with two decimal places
convert dp into pixel [TypedValue]
convert dp into px [TypedValue]
convert dp value into pixel value [TypedValue]
convert file to Bitmap [BitmapFactory]
convert float to String [String]
convert hexadecimal color string to Color object [Color]
convert hsv components to argb color [Color]
convert hsv value to argb color [Color]
convert image file to Bitmap [BitmapFactory]
convert int to String [String]
convert long to BigDecimal [BigDecimal]
convert long to BigDecimal with specified scale [BigDecimal]
convert long to BigInteger [BigInteger]
convert long to String [String]
convert photo file to Bitmap [BitmapFactory]
convert picture file to Bitmap [BitmapFactory]
convert pixels into dip [TypedValue]
convert pixels into dp [TypedValue]
convert px into dip [TypedValue]
convert px into dp [TypedValue]
convert px value into dip value [TypedValue]
convert px value into dp value [TypedValue]
convert resource to bitmap [BitmapFactory]
convert sp into px [TypedValue]
convert sp value int pixel value [TypedValue]
convert throwable to basic stacktrace [Log]
convert throwable to basic trace [Log]
convert throwable to plain stacktrace [Log]
convert throwable to plain trace [Log]
convert uri to bitmap
copy SparseArray [SparseArray]
copy SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
copy SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
copy all extras from intent to another intent [Intent]
copy all extras from intent to different intent [Intent]
copy all extras from intent to intent [Intent]
copy all extras from intent to other intent [Intent]
copy all extras from source intent to target intent [Intent]
copy content values from another content values object [ContentValues]
copy content values from different content values object [ContentValues]
copy content values from other content values object [ContentValues]
copy every extras from intent to another intent [Intent]
copy every extras from intent to different intent [Intent]
copy every extras from intent to intent [Intent]
copy every extras from intent to other intent [Intent]
copy every extras from source intent to target intent [Intent]
copy html to clipboard [ClipboardManager]
copy text to clipboard [ClipboardManager]
copy uri to clipboard [ClipboardManager]
create AbsoluteLayout [AbsoluteLayout]
create Activity instance [Activity]
create AlertDialog
create ArrayAdapter [ArrayAdapter]
create ArrayList object [ArrayList]
create ArrayList object with specified initial capacity [ArrayList]
create AtomicBoolean object [AtomicBoolean]
create AtomicBoolean object with initial value [AtomicBoolean]
create AtomicInteger object [AtomicInteger]
create AtomicInteger object with initial value [AtomicInteger]
create AtomicLong object [AtomicLong]
create AtomicLong object with initial value [AtomicLong]
create BigDecimal from double [BigDecimal]
create BigDecimal from long [BigDecimal]
create BigDecimal from long with specified scale [BigDecimal]
create BigInteger from long [BigInteger]
create Bitmap from Stream [BitmapFactory]
create Button [Button]
create CheckBox [CheckBox]
create ClipData with basic text [ClipData]
create ClipData with html [ClipData]
create ClipData with plain text [ClipData]
create ClipData with uri [ClipData]
create Color [Color]
create Color by argb value [Color]
create Color via argb value [Color]
create ContentValues [ContentValues]
create ContentValues by existing ContentValues object [ContentValues]
create ContentValues by existing values object [ContentValues]
create ContentValues object [ContentValues]
create ContentValues via existing ContentValues object [ContentValues]
create ContentValues via existing values object [ContentValues]
create ContentValues with initial capacity [ContentValues]
create ContentValues with initial dimension [ContentValues]
create ContentValues with initial size [ContentValues]
create Date object [Date]
create DatePickerDialog
create DecimalFormat object [DecimalFormat]
create DecimalFormat object with pattern [DecimalFormat]
create Dialog
create Drawable by Bitmap [BitmapDrawable]
create Drawable from path [Drawable]
create Drawable via Bitmap [BitmapDrawable]
create EditText [EditText]
create File object by path [File]
create File object via path [File]
create GridLayout [GridLayout]
create GridView [GridView]
create HandlerThread with name [HandlerThread]
create HandlerThread with name and priority [HandlerThread]
create HashMap object [HashMap]
create HashMap object with specified capacity [HashMap]
create ImageView [ImageView]
create Intent [Intent]
create Intent for Google Maps navigation [Intent]
create Intent for SMS [Intent]
create Intent for camera action [Intent]
create Intent for choose action [Intent]
create Intent for dial action [Intent]
create Intent for edit action [Intent]
create Intent for main action [Intent]
create Intent for music player [Intent]
create Intent for pick action [Intent]
create Intent for play save [Intent]
create Intent for play store [Intent]
create Intent for select action [Intent]
create Intent for send action [Intent]
create Intent for view action [Intent]
create Intent for youtube video [Intent]
create Intent object for Maps navigation [Intent]
create Intent object to start phone app [Intent]
create Intent object to start phone application [Intent]
create Intent object to start telephone app [Intent]
create Intent object to start telephone application [Intent]
create Intent to choose a contact from contact list [Intent]
create Intent to get content [Intent]
create Intent to obtain content [Intent]
create Intent to open app in play save [Intent]
create Intent to open app in play store [Intent]
create Intent to open app in save [Intent]
create Intent to open app in store [Intent]
create Intent to open application in play save [Intent]
create Intent to open application in play store [Intent]
create Intent to open application in save [Intent]
create Intent to open application in store [Intent]
create Intent to open youtube video [Intent]
create Intent to pick a contact from contact list [Intent]
create Intent to receive content [Intent]
create Intent to return content [Intent]
create Intent to select a contact from contact list [Intent]
create Intent to send SMS [Intent]
create Intent to send text
create Intent to share text
create IntentFilter [IntentFilter]
create IntentFilter by action and type [IntentFilter]
create IntentFilter via action and type [IntentFilter]
create LinearLayout [LinearLayout]
create LinkedList object [LinkedList]
create MediaPlayer by resource id [MediaPlayer]
create MediaPlayer by resource identifier [MediaPlayer]
create MediaPlayer for Uri [MediaPlayer]
create MediaPlayer for resource [MediaPlayer]
create MediaPlayer via resource id [MediaPlayer]
create MediaPlayer via resource identifier [MediaPlayer]
create Paint object [Paint]
create Paint object with style fill and style stroke
create Paint object with style stroke
create Pair [Pair]
create PendingIntent for Broadcast [PendingIntent]
create PendingIntent for service [PendingIntent]
create Picasso object [Picasso]
create PopupWindow [PopupWindow]
create PopupWindow instance [PopupWindow]
create ProgressBar [ProgressBar]
create ProgressDialog [ProgressDialog]
create Random object [Random]
create Random object with specified seed [Random]
create RemoteView from parcel [RemoteViews]
create RemoteViews by package and layout [RemoteViews]
create RemoteViews via package and layout [RemoteViews]
create ScrollingMovementMethod object [ScrollingMovementMethod]
create SimpleCursorAdapter [SimpleCursorAdapter]
create SimpleDateFormat object with example pattern [SimpleDateFormat]
create SimpleDateFormat object with specified pattern [SimpleDateFormat]
create Snackbar with long duration
create Snackbar with short duration
create SparseArray instance [SparseArray]
create String by byte array and charset [String]
create String via byte array and charset [String]
create StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
create StringBuilder object [StringBuilder]
create StringBuilder object with specified capacity [StringBuilder]
create StringBuilder object with specified content [StringBuilder]
create StringBuilder with specified capacity [StringBuilder]
create StringBuilder with specified content [StringBuilder]
create TableLayout [TableLayout]
create TaskStackBuilder [TaskStackBuilder]
create TextView [TextView]
create TextWatcher [TextWatcher]
create TimePickerDialog
create UTF8 String [String]
create Uri and add segment [Uri]
create Uri and append path segment [Uri]
create Uri from File [Uri]
create Uri from string [Uri]
create Uri object from Uri string [Uri]
create View [View]
create WebView [WebView]
create and show long Snackbar
create and show long Snackbar with Action
create and show long Snackbar with callback
create and show long toast
create and show short Snackbar
create and show short Snackbar with Action
create and show short Snackbar with callback
create and show short toast
create basic DatePickerDialog [DatePickerDialog]
create basic Intent instance for action view and Uri [Intent]
create basic Intent object for email [Intent]
create basic Intent object for view action and Uri [Intent]
create basic Intent object to choose a contact from contact list [Intent]
create basic Intent object to pick a contact from contact list [Intent]
create basic Intent object to select a contact from contact list [Intent]
create basic Snackbar [Snackbar]
create basic TimePickerDialog [TimePickerDialog]
create basic long Snackbar [Snackbar]
create basic short Snackbar [Snackbar]
create bitmap from Resources [BitmapFactory]
create bitmap from Resources with configuration [BitmapFactory]
create bitmap from Resources with options [BitmapFactory]
create broadcast PendingIntent [PendingIntent]
create call Intent [Intent]
create camera Intent [Intent]
create checked Exception
create choose Intent [Intent]
create chooser dialog for Intent [Intent]
create chooser for intent [Intent]
create class
create clear Bitmap [Bitmap]
create clear intent [Intent]
create clickable notification for Activity
create clone of SparseArray [SparseArray]
create clone of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
create clone of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
create color by red green blue value [Color]
create color by rgb [Color]
create color from String [Color]
create color via red green blue value [Color]
create color via rgb [Color]
create copy of SparseArray [SparseArray]
create copy of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
create copy of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
create custom Activity class
create custom Adapter class
create custom AppCompatActivity class
create custom AppWidgetProvider class
create custom Application class
create custom AsyncTask class
create custom BroadcastReceiver class
create custom Button class
create custom EditText class
create custom Exception class
create custom Fragment class
create custom FragmentPagerAdapter class
create custom ImageView class
create custom IntentService class
create custom RecyclerView Adapter class
create custom RuntimeException class
create custom SQLiteOpenHelper class
create custom Service class
create custom TextView class
create custom View class
create custom ViewGroup class
create database [Context]
create db [Context]
create dial Intent [Intent]
create dir by File [File]
create dir via File [File]
create directory by File [File]
create directory via File [File]
create double from String [Double]
create duplicate of SparseArray [SparseArray]
create duplicate of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
create duplicate of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
create edit Intent [Intent]
create editor for preferences [SharedPreferences]
create editor for prefs [SharedPreferences]
create editor for settings [SharedPreferences]
create editor for sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences]
create editor for sharedprefs [SharedPreferences]
create empty Bitmap [Bitmap]
create empty intent [Intent]
create enum
create explicit Intent [Intent]
create fill and stroke Paint object
create fill paint
create filling Paint object
create folder by File [File]
create folder via File [File]
create font from asset [Typeface]
create font from font path [Typeface]
create font from typeface path [Typeface]
create human readable description of intent object [Intent]
create instance of Activity [Activity]
create instance of ArrayList [ArrayList]
create instance of ArrayList with specified initial capacity [ArrayList]
create instance of AtomicBoolean [AtomicBoolean]
create instance of AtomicBoolean with initial value [AtomicBoolean]
create instance of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
create instance of AtomicInteger with initial value [AtomicInteger]
create instance of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
create instance of AtomicLong with initial value [AtomicLong]
create instance of ByteArrayInputStream [ByteArrayInputStream]
create instance of CountdownTimer
create instance of DecimalFormat [DecimalFormat]
create instance of DecimalFormat with pattern [DecimalFormat]
create instance of Fragment [Fragment]
create instance of HandlerThread with name [HandlerThread]
create instance of HandlerThread with name and priority [HandlerThread]
create instance of HashMap [HashMap]
create instance of HashMap with specified capacity [HashMap]
create instance of LinkedList [LinkedList]
create instance of Random [Random]
create instance of Random with specified seed [Random]
create instance of ScrollingMovementMethod [ScrollingMovementMethod]
create instance of SimpleDateFormat with example pattern [SimpleDateFormat]
create instance of SimpleDateFormat with specified pattern [SimpleDateFormat]
create instance of StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
create instance of StringBuilder with specified capacity [StringBuilder]
create instance of StringBuilder with specified content [StringBuilder]
create intent by action [Intent]
create intent for activity [Intent]
create intent for component [Intent]
create intent for sending a message
create intent for service [Intent]
create intent for text message
create intent via action [Intent]
create intent with action and uri [Intent]
create interface
create long Snackbar
create long Snackbar with Action
create long Snackbar with callback
create long toast
create main Intent [Intent]
create music player Intent [Intent]
create navigation Intent [Intent]
create new Activity instance [Activity]
create new AlertDialog
create new ArrayAdapter [ArrayAdapter]
create new Bundle instance [Bundle]
create new Bundle object [Bundle]
create new CountdownTimer
create new Drawable from file path [Drawable]
create new Handler [Handler]
create new LinearLayoutManager instance [LinearLayoutManager]
create new LinearLayoutManager object [LinearLayoutManager]
create new Paint object [Paint]
create new Pair object [Pair]
create new ProgressDialog instance [ProgressDialog]
create new RemoteView from parcel [RemoteViews]
create new SparseArray object [SparseArray]
create new TextView instance [TextView]
create new instance of Fragment [Fragment]
create new table in database [SQLiteDatabase]
create new table in db [SQLiteDatabase]
create new table in sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
create notification with Activity as target
create notification with sound
create phone call Intent [Intent]
create pick Intent [Intent]
create plain DatePickerDialog [DatePickerDialog]
create plain Intent instance for action view and Uri [Intent]
create plain Intent object for email [Intent]
create plain Intent object for view action and Uri [Intent]
create plain Intent object to choose a contact from contact list [Intent]
create plain Intent object to pick a contact from contact list [Intent]
create plain Intent object to select a contact from contact list [Intent]
create plain Snackbar [Snackbar]
create plain TimePickerDialog [TimePickerDialog]
create plain long Snackbar [Snackbar]
create plain notification
create plain short Snackbar [Snackbar]
create progressbar dialog [ProgressDialog]
create raw DatePickerDialog object [DatePickerDialog]
create raw TimePickerDialog [TimePickerDialog]
create select Intent [Intent]
create send Intent [Intent]
create short Snackbar
create short Snackbar with Action
create short Snackbar with callback
create short toast
create simple CursorLoader [CursorLoader]
create simple DownloadManager.Request
create simple notification
create singleton
create specified CursorLoader [CursorLoader]
create sqlite [Context]
create stroke Paint
create subclass of Activity
create subclass of Adapter
create subclass of AppCompatActivity
create subclass of AppWidgetProvider
create subclass of Application
create subclass of AsyncTask
create subclass of BroadcastReceiver
create subclass of Fragment
create subclass of FragmentPagerAdapter
create subclass of IntentService
create subclass of Object
create subclass of SQLiteOpenHelper
create subclass of Service
create subset of array [Arrays]
create table in database [SQLiteDatabase]
create table in db [SQLiteDatabase]
create table in sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
create telephone call Intent [Intent]
create typeface from asset [Typeface]
create typeface from font path [Typeface]
create typeface from typeface path [Typeface]
create unchecked Exception
create unimplemented instance of CountDownTimer [CountDownTimer]
create unique view id [View]
create unique view identifier [View]
create unspecified simple CursorLoader [CursorLoader]
create view Intent [Intent]
create wake lock [PowerManager]
deactivate wifi [WifiManager]
declare alpha value to ViewPropertyAnimator [ViewPropertyAnimator]
declare opaque alpha value to ViewPropertyAnimator [ViewPropertyAnimator]
declare transparent alpha value to ViewPropertyAnimator [ViewPropertyAnimator]
decode Bitmap from InputStream [BitmapFactory]
decode Bitmap from Stream [BitmapFactory]
decode FileDescriptor to Bitmap [BitmapFactory]
decode Uri [Uri]
decode bitmap from Resources [BitmapFactory]
decode bitmap from Resources with options [BitmapFactory]
decode bitmap from file path [BitmapFactory]
decode bitmap from file path with options [BitmapFactory]
decode byte array to Bitmap [BitmapFactory]
decode byte array to Bitmap by BitmapFactory [BitmapFactory]
decode byte array to Bitmap via BitmapFactory [BitmapFactory]
decrement and get value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
decrement and get value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
decrement and obtain value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
decrement and obtain value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
decrement and receive value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
decrement and receive value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
decrement and return value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
decrement and return value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
define Toolbar headline by string [Toolbar]
define Toolbar headline via string [Toolbar]
define Toolbar title by string [Toolbar]
define Toolbar title via string [Toolbar]
define View for Toast [Toast]
define allowed network types for Download request [DownloadManager.Request]
define duration for Animation from type ViewPropertyAnimator [ViewPropertyAnimator]
define height of TextView [TextView]
define max char length for EditText [TextView]
define maximum char length for EditText [TextView]
define menu item click listener for Toolbar [Toolbar]
define repeating alarm [AlarmManager]
define rotation value for ViewPropertyAnimator [ViewPropertyAnimator]
define styled Toolbar headline [Toolbar]
define styled Toolbar title [Toolbar]
define styled subheadline in Toolbar [Toolbar]
define styled subtitle in Toolbar [Toolbar]
define subheadline for Toolbar by resources [Toolbar]
define subheadline for Toolbar by string [Toolbar]
define subheadline for Toolbar via resources [Toolbar]
define subheadline for Toolbar via string [Toolbar]
define subtitle for Toolbar by resources [Toolbar]
define subtitle for Toolbar by string [Toolbar]
define subtitle for Toolbar via resources [Toolbar]
define subtitle for Toolbar via string [Toolbar]
define target dir for download [DownloadManager.Request]
define target directory for download [DownloadManager.Request]
define target folder for download [DownloadManager.Request]
define text color for TextView [TextView]
define text dimension for TextView [TextView]
define text size for TextView [TextView]
delete Actionbar shadow [ActionBar]
delete Activity headline bar [Activity]
delete Activity title bar [Activity]
delete AlertDialog icon [AlertDialog]
delete ArrayList element [ArrayList]
delete ArrayList object [ArrayList]
delete Dialog headline [Dialog]
delete Dialog title [Dialog]
delete DownloadManager download [DownloadManager]
delete Fragment in FragmentTransaction [FragmentTransaction]
delete ImageView image [ImageView]
delete ImageView photo [ImageView]
delete ImageView picture [ImageView]
delete OnClickListener [View]
delete SparseArray entry [SparseArray]
delete SparseArray mapping [SparseArray]
delete alarm [AlarmManager]
delete all callbacks and messages from Handler [Handler]
delete all child views [ViewGroup]
delete all elements from SparseArray [SparseArray]
delete all elements from SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
delete all elements from SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
delete all elements from mapping [BaseBundle]
delete all elements in bundle [BaseBundle]
delete all values from ContentValues [ContentValues]
delete background drawable from View [View]
delete background resource [View]
delete blinking cursor in EditText [TextView]
delete bundle entry [BaseBundle]
delete bundle extra [BaseBundle]
delete bundle state [BaseBundle]
delete child view [ViewGroup]
delete cursor in EditText [TextView]
delete database [SQLiteDatabase]
delete database by Context [Context]
delete database database by Context [Context]
delete database database via Context [Context]
delete database db by Context [Context]
delete database db via Context [Context]
delete database sqlite by Context [Context]
delete database sqlite via Context [Context]
delete database via Context [Context]
delete db [SQLiteDatabase]
delete db by Context [Context]
delete db database by Context [Context]
delete db database via Context [Context]
delete db db by Context [Context]
delete db db via Context [Context]
delete db sqlite by Context [Context]
delete db sqlite via Context [Context]
delete db via Context [Context]
delete divider in ListView [ListView]
delete download from DownloadManager [DownloadManager]
delete element at specified location in ArrayList [ArrayList]
delete element from ArrayList [ArrayList]
delete element from SparseArray by index [SparseArray]
delete element from SparseArray via index [SparseArray]
delete element from SparseBooleanArray by key [SparseBooleanArray]
delete element from SparseBooleanArray via key [SparseBooleanArray]
delete elements in specified range in ArrayList [ArrayList]
delete enter and exit animation from Activity [Activity]
delete enter and exit transition from Activity [Activity]
delete entry by key from bundle [BaseBundle]
delete entry from SparseArray [SparseArray]
delete entry from bundle [BaseBundle]
delete entry via key from bundle [BaseBundle]
delete every callbacks and messages from Handler [Handler]
delete every child views [ViewGroup]
delete every elements from SparseArray [SparseArray]
delete every elements from SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
delete every elements from SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
delete every elements from mapping [BaseBundle]
delete every elements in bundle [BaseBundle]
delete every values from ContentValues [ContentValues]
delete exit and enter transition from Activity [Activity]
delete extra from bundle [BaseBundle]
delete file [Context]
delete file by File object [File]
delete file via File object [File]
delete focus from view [View]
delete focus from view element [View]
delete from SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
delete from table [SQLiteDatabase]
delete headline bar from Activity [Activity]
delete headline from Dialog [Dialog]
delete icon from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
delete image from ImageView [ImageView]
delete line between items in ListView [ListView]
delete mapping from SparseArray [SparseArray]
delete object at specified location in ArrayList [ArrayList]
delete object from ArrayList [ArrayList]
delete on click listener [View]
delete photo from ImageView [ImageView]
delete picture from ImageView [ImageView]
delete pref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
delete pref value [SharedPreferences.Editor]
delete preference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
delete preference value [SharedPreferences.Editor]
delete rows in database [SQLiteDatabase]
delete rows in db [SQLiteDatabase]
delete rows in sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
delete runnable from message queue [View]
delete runnable from msg queue [View]
delete separator between items in ListView [ListView]
delete separator in ListView [ListView]
delete setting [SharedPreferences.Editor]
delete setting value [SharedPreferences.Editor]
delete shadow below Actionbar [ActionBar]
delete shadow from Actionbar [ActionBar]
delete sharedpref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
delete sharedpref value [SharedPreferences.Editor]
delete sharedpreference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
delete sharedpreference value [SharedPreferences.Editor]
delete sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
delete sqlite by Context [Context]
delete sqlite database by Context [Context]
delete sqlite database via Context [Context]
delete sqlite db by Context [Context]
delete sqlite db via Context [Context]
delete sqlite sqlite by Context [Context]
delete sqlite sqlite via Context [Context]
delete sqlite via Context [Context]
delete table from database [SQLiteDatabase]
delete table from db [SQLiteDatabase]
delete table from sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
delete title bar from Activity [Activity]
delete title from Dialog [Dialog]
delete trigger from database [SQLiteDatabase]
delete trigger from db [SQLiteDatabase]
delete trigger from sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
delete view [ViewGroup]
delete view by index [ViewGroup]
delete view focus [View]
delete view via index [ViewGroup]
destroy Activity [Activity]
destroy drawing cache [View]
disable 24 hour format for TimePicker [TimePicker]
disable EditText [View]
disable Preference [Preference]
disable TextView [TextView]
disable back key for dialog [Dialog]
disable blinking cursor in EditText [TextView]
disable cursor in EditText [TextView]
disable fading in Picasso [RequestCreator]
disable horizontal scrollbar [View]
disable long click for View [View]
disable long clickable for View [View]
disable selection in list [AbsListView]
disable vertical scrollbar [View]
disable view [View]
disable view element [View]
disable view instance [View]
disable wifi [WifiManager]
disable wireless network [WifiManager]
dismiss Animation [Animation]
dismiss AsyncTask [AsyncTask]
dismiss AsyncTask and do not interrupt if ongoing [AsyncTask]
dismiss AsyncTask and do not interrupt if running [AsyncTask]
dismiss AsyncTask and interrupt if ongoing [AsyncTask]
dismiss AsyncTask and interrupt if running [AsyncTask]
dismiss AsyncTask if not ongoing [AsyncTask]
dismiss AsyncTask if not running [AsyncTask]
dismiss AsyncTask with fire [AsyncTask]
dismiss Dialog [Dialog]
dismiss DialogFragment [DialogFragment]
dismiss PendingIntent [PendingIntent]
dismiss Toast [Toast]
dismiss ViewPropertyAnimator [ViewPropertyAnimator]
dismiss alarm [AlarmManager]
dismiss all notifications [NotificationManager]
dismiss animation of ViewPropertyAnimator [ViewPropertyAnimator]
dismiss animations for view [View]
dismiss download from DownloadManager [DownloadManager]
dismiss every notifications [NotificationManager]
dismiss long press [View]
dismiss long push [View]
dismiss notification [NotificationManager]
dismiss notification when user clicks notification [NotificationCompat.Builder]
dismiss pending syncs for account [ContentResolver]
dismiss vibrator [Vibrator]
display ActionBar [ActionBar]
display AlertDialog [AlertDialog.Builder]
display ProgressDialog [ProgressDialog]
display Snackbar [Snackbar]
display activity headline or subheadline in ActionBar [ActionBar]
display activity headline or subtitle in ActionBar [ActionBar]
display activity main window [Activity]
display activity title or subheadline in ActionBar [ActionBar]
display activity title or subtitle in ActionBar [ActionBar]
display app icon in Actionbar [ActionBar]
display app icon in action bar [ActionBar]
display application icon in Actionbar [ActionBar]
display application icon in action bar [ActionBar]
display buttons for zoom control in WebView [WebSettings]
display dialog [Dialog]
display dialog on display [Dialog]
display dialog on screen [Dialog]
display full site in WebView [WebSettings]
display full webpage in WebView [WebSettings]
display full website in WebView [WebSettings]
display horizontal scrollbar [View]
display html code in TextView [TextView]
display indeterminate ProgressBar in Activity [Activity]
display keyboard [InputMethodManager]
display notification [NotificationManager]
display notification with tag [NotificationManager]
display number keyboard in EditText [TextView]
display number softkeyboard in EditText [TextView]
display only numbers in keyboard [TextView]
display only numbers in softkeyboard [TextView]
display overflow menu in Toolbar [Toolbar]
display scrollbars on left side in ListView [AbsListView]
display should remain on for View [View]
display site from String in WebView [WebView]
display softkeyboard [InputMethodManager]
display text in upper case in TextView [TextView]
display toast [Toast]
display vertical scrollbar [View]
display view object [View]
display webpage from String in WebView [WebView]
display website from String in WebView [WebView]
display zoom buttons in WebView [WebSettings]
do a phone call
do basic database query [SQLiteDatabase]
do basic db query [SQLiteDatabase]
do basic sql query [SQLiteDatabase]
do basic sqlite query [SQLiteDatabase]
do only allow numbers in EditText [TextView]
do plain database query [SQLiteDatabase]
do plain db query [SQLiteDatabase]
do plain sql query [SQLiteDatabase]
do plain sqlite query [SQLiteDatabase]
do raw sql query with args [SQLiteDatabase]
do raw sql query with arguments [SQLiteDatabase]
does Activity main window have focus [Activity]
does ArrayList contains element [ArrayList]
does ArrayList includes element [ArrayList]
does File exist [File]
does HashMap contains key [HashMap]
does HashMap contains value [HashMap]
does HashMap includes key [HashMap]
does HashMap includes value [HashMap]
does String contain char sequence [String]
does String end with specified suffix [String]
does bundle contain element [BaseBundle]
does bundle contain key [BaseBundle]
does camera support autofocus [PackageManager]
does cursor point to first row [Cursor]
does cursor point to last row [Cursor]
draw circle on Canvas [Canvas]
draw rect on Canvas [Canvas]
draw rectangle on Canvas [Canvas]
draw text on Canvas [Canvas]
drop table from database [SQLiteDatabase]
drop table from db [SQLiteDatabase]
drop table from sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
drop trigger from database [SQLiteDatabase]
drop trigger from database database [SQLiteDatabase]
drop trigger from database db [SQLiteDatabase]
drop trigger from database sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
drop trigger from db [SQLiteDatabase]
drop trigger from db database [SQLiteDatabase]
drop trigger from db db [SQLiteDatabase]
drop trigger from db sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
drop trigger from sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
drop trigger from sqlite database [SQLiteDatabase]
drop trigger from sqlite db [SQLiteDatabase]
drop trigger from sqlite sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
duplicate SparseArray [SparseArray]
duplicate SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
duplicate SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
duplicate all extras from intent to another intent [Intent]
duplicate all extras from intent to different intent [Intent]
duplicate all extras from intent to intent [Intent]
duplicate all extras from intent to other intent [Intent]
duplicate all extras from source intent to target intent [Intent]
duplicate content values from another content values object [ContentValues]
duplicate content values from different content values object [ContentValues]
duplicate content values from other content values object [ContentValues]
duplicate every extras from intent to another intent [Intent]
duplicate every extras from intent to different intent [Intent]
duplicate every extras from intent to intent [Intent]
duplicate every extras from intent to other intent [Intent]
duplicate every extras from source intent to target intent [Intent]
duplicate html to clipboard [ClipboardManager]
duplicate text to clipboard [ClipboardManager]
duplicate uri to clipboard [ClipboardManager]
eliminate Actionbar shadow [ActionBar]
eliminate Activity headline bar [Activity]
eliminate Activity title bar [Activity]
eliminate AlertDialog icon [AlertDialog]
eliminate ArrayList element [ArrayList]
eliminate ArrayList object [ArrayList]
eliminate Dialog headline [Dialog]
eliminate Dialog title [Dialog]
eliminate DownloadManager download [DownloadManager]
eliminate Fragment in FragmentTransaction [FragmentTransaction]
eliminate ImageView image [ImageView]
eliminate ImageView photo [ImageView]
eliminate ImageView picture [ImageView]
eliminate OnClickListener [View]
eliminate SparseArray entry [SparseArray]
eliminate SparseArray mapping [SparseArray]
eliminate alarm [AlarmManager]
eliminate all callbacks and messages from Handler [Handler]
eliminate all child views [ViewGroup]
eliminate all elements from SparseArray [SparseArray]
eliminate all elements from SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
eliminate all elements from SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
eliminate all elements from mapping [BaseBundle]
eliminate all elements in bundle [BaseBundle]
eliminate all values from ContentValues [ContentValues]
eliminate background drawable from View [View]
eliminate background resource [View]
eliminate blinking cursor in EditText [TextView]
eliminate bundle entry [BaseBundle]
eliminate bundle extra [BaseBundle]
eliminate bundle state [BaseBundle]
eliminate child view [ViewGroup]
eliminate cursor in EditText [TextView]
eliminate database [SQLiteDatabase]
eliminate database by Context [Context]
eliminate database database by Context [Context]
eliminate database database via Context [Context]
eliminate database db by Context [Context]
eliminate database db via Context [Context]
eliminate database sqlite by Context [Context]
eliminate database sqlite via Context [Context]
eliminate database via Context [Context]
eliminate db [SQLiteDatabase]
eliminate db by Context [Context]
eliminate db database by Context [Context]
eliminate db database via Context [Context]
eliminate db db by Context [Context]
eliminate db db via Context [Context]
eliminate db sqlite by Context [Context]
eliminate db sqlite via Context [Context]
eliminate db via Context [Context]
eliminate divider in ListView [ListView]
eliminate download from DownloadManager [DownloadManager]
eliminate element at specified location in ArrayList [ArrayList]
eliminate element from ArrayList [ArrayList]
eliminate element from SparseArray by index [SparseArray]
eliminate element from SparseArray via index [SparseArray]
eliminate element from SparseBooleanArray by key [SparseBooleanArray]
eliminate element from SparseBooleanArray via key [SparseBooleanArray]
eliminate elements in specified range in ArrayList [ArrayList]
eliminate enter and exit animation from Activity [Activity]
eliminate enter and exit transition from Activity [Activity]
eliminate entry by key from bundle [BaseBundle]
eliminate entry from SparseArray [SparseArray]
eliminate entry from bundle [BaseBundle]
eliminate entry via key from bundle [BaseBundle]
eliminate every callbacks and messages from Handler [Handler]
eliminate every child views [ViewGroup]
eliminate every elements from SparseArray [SparseArray]
eliminate every elements from SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
eliminate every elements from SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
eliminate every elements from mapping [BaseBundle]
eliminate every elements in bundle [BaseBundle]
eliminate every values from ContentValues [ContentValues]
eliminate exit and enter transition from Activity [Activity]
eliminate extra from bundle [BaseBundle]
eliminate file [Context]
eliminate file by File object [File]
eliminate file via File object [File]
eliminate focus from view [View]
eliminate focus from view element [View]
eliminate from SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
eliminate from table [SQLiteDatabase]
eliminate headline bar from Activity [Activity]
eliminate headline from Dialog [Dialog]
eliminate icon from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
eliminate image from ImageView [ImageView]
eliminate line between items in ListView [ListView]
eliminate mapping from SparseArray [SparseArray]
eliminate object at specified location in ArrayList [ArrayList]
eliminate object from ArrayList [ArrayList]
eliminate on click listener [View]
eliminate photo from ImageView [ImageView]
eliminate picture from ImageView [ImageView]
eliminate pref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
eliminate pref value [SharedPreferences.Editor]
eliminate preference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
eliminate preference value [SharedPreferences.Editor]
eliminate rows in database [SQLiteDatabase]
eliminate rows in db [SQLiteDatabase]
eliminate rows in sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
eliminate runnable from message queue [View]
eliminate runnable from msg queue [View]
eliminate separator between items in ListView [ListView]
eliminate separator in ListView [ListView]
eliminate setting [SharedPreferences.Editor]
eliminate setting value [SharedPreferences.Editor]
eliminate shadow below Actionbar [ActionBar]
eliminate shadow from Actionbar [ActionBar]
eliminate sharedpref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
eliminate sharedpref value [SharedPreferences.Editor]
eliminate sharedpreference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
eliminate sharedpreference value [SharedPreferences.Editor]
eliminate sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
eliminate sqlite by Context [Context]
eliminate sqlite database by Context [Context]
eliminate sqlite database via Context [Context]
eliminate sqlite db by Context [Context]
eliminate sqlite db via Context [Context]
eliminate sqlite sqlite by Context [Context]
eliminate sqlite sqlite via Context [Context]
eliminate sqlite via Context [Context]
eliminate table from database [SQLiteDatabase]
eliminate table from db [SQLiteDatabase]
eliminate table from sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
eliminate title bar from Activity [Activity]
eliminate title from Dialog [Dialog]
eliminate trigger from database [SQLiteDatabase]
eliminate trigger from db [SQLiteDatabase]
eliminate trigger from sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
eliminate view [ViewGroup]
eliminate view by index [ViewGroup]
eliminate view focus [View]
eliminate view via index [ViewGroup]
empty ArrayList [ArrayList]
empty Calendar [Calendar]
empty ContentValues [ContentValues]
empty HashMap [HashMap]
empty ImageView [ImageView]
empty LinkedList [LinkedList]
empty List [List]
empty Map [Map]
empty Set [Set]
empty SparseArray [SparseArray]
empty SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
empty SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
empty bundle [BaseBundle]
empty caches in EventBus [EventBus]
empty data from bitmap [Bitmap]
empty focus [View]
empty image in ImageView [ImageView]
empty info from bitmap [Bitmap]
empty information from bitmap [Bitmap]
empty latitude from Address [Address]
empty lon from Address [Address]
empty longitude from Address [Address]
empty photo in ImageView [ImageView]
empty picture in ImageView [ImageView]
empty pref change [SharedPreferences.Editor]
empty preference change [SharedPreferences.Editor]
empty setting change [SharedPreferences.Editor]
empty sharedpref change [SharedPreferences.Editor]
empty sharedpreference change [SharedPreferences.Editor]
emulate a button click [View]
enable 24 hour format for TimePicker [TimePicker]
enable EditText [View]
enable Preference [Preference]
enable TextView [TextView]
enable all caps in TextView [TextView]
enable anti aliasing at Paint [Paint]
enable app cache in WebSettings [WebSettings]
enable app cache in WebView [WebSettings]
enable application cache in WebSettings [WebSettings]
enable application cache in WebView [WebSettings]
enable dom filesystem for WebView [WebSettings]
enable dom storage for WebView [WebSettings]
enable every caps in TextView [TextView]
enable geolocation in WebSettings [WebSettings]
enable geolocation in WebView [WebSettings]
enable haptic feedback [View]
enable hardware rendering for view [View]
enable home up icon in ActionBar [ActionBar]
enable horizontal scroll bar [View]
enable javascript in WebView [WebSettings]
enable javascript in preferences [WebSettings]
enable javascript in prefs [WebSettings]
enable javascript in settings [WebSettings]
enable javascript in sharedpreferences [WebSettings]
enable javascript in sharedprefs [WebSettings]
enable local filesystem for WebView [WebSettings]
enable local storage for WebView [WebSettings]
enable long click for view [View]
enable long clickable for view [View]
enable media volume key for Activity [Activity]
enable multi choice mode for list [AbsListView]
enable multi modal selection mode [AbsListView]
enable options menu for Fragment [Fragment]
enable scrolling in TextView [TextView]
enable single choice mode for list [AbsListView]
enable software rendering for view [View]
enable underline text for Paint [Paint]
enable underline text in Paint [Paint]
enable vertical scroll bar [View]
enable view [View]
enable view element [View]
enable view instance [View]
enable wifi [WifiManager]
enable wireless network [WifiManager]
enable zoom by gesture in WebView [WebSettings]
enable zoom in WebView [WebSettings]
enable zoom via gesture in WebView [WebSettings]
encode Uri [Uri]
end sql transaction [SQLiteDatabase]
end transaction [SQLiteDatabase]
enqueue download to queue [DownloadManager]
ensure capacity for ArrayList [ArrayList]
execute AsyncTask [AsyncTask]
execute AsyncTask with Runnable [AsyncTask]
execute basic sql [SQLiteDatabase]
execute basic sql query with args [SQLiteDatabase]
execute basic sql query with arguments [SQLiteDatabase]
execute plain sql [SQLiteDatabase]
execute plain sql query with args [SQLiteDatabase]
execute plain sql query with arguments [SQLiteDatabase]
execute raw sql query [SQLiteDatabase]
execute raw sql query with args [SQLiteDatabase]
execute raw sql query with arguments [SQLiteDatabase]
execute runnable delayed from Handler [Handler]
execute runnable delayed from View [View]
execute runnable with delay from View [View]
execute sql query [SQLiteDatabase]
execute sql update statement [SQLiteDatabase]
fade in view
fade in view element
fade out view
fade out view element
fill viewport in HorizontalScrollView [HorizontalScrollView]
fill viewport in ScrollView [ScrollView]
find Preference by key [PreferenceFragment]
find Preference by key from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
find Preference via key [PreferenceFragment]
find Preference via key from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
find fragment by id [FragmentManager]
find fragment by identifier [FragmentManager]
find fragment by tag [FragmentManager]
find fragment via id [FragmentManager]
find fragment via identifier [FragmentManager]
find fragment via tag [FragmentManager]
find menu item by id [Menu]
find menu item by identifier [Menu]
find menu item via id [Menu]
find menu item via identifier [Menu]
find nearest view for focus [View]
find next view for focus [View]
find view by id [View]
find view by id in Activity [Activity]
find view by id in Dialog [Dialog]
find view by identifier [View]
find view by identifier in Activity [Activity]
find view by identifier in Dialog [Dialog]
find view by resource id [View]
find view by resource identifier [View]
find view by tag [View]
find view in Dialog [Dialog]
find view in activity [Activity]
find view in hierarchy with focus [View]
find view via id [View]
find view via id in Activity [Activity]
find view via id in Dialog [Dialog]
find view via identifier [View]
find view via identifier in Activity [Activity]
find view via identifier in Dialog [Dialog]
find view via resource id [View]
find view via resource identifier [View]
find view via tag [View]
find view with focus [View]
find view with tag [View]
find views by text [View]
find views via text [View]
finish Activity [Activity]
finish FragmentTransaction [FragmentTransaction]
finish activity by request code [Activity]
finish activity via request code [Activity]
finish all notifications [NotificationManager]
finish every notifications [NotificationManager]
finish notification [NotificationManager]
finish sql transaction [SQLiteDatabase]
force creation of Dialog [Dialog]
format Date object by DateFormat [DateFormat]
format Date object via DateFormat [DateFormat]
format Date to String
format Object by Formatter [Format]
format Object via Formatter [Format]
format String to Date
format double to String with one decimal places
format double to String with three decimal places
format double to String with two decimal places
format value of NumberFormat [NumberFormat]
generate new view id [View]
generate new view identifier [View]
generate random int [Random]
generate random int value [Random]
generate random int value with upper limit [Random]
generate random int with upper limit [Random]
generate random number [Random]
generate random number with upper limit [Random]
generate view id [View]
generate view identifier [View]
get AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator [AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator]
get AccelerateInterpolator [AccelerateInterpolator]
get AccountManager [Context]
get AccountManager from AccountManager getter [AccountManager]
get ActionBar [Activity]
get ActionBar subheadline [ActionBar]
get ActionBar subtitle [ActionBar]
get Actionbar from Activity [Activity]
get Activity from Fragment [Fragment]
get ActivityManager [Context]
get AdapterView.OnItemClickListener
get AdapterView.OnItemLongClickListener
get AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener
get AlarmManager [Context]
get Animation.AnimationListener
get AppWidgetManager [Context]
get AppWidgetManager instance from AppWidgetManager class [AppWidgetManager]
get Application [Activity]
get ApplicationContext [Context]
get AssetManager [Context]
get AudioManager [Context]
get BatteryManager [Context]
get Bitmap from BitmapDrawable [BitmapDrawable]
get BitmapDrawable from ImageView [ImageView]
get BluetoothAdapter [BluetoothAdapter]
get BounceInterpolator [BounceInterpolator]
get Calendar [Calendar]
get Canvas height [Canvas]
get Canvas width [Canvas]
get ClassLoader [Context]
get ClipData from Intent [Intent]
get ClipboardManager [Context]
get Color from hexadecimal color string [Color]
get ComponentName from Activity [Activity]
get CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener
get Configuration [Resources]
get ConnectivityManager [Context]
get ContentResolver [Context]
get ContentValues [ContentValues]
get Context [View]
get Context from Fragment [Fragment]
get Context from LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
get Context from View [View]
get Date from Calendar [Calendar]
get DatePicker.OnDateChangedListener
get DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener
get DecelerateInterpolator [DecelerateInterpolator]
get DialogInterface.OnCancelListener
get DialogInterface.OnClickListener
get DialogInterface.OnDismissListener
get DialogInterface.OnKeyListener
get DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener
get DialogInterface.OnShowListener
get Display [WindowManager]
get DisplayMetrics [Resources]
get Double from ContentValues [ContentValues]
get DownloadManager [Context]
get Drawable by id by Context [Context]
get Drawable by id via Context [Context]
get Drawable by identifier by Context [Context]
get Drawable by identifier via Context [Context]
get Drawable from ImageView [ImageView]
get Drawable from Resources by Context [Context]
get Drawable from Resources via Context [Context]
get Drawable from path [Drawable]
get Drawable via id by Context [Context]
get Drawable via id via Context [Context]
get Drawable via identifier by Context [Context]
get Drawable via identifier via Context [Context]
get EventBus [EventBus]
get FileDescriptor from ParcelFileDescriptor [ParcelFileDescriptor]
get Float from ContentValues [ContentValues]
get FragmentManager [Activity]
get FragmentManager from Fragment [Fragment]
get HardwarePropertiesManager [Context]
get HashMap dimension [HashMap]
get HashMap size [HashMap]
get IMEI or MEID from device [TelephonyManager]
get InputMethodManager [Context]
get Integer from ContentValues [ContentValues]
get IntentFilter [IntentFilter]
get Iterator from ArrayList [ArrayList]
get JobScheduler [Context]
get KeyguardManager [Context]
get LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
get LayoutInflater by Context [LayoutInflater]
get LayoutInflater via Context [LayoutInflater]
get LinearInterpolator [LinearInterpolator]
get LinearLayoutManager [LinearLayoutManager]
get LinkMovementMethod [LinkMovementMethod]
get LinkedList dimension [LinkedList]
get LinkedList size [LinkedList]
get ListView from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
get LoaderManager for activity [Activity]
get LoaderManager from Fragment [Fragment]
get LocalBroadcastManager [LocalBroadcastManager]
get Locale from Address [Address]
get LocationManager [Context]
get Long from ContentValues [ContentValues]
get Looper from HandlerThread [HandlerThread]
get Looper from handler [Handler]
get LruCache cache dimension [LruCache]
get LruCache cache size [LruCache]
get MAC address of WiFi network [WifiInfo]
get MediaPlayer.OnBufferingUpdateListener
get MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener
get MediaPlayer.OnErrorListener
get MediaPlayer.OnInfoListener
get MediaPlayer.OnPreparedListener
get MediaPlayer.OnSeekCompleteListener
get MediaPlayer.OnTimedMetaDataAvailableListener
get MediaPlayer.OnTimedTextListener
get MediaPlayer.OnVideoSizeChangedListener
get MenuInflater [Activity]
get NetworkInfo [ConnectivityManager]
get NetworkStatsManager [Context]
get Nfc manager [Context]
get NfcAdapter [NfcManager]
get NfcManager [Context]
get NotificationManager [Context]
get Object from ContentValues [ContentValues]
get PackageManager [Context]
get Paint color [Paint]
get Parcelable object from Parcel [Parcel]
get PendingIntent for Activity [PendingIntent]
get PendingIntent for Broadcast [PendingIntent]
get Picasso [Picasso]
get PowerManager [Context]
get Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener
get Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener
get PreferenceManager from PreferenceFragment [PreferenceFragment]
get PreferenceScreen from PreferenceFragment [PreferenceFragment]
get Random [Random]
get RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
get RequestCreator [Picasso]
get Resources [Context]
get Resources from Fragment [Fragment]
get Resources from View [View]
get Resources object [Context]
get Runtime [Runtime]
get Runtime instance [Runtime]
get Runtime instance for the current app [Runtime]
get Runtime instance for the current application [Runtime]
get ScrollingMovementMethod [ScrollingMovementMethod]
get SearchManager [Context]
get SharedPreferences [PreferenceManager]
get SharedPreferences by name and mode [Context]
get SharedPreferences editor [SharedPreferences]
get SharedPreferences for this activity [Activity]
get SharedPreferences via name and mode [Context]
get Short from ContentValues [ContentValues]
get Short object from ContentValues [ContentValues]
get SparseArray [SparseArray]
get StackTraceElement array from Thread [Thread]
get String [Context]
get String from ContentValues [ContentValues]
get String from Parcel [Parcel]
get String from StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
get String length [String]
get TaskStackBuilder [TaskStackBuilder]
get TelephonyManager [Context]
get TextWatcher
get Thread from Looper [Looper]
get TimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener
get TimeZone [TimeZone]
get TimeZone from Calendar [Calendar]
get Toast duration [Toast]
get Toolbar.OnMenuItemClickListener
get UTF8 charset [Charset]
get UiModeManager [Context]
get Uri data from Intent [Intent]
get Uri info from Intent [Intent]
get Uri information from Intent [Intent]
get Url from Address [Address]
get Vibrator [Context]
get View from Toast [Toast]
get View object from Toast [Toast]
get View with focus [View]
get View.OnClickListener
get View.OnCreateContextMenuListener
get View.OnFocusChangeListener
get View.OnKeyListener
get ViewTreeObserver for view hierarchy [View]
get VoiceInteractor [Activity]
get VoiceInteractor from Activity [Activity]
get WebSettings [WebView]
get WebView preferences [WebView]
get WebView prefs [WebView]
get WebView settings [WebView]
get WebView sharedpreferences [WebView]
get WebView sharedprefs [WebView]
get WifiInfo [WifiManager]
get WifiManager [Context]
get WifiP2pManager [Context]
get Window [Activity]
get Window from Dialog [Dialog]
get WindowManager [Context]
get account service [Context]
get action from Intent [Intent]
get action from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
get active network data [ConnectivityManager]
get active network info [ConnectivityManager]
get active network information [ConnectivityManager]
get active notifications [NotificationManager]
get activity headline [Activity]
get activity headline color [Activity]
get activity manager [Context]
get activity title [Activity]
get activity title color [Activity]
get alarm manager [Context]
get all accounts [AccountManager]
get all active notifications [NotificationManager]
get all bundle data from Intent [Intent]
get all bundle info from Intent [Intent]
get all bundle information from Intent [Intent]
get all from preferences [SharedPreferences]
get all from prefs [SharedPreferences]
get all from settings [SharedPreferences]
get all from sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences]
get all from sharedprefs [SharedPreferences]
get all ongoing background services [ActivityManager]
get all query parameters [Uri]
get all query parameters from Uri [Uri]
get all running background services [ActivityManager]
get all segments from Uri [Uri]
get all sent sms messages [ContentResolver]
get all sms from Inbox [ContentResolver]
get all sms from draft dir [ContentResolver]
get all sms from draft directory [ContentResolver]
get all sms from draft folder [ContentResolver]
get all values from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
get alpha [View]
get alpha component of a Color [Color]
get alpha of view [View]
get alpha value from Color [Color]
get alpha value of View [View]
get alpha value of View instance [View]
get amount of children [ViewGroup]
get and add value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
get and add value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
get and decrement value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
get and decrement value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
get and increment value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
get and increment value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
get and set value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
get and set value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
get animation from view [View]
get animation from view element [View]
get app main looper [Looper]
get app package name [Context]
get app widget manager [AppWidgetManager]
get app widget service [Context]
get application main looper [Looper]
get application package name [Context]
get application widget manager [AppWidgetManager]
get application widget service [Context]
get asset manager [Context]
get assets [Context]
get assoicated Activity from Fragment [Fragment]
get audio manager [Context]
get audio session id [MediaPlayer]
get audio session identifier [MediaPlayer]
get authority from Uri [Uri]
get back stack count [FragmentManager]
get back stack entry count [FragmentManager]
get background from View [View]
get background tint list [View]
get background tint mode [View]
get base dir [Context]
get base directory [Context]
get base folder [Context]
get baseline offset [View]
get basic stacktrace from exception [Log]
get basic trace from exception [Log]
get basic x coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
get basic y coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
get battery manager [Context]
get battery service [Context]
get bitmap from ParcelFileDescriptor
get bitmap from Resources [BitmapFactory]
get bitmap from file path [BitmapFactory]
get bitmap from file path with options [BitmapFactory]
get bitmap from uri
get bitmap height [Bitmap]
get bitmap width [Bitmap]
get blob value from Cursor [Cursor]
get blob value from Cursor by column index [Cursor]
get blob value from Cursor via column index [Cursor]
get blue component of color [Color]
get blue value of Color [Color]
get boolean array extra from Intent [Intent]
get boolean array from Intent [Intent]
get boolean array from bundle [BaseBundle]
get boolean array state [BaseBundle]
get boolean extra from Intent [Intent]
get boolean from ContentValues [ContentValues]
get boolean from Intent [Intent]
get boolean from Resources [Resources]
get boolean from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
get boolean from TypedArray [TypedArray]
get boolean from bundle [BaseBundle]
get boolean from pref [SharedPreferences]
get boolean from preference [SharedPreferences]
get boolean from preferences [SharedPreferences]
get boolean from prefs [SharedPreferences]
get boolean from resources by id [Resources]
get boolean from resources by identifier [Resources]
get boolean from resources via id [Resources]
get boolean from resources via identifier [Resources]
get boolean from setting [SharedPreferences]
get boolean from settings [SharedPreferences]
get boolean from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
get boolean from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
get boolean from sharedprefs [SharedPreferences]
get boolean state [BaseBundle]
get boolean state with default [BaseBundle]
get bottom from View [View]
get bottom padding of View [View]
get bottom position of view [View]
get bundle dimension [BaseBundle]
get bundle from Intent [Intent]
get bundle size [BaseBundle]
get button from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
get button negative from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
get button neutral from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
get button positive from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
get byte array encoded as UTF8 from String [String]
get byte array extra from Intent [Intent]
get byte array from ContentValues [ContentValues]
get byte array from Intent [Intent]
get byte array from String [String]
get byte array from String with specified charset [String]
get byte extra from Intent [Intent]
get byte from ContentValues [ContentValues]
get byte from Intent [Intent]
get bytes from String [String]
get cache dir [Context]
get cache directory [Context]
get cache folder [Context]
get calling activity [Activity]
get capacity of StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
get categories from Intent [Intent]
get char at specified index in String [String]
get char extra from Intent [Intent]
get char from Intent [Intent]
get checked RadioButton in group [RadioGroup]
get child by index [ViewGroup]
get child count [ViewGroup]
get child via index [ViewGroup]
get class loader [Context]
get clear and immutable List [Collections]
get clear and immutable Map [Collections]
get clear and immutable Set [Collections]
get clipboard data from Intent [Intent]
get clipboard info from Intent [Intent]
get clipboard information from Intent [Intent]
get clipboard manager [Context]
get clipboard service [Context]
get clone of LruCache [LruCache]
get code cache dir [Context]
get code cache directory [Context]
get code cache folder [Context]
get color [Context]
get color as hex color string from Resources [Resources]
get color as string value from Resources [Resources]
get color from Paint [Paint]
get color from Resources [Resources]
get color from Resources by id [Resources]
get color from Resources by identifier [Resources]
get color from Resources via id [Resources]
get color from Resources via identifier [Resources]
get color from TypedArray [TypedArray]
get column index by name [Cursor]
get column index by name or fail [Cursor]
get column index via name [Cursor]
get column index via name or fail [Cursor]
get component name from Activity [Activity]
get connection manager [Context]
get connection service [Context]
get connectivity manager [Context]
get connectivity service [Context]
get constant BigDecimal zero [BigDecimal]
get constant direction landscape [Configuration]
get constant direction portrait [Configuration]
get constant media mounted [Environment]
get constant media mounted read only [Environment]
get constant orientation landscape [Configuration]
get constant orientation portrait [Configuration]
get constant permission denied [PackageManager]
get constant permission granted [PackageManager]
get content resolver [Context]
get context reference from Fragment [Fragment]
get copy of LruCache [LruCache]
get count of misses from LruCache [LruCache]
get country code from Address [Address]
get country name from Address [Address]
get current Thread [Thread]
get current database version [SQLiteDatabase]
get current day of week as string
get current db version [SQLiteDatabase]
get current display density factor [DisplayMetrics]
get current display density group [DisplayMetrics]
get current display direction [Configuration]
get current display direction from phone [Configuration]
get current display direction from telephone [Configuration]
get current display orientation [Configuration]
get current display orientation from phone [Configuration]
get current display orientation from telephone [Configuration]
get current element with focus in Activity [Activity]
get current element with focus in Dialog [Dialog]
get current element with focus in Window [Window]
get current focused element in Activity [Activity]
get current focused element in Dialog [Dialog]
get current focused element in Window [Window]
get current locale [Configuration]
get current month as string
get current notification policy [NotificationManager]
get current playback position [MediaPlayer]
get current position from MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
get current position of cursor [Cursor]
get current position of video playback [VideoView]
get current progress from ProgressBar [ProgressBar]
get current screen density factor [DisplayMetrics]
get current screen density group [DisplayMetrics]
get current screen direction [Configuration]
get current screen direction from phone [Configuration]
get current screen direction from telephone [Configuration]
get current screen orientation [Configuration]
get current screen orientation from phone [Configuration]
get current screen orientation from telephone [Configuration]
get current sqlite version [SQLiteDatabase]
get current stacktrace
get current time in millis [System]
get current time in milliseconds [System]
get current video position [VideoView]
get current vm heap dimension [Runtime]
get current vm heap dimension in bytes [Runtime]
get current vm heap size [Runtime]
get current vm heap size in bytes [Runtime]
get data about a package [PackageManager]
get data about connected network [ConnectivityManager]
get data about installed app [PackageManager]
get data about installed application [PackageManager]
get data from Intent [Intent]
get data type of column [Cursor]
get database path [Context]
get database path on filesystem [Context]
get database path on storage [Context]
get database version [SQLiteDatabase]
get day of month from Calendar [Calendar]
get db path [Context]
get db path on filesystem [Context]
get db path on storage [Context]
get db version [SQLiteDatabase]
get dcim dir [Environment]
get dcim directory [Environment]
get dcim folder [Environment]
get default Calendar instance [Calendar]
get default EventBus [EventBus]
get default SharedPreferences from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
get default TimeZone [TimeZone]
get default notification Uri [RingtoneManager]
get default pref from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
get default preference from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
get default setting from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
get default sharedpref from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
get default sharedpreference from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
get device id [TelephonyManager]
get device identifier [TelephonyManager]
get device manufacturer [Build]
get device name [Build]
get dimension from ContentValues [ContentValues]
get dimension from Resources by id [Resources]
get dimension from Resources by identifier [Resources]
get dimension from Resources via id [Resources]
get dimension from Resources via identifier [Resources]
get dimension from bundle [BaseBundle]
get dimension of ArrayList [ArrayList]
get dimension of LruCache [LruCache]
get dimension of SparseArray [SparseArray]
get dimension of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
get dimension of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
get dimension of bundle [BaseBundle]
get dimension value from Resources [Resources]
get dimension value from TypedArray [TypedArray]
get dimension value from TypedArray at index [TypedArray]
get dimension value in pixel from TypedArray [TypedArray]
get dimension value in pixels from Resources [Resources]
get dimensional resource in pixel by id [Resources]
get dimensional resource in pixel by identifier [Resources]
get dimensional resource in pixel via id [Resources]
get dimensional resource in pixel via identifier [Resources]
get dir path [Context]
get directory path [Context]
get display coordinates for View [View]
get display direction from phone [Configuration]
get display direction from telephone [Configuration]
get display height [DisplayMetrics]
get display height in pixels [DisplayMetrics]
get display orientation from phone [Configuration]
get display orientation from telephone [Configuration]
get display position for View [View]
get display width [DisplayMetrics]
get display width in pixels [DisplayMetrics]
get displayed text from TextView [TextView]
get distance in meters between two locations [Location]
get double array extra from Intent [Intent]
get double array from Intent [Intent]
get double array from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
get double array state with default [BaseBundle]
get double extra from Intent [Intent]
get double from Intent [Intent]
get double from bundle [BaseBundle]
get double from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
get double state [BaseBundle]
get double state with default [BaseBundle]
get double value from BigDecimal [BigDecimal]
get download manager [Context]
get download service [Context]
get drawable by id from Context [Context]
get drawable by id from Resources [Resources]
get drawable by identifier from Context [Context]
get drawable by identifier from Resources [Resources]
get drawable by name [Resources]
get drawable by name from resources [Resources]
get drawable from Resources [Resources]
get drawable from Resources by id [Resources]
get drawable from Resources by identifier [Resources]
get drawable from Resources via id [Resources]
get drawable from Resources via identifier [Resources]
get drawable from TypedArray [TypedArray]
get drawable from resources by name [Resources]
get drawable from resources via name [Resources]
get drawable via id from Context [Context]
get drawable via id from Resources [Resources]
get drawable via identifier from Context [Context]
get drawable via identifier from Resources [Resources]
get drawable via name [Resources]
get drawable via name from resources [Resources]
get duplicate of LruCache [LruCache]
get duration from Toast [Toast]
get duration from video [VideoView]
get duration of VideView [VideoView]
get duration of file in MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
get elapsed time in nanoseconds since boot [SystemClock]
get element at specified location in ArrayList [ArrayList]
get element from HashMap [HashMap]
get element from SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
get element from SparseBooleanArray or default [SparseBooleanArray]
get element from SparseIntArray by key [SparseIntArray]
get element from SparseIntArray via key [SparseIntArray]
get elevation from ActionBar [ActionBar]
get empty and immutable List [Collections]
get empty and immutable Map [Collections]
get empty and immutable Set [Collections]
get enabled state of view [View]
get every accounts [AccountManager]
get every active notifications [NotificationManager]
get every bundle data from Intent [Intent]
get every bundle info from Intent [Intent]
get every bundle information from Intent [Intent]
get every from preferences [SharedPreferences]
get every from prefs [SharedPreferences]
get every from settings [SharedPreferences]
get every from sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences]
get every from sharedprefs [SharedPreferences]
get every ongoing background services [ActivityManager]
get every query parameters [Uri]
get every query parameters from Uri [Uri]
get every running background services [ActivityManager]
get every segments from Uri [Uri]
get every sent sms messages [ContentResolver]
get every sms from Inbox [ContentResolver]
get every sms from draft dir [ContentResolver]
get every sms from draft directory [ContentResolver]
get every sms from draft folder [ContentResolver]
get every values from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
get external cache dir [Context]
get external cache directory [Context]
get external cache folder [Context]
get external dcim dir [Environment]
get external dcim directory [Environment]
get external dcim folder [Environment]
get external file dir [Environment]
get external file directory [Environment]
get external file folder [Environment]
get external files dir [Context]
get external files directory [Context]
get external files folder [Context]
get external filesystem [Context]
get external filesystem dir [Environment]
get external filesystem dir for alarms [Environment]
get external filesystem dir for documents [Environment]
get external filesystem dir for downloads [Environment]
get external filesystem dir for movies [Environment]
get external filesystem dir for music [Environment]
get external filesystem dir for pictures [Environment]
get external filesystem directory [Environment]
get external filesystem directory for alarms [Environment]
get external filesystem directory for documents [Environment]
get external filesystem directory for downloads [Environment]
get external filesystem directory for movies [Environment]
get external filesystem directory for music [Environment]
get external filesystem directory for pictures [Environment]
get external filesystem folder [Environment]
get external filesystem folder for alarms [Environment]
get external filesystem folder for documents [Environment]
get external filesystem folder for downloads [Environment]
get external filesystem folder for movies [Environment]
get external filesystem folder for music [Environment]
get external filesystem folder for pictures [Environment]
get external filesystem for ringtones [Environment]
get external filesystem public dir [Environment]
get external filesystem public directory [Environment]
get external filesystem public folder [Environment]
get external storage [Context]
get external storage dir [Environment]
get external storage dir for alarms [Environment]
get external storage dir for documents [Environment]
get external storage dir for downloads [Environment]
get external storage dir for movies [Environment]
get external storage dir for music [Environment]
get external storage dir for pictures [Environment]
get external storage directory [Environment]
get external storage directory for alarms [Environment]
get external storage directory for documents [Environment]
get external storage directory for downloads [Environment]
get external storage directory for movies [Environment]
get external storage directory for music [Environment]
get external storage directory for pictures [Environment]
get external storage folder [Environment]
get external storage folder for alarms [Environment]
get external storage folder for documents [Environment]
get external storage folder for downloads [Environment]
get external storage folder for movies [Environment]
get external storage folder for music [Environment]
get external storage folder for pictures [Environment]
get external storage for ringtones [Environment]
get external storage public dir [Environment]
get external storage public directory [Environment]
get external storage public folder [Environment]
get extras from Intent [Intent]
get extras from notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
get file duration in MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
get file stream path [Context]
get files dir [Context]
get files directory [Context]
get files folder [Context]
get filesystem dir for alarms [Environment]
get filesystem dir for documents [Environment]
get filesystem dir for downloads [Environment]
get filesystem dir for images [Environment]
get filesystem dir for movies [Environment]
get filesystem dir for music [Environment]
get filesystem dir for pictures [Environment]
get filesystem dir for ringtones [Environment]
get filesystem directory for alarms [Environment]
get filesystem directory for documents [Environment]
get filesystem directory for downloads [Environment]
get filesystem directory for images [Environment]
get filesystem directory for movies [Environment]
get filesystem directory for music [Environment]
get filesystem directory for pictures [Environment]
get filesystem directory for ringtones [Environment]
get filesystem folder for alarms [Environment]
get filesystem folder for documents [Environment]
get filesystem folder for downloads [Environment]
get filesystem folder for images [Environment]
get filesystem folder for movies [Environment]
get filesystem folder for music [Environment]
get filesystem folder for pictures [Environment]
get filesystem folder for ringtones [Environment]
get first element of LinkedList [LinkedList]
get float array extra from Intent [Intent]
get float array from Intent [Intent]
get float extra from Intent [Intent]
get float from Intent [Intent]
get float from Parcel [Parcel]
get float from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
get float from TypedArray [TypedArray]
get float from pref [SharedPreferences]
get float from preference [SharedPreferences]
get float from setting [SharedPreferences]
get float from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
get float from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
get focus for view [View]
get focus for view and set direction [View]
get focus for view and set orientation [View]
get focused View element in Activity [Activity]
get focused View element in Dialog [Dialog]
get focused View element in Window [Window]
get folder path [Context]
get formatted string [Context]
get formatted string from Fragment [Fragment]
get formatted string from xml [Context]
get fragment part from Uri [Uri]
get general action from Intent [Intent]
get gps location [LocationManager]
get green component of Color [Color]
get green value of Color [Color]
get hardware properties manager [Context]
get hardware properties service [Context]
get hash code from Account [Account]
get headline color from Activity [Activity]
get headline from ActionBar [ActionBar]
get headline from Toolbar [Toolbar]
get headline from action bar [ActionBar]
get headline from activity [Activity]
get height from View [View]
get height of ActionBar [ActionBar]
get height of Canvas [Canvas]
get height of Rect [Rect]
get height of bitmap [Bitmap]
get height of rectangle [Rect]
get hide offset of ActionBar [ActionBar]
get horizontal scroll position for View [View]
get host from Uri [Uri]
get host instance from Fragment [Fragment]
get host object from Fragment [Fragment]
get hour from Calendar [Calendar]
get human readable description of Intent [Intent]
get human readable description of SparseArray [SparseArray]
get human readable description of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
get human readable description of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
get human readable description of view [View]
get human readable representation of Bundle [Bundle]
get id from Fragment [Fragment]
get id from View [View]
get identifier from Fragment [Fragment]
get identifier from View [View]
get immutable and clear List [Collections]
get immutable and clear Map [Collections]
get immutable and clear Set [Collections]
get immutable and empty List [Collections]
get immutable and empty Map [Collections]
get immutable and empty Set [Collections]
get index by column name [Cursor]
get index of column or throw error [Cursor]
get index of object in ArrayList [ArrayList]
get index via column name [Cursor]
get info about a package [PackageManager]
get info about connected network [ConnectivityManager]
get info about installed app [PackageManager]
get info about installed application [PackageManager]
get info from Intent [Intent]
get info type of column [Cursor]
get information about a package [PackageManager]
get information about connected network [ConnectivityManager]
get information about installed app [PackageManager]
get information about installed application [PackageManager]
get information from Intent [Intent]
get information type of column [Cursor]
get input method manager [Context]
get input method service [Context]
get instance of Date [Date]
get int array extra from Intent [Intent]
get int array from Intent [Intent]
get int array from Resources [Resources]
get int array from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
get int by id [Resources]
get int by identifier [Resources]
get int from Parcel [Parcel]
get int from Resources [Resources]
get int from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
get int from TypedArray [TypedArray]
get int from bundle [BaseBundle]
get int from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
get int from pref [SharedPreferences]
get int from preference [SharedPreferences]
get int from setting [SharedPreferences]
get int from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
get int from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
get int value by column index [Cursor]
get int value from cursor [Cursor]
get int value via column index [Cursor]
get int via id [Resources]
get int via identifier [Resources]
get integer array by id [Resources]
get integer array by identifier [Resources]
get integer array via id [Resources]
get integer array via identifier [Resources]
get integer from TypedArray [TypedArray]
get integer from preferences [SharedPreferences]
get integer from prefs [SharedPreferences]
get integer from settings [SharedPreferences]
get integer from sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences]
get integer from sharedprefs [SharedPreferences]
get intent from Activity [Activity]
get intent that started activity [Activity]
get item count from Adapter [Adapter]
get item from Adapter by position [Adapter]
get item from Adapter via position [Adapter]
get job scheduler [Context]
get key for Preference [Preference]
get keyguard manager [Context]
get keyguard service [Context]
get keys from bundle [BaseBundle]
get keyset from bundle [BaseBundle]
get last element of LinkedList [LinkedList]
get last index of char [TextUtils]
get last index of character [TextUtils]
get last index of element in ArrayList [ArrayList]
get last known location [LocationManager]
get last path segment [Uri]
get last path segment from Uri [Uri]
get latitude from Address [Address]
get latitude from Location [Location]
get layout inflater from Dialog [Dialog]
get layout inflater in Dialog [Dialog]
get layout params for View [View]
get left padding of View [View]
get left position from View [View]
get left position from view to its parent [View]
get length of String [String]
get length of StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
get length of text from TextView [TextView]
get length of values in TypedArray [TypedArray]
get line separator [System]
get list of accounts by type [AccountManager]
get list of accounts via type [AccountManager]
get list of all accounts [AccountManager]
get list of all accounts of any type [AccountManager]
get list of every accounts [AccountManager]
get list of every accounts of any type [AccountManager]
get list of ongoing services [ActivityManager]
get list of running services [ActivityManager]
get localized formatted string [Context]
get localized string [Context]
get localized string from Context [Context]
get localized string from Fragment [Fragment]
get localized string from Resources [Resources]
get localized text from Context [Context]
get location manager [Context]
get location service [Context]
get lon from Address [Address]
get lon from Location [Location]
get long array extra from Intent [Intent]
get long array from Intent [Intent]
get long array from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
get long by column index [Cursor]
get long extra from Intent [Intent]
get long from Cursor [Cursor]
get long from Intent [Intent]
get long from Parcel [Parcel]
get long from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
get long from bundle [BaseBundle]
get long from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
get long from pref [SharedPreferences]
get long from preference [SharedPreferences]
get long from setting [SharedPreferences]
get long from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
get long from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
get long state [BaseBundle]
get long state with default [BaseBundle]
get long via column index [Cursor]
get longitude from Address [Address]
get longitude from Location [Location]
get looper [Context]
get mac address [WifiInfo]
get main looper [Context]
get main view from Fragment [Fragment]
get manager for account data [AccountManager]
get manager for account info [AccountManager]
get manager for account information [AccountManager]
get max value from ProgressBar [ProgressBar]
get max vm heap dimension [Runtime]
get max vm heap dimension in bytes [Runtime]
get max vm heap size [Runtime]
get max vm heap size in bytes [Runtime]
get maximum value from ProgressBar [ProgressBar]
get maximum vm heap dimension [Runtime]
get maximum vm heap dimension in bytes [Runtime]
get maximum vm heap size [Runtime]
get maximum vm heap size in bytes [Runtime]
get measured height from View [View]
get measured width from View [View]
get menu from toolbar [Toolbar]
get menu item by id [Menu]
get menu item by identifier [Menu]
get menu item via id [Menu]
get menu item via identifier [Menu]
get metadata bundle from notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
get millisecond from Calendar [Calendar]
get mime type from Intent [Intent]
get minute from Calendar [Calendar]
get miss count from LruCache [LruCache]
get month from Calendar [Calendar]
get name of calling activity [Activity]
get name of current month as string
get name of system service [Context]
get names of databases [Context]
get navigation icon from Toolbar [Toolbar]
get negative button from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
get network data manager [Context]
get network data service [Context]
get network info manager [Context]
get network info service [Context]
get network information manager [Context]
get network information service [Context]
get network statistics manager [Context]
get network stats manager [Context]
get neutral button from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
get notification manager [Context]
get notification policy [NotificationManager]
get number of entries in back stack [FragmentManager]
get number of mappings [BaseBundle]
get number of values in TypedArray [TypedArray]
get object from SparseArray [SparseArray]
get object from SparseArray or default [SparseArray]
get object from bundle [BaseBundle]
get object state [BaseBundle]
get ongoing services [ActivityManager]
get package manager [Context]
get package name [Context]
get package that invoked Activity [Activity]
get padding bottom of View [View]
get padding left of View [View]
get padding right of View [View]
get padding top of View [View]
get parcelable array extra from Intent [Intent]
get parcelable array from Intent [Intent]
get parcelable array list extra from Intent [Intent]
get parcelable array list from Intent [Intent]
get parcelable extra from Intent [Intent]
get parcelable from Intent [Intent]
get parcelable from bundle [Bundle]
get parcelable state [Bundle]
get parent activity [Activity]
get parent dir of File [File]
get parent directory of File [File]
get parent folder of File [File]
get parent for View [View]
get parent view [View]
get part after hash character from Uri [Uri]
get part after number character from Uri [Uri]
get path for file [Context]
get path from Uri [Uri]
get path segments from Uri [Uri]
get phone from Address [Address]
get phone manager [Context]
get phone number [TelephonyManager]
get phone number from Address [Address]
get phone number from device [TelephonyManager]
get phone number from smartphone [TelephonyManager]
get phone number from user [TelephonyManager]
get phone number of device [TelephonyManager]
get phone service [Context]
get plain stacktrace from exception [Log]
get plain trace from exception [Log]
get plain x coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
get plain y coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
get plural string from Resources [Resources]
get port [Uri]
get port from Uri [Uri]
get position for the first item displayed on display in AdapterView [AdapterView]
get position for the first item displayed on screen in AdapterView [AdapterView]
get position for the first item which is displayed on display in AdapterView [AdapterView]
get position for the first item which is displayed on screen in AdapterView [AdapterView]
get position of cursor in row set [Cursor]
get position of first item displayed in AdapterView [AdapterView]
get positive button from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
get postal code from Address [Address]
get power manager [Context]
get power service [Context]
get preferences by name and mode [Context]
get preferences for activity [Activity]
get preferences from WebView [WebView]
get preferences via name and mode [Context]
get prefs by name and mode [Context]
get prefs for activity [Activity]
get prefs from WebView [WebView]
get prefs via name and mode [Context]
get quantity string from Resources [Resources]
get query parameter by key [Uri]
get query parameter from Uri [Uri]
get query parameter via key [Uri]
get raw x coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
get raw y coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
get red component of Color [Color]
get red value from Color [Color]
get resource id by name [Resources]
get resource id from TypedArray [TypedArray]
get resource id of an image by name [Resources]
get resource id of an image via name [Resources]
get resource id of an photo by name [Resources]
get resource id of an photo via name [Resources]
get resource id of an picture by name [Resources]
get resource id of an picture via name [Resources]
get resource id of string by name [Resources]
get resource id of string via name [Resources]
get resource id via name [Resources]
get resource identifier by name [Resources]
get resource identifier from TypedArray [TypedArray]
get resource identifier of an image by name [Resources]
get resource identifier of an image via name [Resources]
get resource identifier of an photo by name [Resources]
get resource identifier of an photo via name [Resources]
get resource identifier of an picture by name [Resources]
get resource identifier of an picture via name [Resources]
get resource identifier of string by name [Resources]
get resource identifier of string via name [Resources]
get resource identifier via name [Resources]
get result count of cursor [Cursor]
get result from AsyncTask [AsyncTask]
get right padding of View [View]
get right position of view [View]
get right position of view to its parent [View]
get ringtone by Uri [RingtoneManager]
get ringtone via Uri [RingtoneManager]
get root view from Activity [Activity]
get root view from Fragment [Fragment]
get rows of cursor [Cursor]
get running services [ActivityManager]
get scheme from Intent [Intent]
get scheme from Uri [Uri]
get screen coordinates for View [View]
get screen direction from phone [Configuration]
get screen direction from telephone [Configuration]
get screen height [DisplayMetrics]
get screen height in pixels [DisplayMetrics]
get screen orientation from phone [Configuration]
get screen orientation from telephone [Configuration]
get screen position for View [View]
get screen width [DisplayMetrics]
get screen width in pixels [DisplayMetrics]
get scroll x position for View [View]
get scroll y position for View [View]
get sd card dir [Environment]
get sd card directory [Environment]
get sd card folder [Environment]
get search manager [Context]
get search service [Context]
get second from Calendar [Calendar]
get segments from Uri [Uri]
get selected RadioButton in group [RadioGroup]
get sent sms messages [ContentResolver]
get serializable extra from Intent [Intent]
get serializable from Intent [Intent]
get serializable object from bundle [Bundle]
get serializable state [Bundle]
get set of all categories from Intent [Intent]
get set of every categories from Intent [Intent]
get settings by name and mode [Context]
get settings for activity [Activity]
get settings from WebView [WebView]
get settings via name and mode [Context]
get sharedpreferences for activity [Activity]
get sharedpreferences from WebView [WebView]
get sharedprefs by name and mode [Context]
get sharedprefs for activity [Activity]
get sharedprefs from WebView [WebView]
get sharedprefs via name and mode [Context]
get short from cursor [Cursor]
get short value by column index [Cursor]
get short value via column index [Cursor]
get size from ContentValues [ContentValues]
get size from Resources by id [Resources]
get size from Resources by identifier [Resources]
get size from Resources via id [Resources]
get size from Resources via identifier [Resources]
get size from bundle [BaseBundle]
get size of ArrayList [ArrayList]
get size of LruCache [LruCache]
get size of SparseArray [SparseArray]
get size of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
get size of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
get size of bundle [BaseBundle]
get size value from Resources [Resources]
get size value from TypedArray [TypedArray]
get size value from TypedArray at index [TypedArray]
get size value in pixel from TypedArray [TypedArray]
get size value in pixels from Resources [Resources]
get sms messages from Inbox [ContentResolver]
get sms messages from draft dir [ContentResolver]
get sms messages from draft directory [ContentResolver]
get sms messages from draft folder [ContentResolver]
get sqlite path [Context]
get sqlite path on filesystem [Context]
get sqlite path on storage [Context]
get sqlite version [SQLiteDatabase]
get stacktrace as string [Log]
get stacktrace from Thread [Thread]
get stacktrace from throwable [Log]
get state of external filesystem [Environment]
get state of external storage [Environment]
get state of sd card [Environment]
get storage dir for alarms [Environment]
get storage dir for documents [Environment]
get storage dir for downloads [Environment]
get storage dir for images [Environment]
get storage dir for movies [Environment]
get storage dir for music [Environment]
get storage dir for pictures [Environment]
get storage dir for ringtones [Environment]
get storage directory for alarms [Environment]
get storage directory for documents [Environment]
get storage directory for downloads [Environment]
get storage directory for images [Environment]
get storage directory for movies [Environment]
get storage directory for music [Environment]
get storage directory for pictures [Environment]
get storage directory for ringtones [Environment]
get storage folder for alarms [Environment]
get storage folder for documents [Environment]
get storage folder for downloads [Environment]
get storage folder for images [Environment]
get storage folder for movies [Environment]
get storage folder for music [Environment]
get storage folder for pictures [Environment]
get storage folder for ringtones [Environment]
get string abbreviation of current day of week
get string abbreviation of current month
get string array extra from Intent [Intent]
get string array from Intent [Intent]
get string array from Resources [Resources]
get string array from Resources by id [Resources]
get string array from Resources by identifier [Resources]
get string array from Resources via id [Resources]
get string array from Resources via identifier [Resources]
get string array from bundle [BaseBundle]
get string array state [BaseBundle]
get string by name [Resources]
get string extra from Intent [Intent]
get string from Fragment [Fragment]
get string from Intent [Intent]
get string from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
get string from TypedArray [TypedArray]
get string from Uri [Uri]
get string from bundle [BaseBundle]
get string from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
get string from cursor [Cursor]
get string from pref [SharedPreferences]
get string from preference [SharedPreferences]
get string from resources [Context]
get string from resources by name [Resources]
get string from resources via name [Resources]
get string from setting [SharedPreferences]
get string from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
get string from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
get string from xml [Context]
get string list bundle [Bundle]
get string of the requested column [Cursor]
get string representation from Fragment [Fragment]
get string representation from Uri [Uri]
get string representation of Account [Account]
get string representation of SparseArray [SparseArray]
get string representation of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
get string representation of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
get string set from pref [SharedPreferences]
get string set from preference [SharedPreferences]
get string set from setting [SharedPreferences]
get string set from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
get string set from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
get string state [BaseBundle]
get string via name [Resources]
get styled attributes [Context]
get subheadline from ActionBar [ActionBar]
get subheadline from Toolbar [Toolbar]
get subtitle from ActionBar [ActionBar]
get subtitle from Toolbar [Toolbar]
get system service name [Context]
get tag from View [View]
get telephone from Address [Address]
get telephone manager [Context]
get telephone number [TelephonyManager]
get telephone number from Address [Address]
get telephone number from device [TelephonyManager]
get telephone number from smartphone [TelephonyManager]
get telephone number from user [TelephonyManager]
get telephone number of device [TelephonyManager]
get telephone service [Context]
get telephony manager [Context]
get text from EditText [EditText]
get text from TextView [TextView]
get text length from TextView [TextView]
get theme [Context]
get thread id from HandlerThread [HandlerThread]
get thread identifier from HandlerThread [HandlerThread]
get time in millis from Calendar [Calendar]
get time in millisecond from Calendar [Calendar]
get title color from Activity [Activity]
get title from ActionBar [ActionBar]
get title from Toolbar [Toolbar]
get title from action bar [ActionBar]
get title from activity [Activity]
get token of window this view is attached to [View]
get top padding of View [View]
get top position of view relative to its parent [View]
get total count of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
get total number of rows in cursor [Cursor]
get trace as string [Log]
get trace from Thread [Thread]
get trace from throwable [Log]
get type from Intent [Intent]
get ui mode manager [Context]
get unique device id [TelephonyManager]
get unique device identifier [TelephonyManager]
get uptime since boot without deep sleep [SystemClock]
get uptime without deep sleep [SystemClock]
get user agent from WebSettings [WebSettings]
get user agent from WebView [WebSettings]
get user data from account [AccountManager]
get user info from account [AccountManager]
get user information from account [AccountManager]
get users phone number [TelephonyManager]
get users telephone number [TelephonyManager]
get value by index from SparseArray [SparseArray]
get value from LruCache [LruCache]
get value of AtomicBoolean [AtomicBoolean]
get value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
get value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
get value via index from SparseArray [SparseArray]
get values dimension from ContentValues [ContentValues]
get values size from ContentValues [ContentValues]
get vertical offset of ActionBar [ActionBar]
get vertical offset of action bar [ActionBar]
get vertical scroll position for View [View]
get vibrator manager [Context]
get vibrator service [Context]
get video position from VideoView [VideoView]
get view child by index [ViewGroup]
get view child via index [ViewGroup]
get view element with focus [View]
get view which has focus [View]
get visibility for View [View]
get visibility state of view and all ancestors [View]
get visibility state of view and every ancestors [View]
get visual x position of view in pixel [View]
get visual y position of view in pixel [View]
get visual z position of view in pixels [View]
get vm heap dimension limit [Runtime]
get vm heap size limit [Runtime]
get width of Canvas [Canvas]
get width of Rect [Rect]
get width of View [View]
get width of bitmap [Bitmap]
get width of rectangle [Rect]
get wifi connection data [WifiManager]
get wifi connection info [WifiManager]
get wifi connection information [WifiManager]
get wifi direct manager [Context]
get wifi manager [Context]
get wifi service [Context]
get window for Activity [Activity]
get window manager [Context]
get window service [Context]
get window token [View]
get year from Calendar [Calendar]
get z axis elevation from ActionBar [ActionBar]
get zip code from Address [Address]
give focus to view and set focus direction [View]
give focus to view and set focus orientation [View]
go back in browser history [WebView]
go back to previous Activity [Activity]
go backward in browser [WebView]
grant uri permission [Context]
has Activity been destroyed [Activity]
has Intent extra [Intent]
has camera autofocus [PackageManager]
has device a camera [PackageManager]
has device a compass [PackageManager]
has device a light sensor [PackageManager]
has device a microphone [PackageManager]
has device a proximity sensor [PackageManager]
has device a step counter [PackageManager]
has device a vibrator [Vibrator]
has device bluetooth [PackageManager]
has device gyroscope [PackageManager]
has device nfc [PackageManager]
has device wifi [PackageManager]
has device wlan [PackageManager]
has user enabled GPS [LocationManager]
has view focus [View]
hide ActionBar [ActionBar]
hide DialogFragment [DialogFragment]
hide Toast [Toast]
hide activity main window [Activity]
hide blinking cursor in EditText [TextView]
hide cursor in EditText [TextView]
hide group indicator for ExpandableListView [ExpandableListView]
hide headline bar from Activity [Activity]
hide headline from Dialog [Dialog]
hide horizontal scroll bar [View]
hide indeterminate ProgressBar in Activity [Activity]
hide keyboard [InputMethodManager]
hide notification when user clicks notification [NotificationCompat.Builder]
hide softkeyboard [InputMethodManager]
hide title bar from Activity [Activity]
hide title from Dialog [Dialog]
hide vertical scroll bar [View]
hide view [View]
hide view completely [View]
hide view entirely [View]
hide view fully [View]
hide view gone [View]
hide view temp [View]
hide view temporary [View]
hide view totally [View]
hold display active for Activity [Window]
hold display always on for View [View]
hold display on for Activity [Window]
hold fragment instance [Fragment]
hold instance state [Fragment]
hold screen active for Activity [Window]
hold screen always on for View [View]
hold screen on for Activity [Window]
increment and get value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
increment and get value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
increment and obtain value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
increment and obtain value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
increment and receive value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
increment and receive value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
increment and return value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
increment and return value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
inflate given resource xml for PreferenceFragment [PreferenceFragment]
inflate menu in Toolbar [Toolbar]
inflate preferences from Xml for PreferenceFragment [PreferenceFragment]
inflate prefs from Xml for PreferenceFragment [PreferenceFragment]
inflate settings from Xml for PreferenceFragment [PreferenceFragment]
inflate sharedpreferences from Xml for PreferenceFragment [PreferenceFragment]
inflate sharedprefs from Xml for PreferenceFragment [PreferenceFragment]
inflate view and attach to root view by LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
inflate view and attach to root view via LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
inflate view by LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
inflate view from resources [View]
inflate view from xml [View]
inflate view from xml resource [View]
inflate view from xml resource and attach to root view by LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
inflate view from xml resource and attach to root view via LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
inflate view from xml resource by LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
inflate view from xml resource via LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
inflate view via LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
init Loader by LoaderManager [LoaderManager]
init Loader via LoaderManager [LoaderManager]
initialize Loader by LoaderManager [LoaderManager]
initialize Loader via LoaderManager [LoaderManager]
insert entry in database [SQLiteDatabase]
insert entry in database or throw error [SQLiteDatabase]
insert entry in db [SQLiteDatabase]
insert entry in db or throw error [SQLiteDatabase]
insert entry in sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
insert entry in sqlite or throw error [SQLiteDatabase]
insert row in database [SQLiteDatabase]
insert row in database or throw error [SQLiteDatabase]
insert row in database or throw exception [SQLiteDatabase]
insert row in db [SQLiteDatabase]
insert row in db or throw error [SQLiteDatabase]
insert row in db or throw exception [SQLiteDatabase]
insert row in sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
insert row in sqlite or throw error [SQLiteDatabase]
insert row in sqlite or throw exception [SQLiteDatabase]
instantiate AbsoluteLayout [AbsoluteLayout]
instantiate Button [Button]
instantiate CheckBox [CheckBox]
instantiate Drawable by Bitmap [BitmapDrawable]
instantiate Drawable via Bitmap [BitmapDrawable]
instantiate EditText [EditText]
instantiate Fragment [Fragment]
instantiate GridLayout [GridLayout]
instantiate GridView [GridView]
instantiate ImageView [ImageView]
instantiate LinearLayout [LinearLayout]
instantiate Paint [Paint]
instantiate ProgressBar [ProgressBar]
instantiate TableLayout [TableLayout]
instantiate TextView [TextView]
instantiate View [View]
instantiate WebView [WebView]
invalidate options menu in Activity [Activity]
invalidate view [View]
inverse state of CheckBox [CompoundButton]
is ActionBar showing [ActionBar]
is ActionBar visible [ActionBar]
is Activity dead [Activity]
is Activity destroyed [Activity]
is Activity embedded inside another Activity [Activity]
is Activity embedded inside different Activity [Activity]
is Activity embedded inside other Activity [Activity]
is Activity finishing [Activity]
is Activity immersive [Activity]
is Activity root of task [Activity]
is Adapter clear [Adapter]
is Adapter empty [Adapter]
is ArrayList clear [ArrayList]
is ArrayList empty [ArrayList]
is BigDecimal zero
is CheckBox checked [CompoundButton]
is GPS enabled [LocationManager]
is GPS enabled on device [LocationManager]
is HashMap clear [HashMap]
is HashMap empty [HashMap]
is MediaPlayer playing [MediaPlayer]
is Nfc enabled [NfcAdapter]
is RadioButton checked [RadioGroup]
is autofocus available [PackageManager]
is autofocus provided [PackageManager]
is autofocus supported [PackageManager]
is bluetooth activated [BluetoothAdapter]
is bluetooth enabled [BluetoothAdapter]
is bluetooth on [BluetoothAdapter]
is bluetooth provided [PackageManager]
is bluetooth supported [PackageManager]
is bundle clear [BaseBundle]
is bundle empty [BaseBundle]
is camera available [PackageManager]
is camera provided [PackageManager]
is camera supported [PackageManager]
is compass provided [PackageManager]
is compass supported [PackageManager]
is context constrained [Context]
is context limited [Context]
is context restricted [Context]
is cursor after last row [Cursor]
is cursor at first row [Cursor]
is cursor at last row [Cursor]
is cursor before first row [Cursor]
is cursor closed [Cursor]
is device locked [KeyguardManager]
is drawer open [DrawerLayout]
is external storage available
is external storage available to read
is external storage readable
is external storage writable
is font bold [Typeface]
is font italic [Typeface]
is fragment visible [Fragment]
is gyroscope provided [PackageManager]
is gyroscope supported [PackageManager]
is in keyguard constrained input mode [KeyguardManager]
is in keyguard limited input mode [KeyguardManager]
is in keyguard restricted input mode [KeyguardManager]
is internet available [NetworkInfo]
is internet connection available [NetworkInfo]
is javascript enabled in WebView [WebSettings]
is last page in browser [WebView]
is light sensor provided [PackageManager]
is light sensor supported [PackageManager]
is main thread
is microphone provided [PackageManager]
is microphone supported [PackageManager]
is navigation forward possible in browser [WebView]
is network available [NetworkInfo]
is nfc provided [PackageManager]
is nfc supported [PackageManager]
is orientation landscape
is orientation portrait
is permission denied
is permission granted
is proximity sensor provided [PackageManager]
is proximity sensor supported [PackageManager]
is rectangle clear [Rect]
is rectangle empty [Rect]
is running on main thread
is runtime permission denied
is runtime permission granted
is screen in landscape
is screen in landscape mode
is screen in portrait
is screen in portrait mode
is step counter provided [PackageManager]
is step counter supported [PackageManager]
is string clear [TextUtils]
is string empty [TextUtils]
is subscriber registered in EventBus [EventBus]
is typeface bold [Typeface]
is typeface italic [Typeface]
is ui thread
is user a monkey [ActivityManager]
is value in column null [Cursor]
is value of BigDecimal zero
is vibration provided [Vibrator]
is vibration supported [Vibrator]
is vibrator provided [Vibrator]
is vibrator supported [Vibrator]
is video playing in VideoView [VideoView]
is view enabled [View]
is view horizontal scrollable [View]
is view vertical scrollable [View]
is view visible on display [View]
is view visible on screen [View]
is wifi activated [WifiManager]
is wifi active [WifiManager]
is wifi enabled [WifiManager]
is wifi provided [PackageManager]
is wifi supported [PackageManager]
is wireless network active [WifiManager]
is wireless network enabled [WifiManager]
is wlan provided [PackageManager]
is wlan supported [PackageManager]
join string with delimiter [TextUtils]
keep display active for Activity [Window]
keep display always on for View [View]
keep display on for Activity [Window]
keep fragment instance [Fragment]
keep instance state [Fragment]
keep screen active for Activity [Window]
keep screen always on for View [View]
keep screen on for Activity [Window]
launch Google Maps navigation
launch PendingIntent by click on RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
launch PendingIntent via click on RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
launch music player
launch sms application
limit text length of EditText [TextView]
link to Activity in Notification [NotificationCompat.Builder]
load Animation by resource id [AnimationUtils]
load Animation by resource identifier [AnimationUtils]
load Animation from resource [AnimationUtils]
load Animation via resource id [AnimationUtils]
load Animation via resource identifier [AnimationUtils]
load boolean array from bundle [BaseBundle]
load boolean from bundle [BaseBundle]
load boolean from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
load custom font by font path [Typeface]
load custom font by typeface path [Typeface]
load custom font from asset [Typeface]
load custom font via font path [Typeface]
load custom font via typeface path [Typeface]
load custom typeface by font path [Typeface]
load custom typeface by typeface path [Typeface]
load custom typeface from asset [Typeface]
load custom typeface via font path [Typeface]
load custom typeface via typeface path [Typeface]
load double array from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
load double from bundle [BaseBundle]
load double from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
load html file from assets in WebView [WebView]
load html from String in WebView [WebView]
load html page from String in WebView [WebView]
load html page from assets dir in WebView [WebView]
load html page from assets directory in WebView [WebView]
load html page from assets folder in WebView [WebView]
load image via Picasso
load int array from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
load int from bundle [BaseBundle]
load int from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
load local html file in WebView [WebView]
load long array from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
load long from bundle [BaseBundle]
load long from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
load object from bundle [BaseBundle]
load parcelable object from bundle [Bundle]
load serializable object from bundle [Bundle]
load site [WebView]
load site in WebView [WebView]
load string from bundle [BaseBundle]
load string from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
load string list from bundle [Bundle]
load url in WebView [WebView]
load webpage [WebView]
load webpage in WebView [WebView]
load website [WebView]
load website in WebView [WebView]
log data [Log]
log data message [Log]
log data message and exception [Log]
log data message with throwable [Log]
log data msg [Log]
log data msg and exception [Log]
log data msg with throwable [Log]
log debug [Log]
log debug message [Log]
log debug msg [Log]
log error [Log]
log error message [Log]
log error message with throwable [Log]
log error msg [Log]
log error msg with throwable [Log]
log info [Log]
log info message [Log]
log info message and exception [Log]
log info message with throwable [Log]
log info msg [Log]
log info msg and exception [Log]
log info msg with throwable [Log]
log information [Log]
log information message [Log]
log information message and exception [Log]
log information message with throwable [Log]
log information msg [Log]
log information msg and exception [Log]
log information msg with throwable [Log]
log raw message [Log]
log raw msg [Log]
log verbose [Log]
log verbose message [Log]
log verbose message and exception [Log]
log verbose message with throwable [Log]
log verbose msg [Log]
log verbose msg and exception [Log]
log verbose msg with throwable [Log]
log warn error [Log]
log warn message [Log]
log warn message and throwable [Log]
log warn msg [Log]
log warn msg and throwable [Log]
log warn throwable [Log]
log warning [Log]
log warning message and error [Log]
log warning msg and error [Log]
log wtf error [Log]
log wtf error message with error [Log]
log wtf error msg with error [Log]
log wtf error with throwable [Log]
log wtf exception [Log]
log wtf message [Log]
log wtf msg [Log]
log wtf throwable [Log]
make AlertDialog cancelable [AlertDialog.Builder]
make AlertDialog modal [AlertDialog.Builder]
make AlertDialog not cancelable [AlertDialog.Builder]
make Dialog cancelable [Dialog]
make EditText no editable [TextView]
make TextView scrollable [TextView]
make a call
make a phone call
make all links in TextView clickable [TextView]
make basic Snackbar [Snackbar]
make basic long Snackbar [Snackbar]
make basic long toast [Toast]
make basic short Snackbar [Snackbar]
make basic short toast [Toast]
make chooser for Intent [Intent]
make database transaction successful [SQLiteDatabase]
make db transaction successful [SQLiteDatabase]
make dialog not cancelable [Dialog]
make every links in TextView clickable [TextView]
make first letter upper case in EditText [TextView]
make links active and clickable in TextView text [TextView]
make links clickable in TextView [TextView]
make links in TextView clickable [TextView]
make new Activity class
make new Adapter class
make new AppCompatActivity class
make new AppWidgetProvider class
make new Application class
make new ArrayAdapter [ArrayAdapter]
make new AsyncTask class
make new BroadcastReceiver class
make new Button class
make new CountdownTimer
make new CountdownTimer instance
make new EditText class
make new Exception class
make new Fragment class
make new FragmentPagerAdapter class
make new Handler [Handler]
make new ImageView class
make new IntentService class
make new RecyclerView Adapter class
make new RuntimeException class
make new SQLiteOpenHelper class
make new Service class
make new TextView class
make new View class
make new ViewGroup class
make new checked Exception
make new class
make new enum
make new interface
make new singleton
make new unchecked Exception
make notification ongoing in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
make notification persistent in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
make notification running in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
make plain Snackbar [Snackbar]
make plain long Snackbar [Snackbar]
make plain long toast [Toast]
make plain short Snackbar [Snackbar]
make plain short toast [Toast]
make sql update [SQLiteDatabase]
make sql update statement [SQLiteDatabase]
make sqlite transaction successful [SQLiteDatabase]
make text bold and italic in TextView [TextView]
make text bold in TextView [TextView]
make text for Toast by resource id [Toast]
make text for Toast by resource identifier [Toast]
make text for Toast by string [Toast]
make text for Toast via resource id [Toast]
make text for Toast via resource identifier [Toast]
make text for Toast via string [Toast]
make text italic and bold in TextView [TextView]
make text italic in TextView [TextView]
make text strikthrough in TextView [TextView]
make text underlined in TextView [TextView]
make transaction successful [SQLiteDatabase]
make view clickable [View]
make view focusable [View]
make view long clickable [View]
make view not clickable [View]
make view selected [View]
make view transparent [View]
make view visible [View]
map Bitmap to Drawable [BitmapDrawable]
map hsv value to argb color value [Color]
match against UriMatcher [UriMatcher]
max show one line [TextView]
maximum show one line [TextView]
measure view dimensions [View]
merge bundle into Intent [Intent]
merge bundle into Intent extras [Intent]
move cursor to absolute position [Cursor]
move cursor to certain position [Cursor]
move cursor to first row [Cursor]
move cursor to last row [Cursor]
move cursor to next entry [Cursor]
move cursor to next result [Cursor]
move cursor to next row [Cursor]
move cursor to particular position [Cursor]
move cursor to specific position [Cursor]
move scrolled position by delta [View]
move scrolled position via delta [View]
move task of Activity to the back of the Activity stack [Activity]
navigate forward in WebView [WebView]
navigate forward in browser [WebView]
navigate to next page in WebView [WebView]
new Activity class
new Adapter class
new AppCompatActivity class
new AppWidgetProvider class
new Application class
new AsyncTask class
new BroadcastReceiver class
new Button class
new EditText class
new Exception class
new Fragment class
new FragmentPagerAdapter class
new ImageView class
new IntentService class
new RecyclerView Adapter class
new RuntimeException class
new SQLiteOpenHelper class
new Service class
new TextView class
new View class
new ViewGroup class
new class
new custom Application class
new enum
new interface
new singleton
notifiy that an item has been inserted [RecyclerView.Adapter]
notify about a changed item [RecyclerView.Adapter]
notify about a deleted item [RecyclerView.Adapter]
notify about a newly inserted item [RecyclerView.Adapter]
notify about a removed item [RecyclerView.Adapter]
notify adapter about a moved item [RecyclerView.Adapter]
notify app widget view data changed [AppWidgetManager]
notify app widget view info changed [AppWidgetManager]
notify app widget view information changed [AppWidgetManager]
notify application widget view data changed [AppWidgetManager]
notify application widget view info changed [AppWidgetManager]
notify application widget view information changed [AppWidgetManager]
notify that the data has been changed [RecyclerView.Adapter]
notify that the info has been changed [RecyclerView.Adapter]
notify that the information has been changed [RecyclerView.Adapter]
obtain AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator [AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator]
obtain AccelerateInterpolator [AccelerateInterpolator]
obtain AccountManager [Context]
obtain AccountManager from AccountManager getter [AccountManager]
obtain ActionBar [Activity]
obtain ActionBar subheadline [ActionBar]
obtain ActionBar subtitle [ActionBar]
obtain Actionbar from Activity [Activity]
obtain Activity from Fragment [Fragment]
obtain ActivityManager [Context]
obtain AlarmManager [Context]
obtain AppWidgetManager [Context]
obtain AppWidgetManager instance from AppWidgetManager class [AppWidgetManager]
obtain Application [Activity]
obtain ApplicationContext [Context]
obtain AssetManager [Context]
obtain AudioManager [Context]
obtain BatteryManager [Context]
obtain Bitmap from BitmapDrawable [BitmapDrawable]
obtain BitmapDrawable from ImageView [ImageView]
obtain BluetoothAdapter [BluetoothAdapter]
obtain BounceInterpolator [BounceInterpolator]
obtain Calendar [Calendar]
obtain Canvas height [Canvas]
obtain Canvas width [Canvas]
obtain ClassLoader [Context]
obtain ClipData from Intent [Intent]
obtain ClipboardManager [Context]
obtain Color from hexadecimal color string [Color]
obtain ComponentName from Activity [Activity]
obtain Configuration [Resources]
obtain ConnectivityManager [Context]
obtain ContentResolver [Context]
obtain ContentValues [ContentValues]
obtain Context [View]
obtain Context from Fragment [Fragment]
obtain Context from LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
obtain Context from View [View]
obtain Date from Calendar [Calendar]
obtain DecelerateInterpolator [DecelerateInterpolator]
obtain Display [WindowManager]
obtain DisplayMetrics [Resources]
obtain Double from ContentValues [ContentValues]
obtain DownloadManager [Context]
obtain Drawable by id by Context [Context]
obtain Drawable by id via Context [Context]
obtain Drawable by identifier by Context [Context]
obtain Drawable by identifier via Context [Context]
obtain Drawable from ImageView [ImageView]
obtain Drawable from Resources by Context [Context]
obtain Drawable from Resources via Context [Context]
obtain Drawable from path [Drawable]
obtain Drawable via id by Context [Context]
obtain Drawable via id via Context [Context]
obtain Drawable via identifier by Context [Context]
obtain Drawable via identifier via Context [Context]
obtain EventBus [EventBus]
obtain FileDescriptor from ParcelFileDescriptor [ParcelFileDescriptor]
obtain Float from ContentValues [ContentValues]
obtain FragmentManager [Activity]
obtain FragmentManager from Fragment [Fragment]
obtain HardwarePropertiesManager [Context]
obtain HashMap dimension [HashMap]
obtain HashMap size [HashMap]
obtain IMEI or MEID from device [TelephonyManager]
obtain InputMethodManager [Context]
obtain Integer from ContentValues [ContentValues]
obtain IntentFilter [IntentFilter]
obtain Iterator from ArrayList [ArrayList]
obtain JobScheduler [Context]
obtain KeyguardManager [Context]
obtain LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
obtain LayoutInflater by Context [LayoutInflater]
obtain LayoutInflater via Context [LayoutInflater]
obtain LinearInterpolator [LinearInterpolator]
obtain LinearLayoutManager [LinearLayoutManager]
obtain LinkMovementMethod [LinkMovementMethod]
obtain LinkedList dimension [LinkedList]
obtain LinkedList size [LinkedList]
obtain ListView from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
obtain LoaderManager for activity [Activity]
obtain LoaderManager from Fragment [Fragment]
obtain LocalBroadcastManager [LocalBroadcastManager]
obtain Locale from Address [Address]
obtain LocationManager [Context]
obtain Long from ContentValues [ContentValues]
obtain Looper from HandlerThread [HandlerThread]
obtain Looper from handler [Handler]
obtain LruCache cache dimension [LruCache]
obtain LruCache cache size [LruCache]
obtain MAC address of WiFi network [WifiInfo]
obtain MenuInflater [Activity]
obtain NetworkInfo [ConnectivityManager]
obtain NetworkStatsManager [Context]
obtain Nfc manager [Context]
obtain NfcAdapter [NfcManager]
obtain NfcManager [Context]
obtain NotificationManager [Context]
obtain Object from ContentValues [ContentValues]
obtain PackageManager [Context]
obtain Paint color [Paint]
obtain Parcelable object from Parcel [Parcel]
obtain PendingIntent for Activity [PendingIntent]
obtain PendingIntent for Broadcast [PendingIntent]
obtain Picasso [Picasso]
obtain PowerManager [Context]
obtain PreferenceManager from PreferenceFragment [PreferenceFragment]
obtain PreferenceScreen from PreferenceFragment [PreferenceFragment]
obtain Random [Random]
obtain RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
obtain RequestCreator [Picasso]
obtain Resources [Context]
obtain Resources from Fragment [Fragment]
obtain Resources from View [View]
obtain Resources object [Context]
obtain Runtime [Runtime]
obtain Runtime instance [Runtime]
obtain Runtime instance for the current app [Runtime]
obtain Runtime instance for the current application [Runtime]
obtain ScrollingMovementMethod [ScrollingMovementMethod]
obtain SearchManager [Context]
obtain SharedPreferences [PreferenceManager]
obtain SharedPreferences by name and mode [Context]
obtain SharedPreferences editor [SharedPreferences]
obtain SharedPreferences for this activity [Activity]
obtain SharedPreferences via name and mode [Context]
obtain Short from ContentValues [ContentValues]
obtain Short object from ContentValues [ContentValues]
obtain SparseArray [SparseArray]
obtain StackTraceElement array from Thread [Thread]
obtain String [Context]
obtain String from ContentValues [ContentValues]
obtain String from Parcel [Parcel]
obtain String from StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
obtain String length [String]
obtain TaskStackBuilder [TaskStackBuilder]
obtain TelephonyManager [Context]
obtain Thread from Looper [Looper]
obtain TimeZone [TimeZone]
obtain TimeZone from Calendar [Calendar]
obtain Toast duration [Toast]
obtain UTF8 charset [Charset]
obtain UiModeManager [Context]
obtain Uri data from Intent [Intent]
obtain Uri info from Intent [Intent]
obtain Uri information from Intent [Intent]
obtain Url from Address [Address]
obtain Vibrator [Context]
obtain View from Toast [Toast]
obtain View object from Toast [Toast]
obtain View with focus [View]
obtain ViewTreeObserver for view hierarchy [View]
obtain VoiceInteractor [Activity]
obtain VoiceInteractor from Activity [Activity]
obtain WebSettings [WebView]
obtain WebView preferences [WebView]
obtain WebView prefs [WebView]
obtain WebView settings [WebView]
obtain WebView sharedpreferences [WebView]
obtain WebView sharedprefs [WebView]
obtain WifiInfo [WifiManager]
obtain WifiManager [Context]
obtain WifiP2pManager [Context]
obtain Window [Activity]
obtain Window from Dialog [Dialog]
obtain WindowManager [Context]
obtain account service [Context]
obtain action from Intent [Intent]
obtain action from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
obtain active network data [ConnectivityManager]
obtain active network info [ConnectivityManager]
obtain active network information [ConnectivityManager]
obtain active notifications [NotificationManager]
obtain activity headline [Activity]
obtain activity headline color [Activity]
obtain activity manager [Context]
obtain activity title [Activity]
obtain activity title color [Activity]
obtain alarm manager [Context]
obtain all accounts [AccountManager]
obtain all active notifications [NotificationManager]
obtain all bundle data from Intent [Intent]
obtain all bundle info from Intent [Intent]
obtain all bundle information from Intent [Intent]
obtain all from preferences [SharedPreferences]
obtain all from prefs [SharedPreferences]
obtain all from settings [SharedPreferences]
obtain all from sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences]
obtain all from sharedprefs [SharedPreferences]
obtain all ongoing background services [ActivityManager]
obtain all query parameters [Uri]
obtain all query parameters from Uri [Uri]
obtain all running background services [ActivityManager]
obtain all segments from Uri [Uri]
obtain all sent sms messages [ContentResolver]
obtain all sms from Inbox [ContentResolver]
obtain all sms from draft dir [ContentResolver]
obtain all sms from draft directory [ContentResolver]
obtain all sms from draft folder [ContentResolver]
obtain all values from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
obtain alpha [View]
obtain alpha component of a Color [Color]
obtain alpha of view [View]
obtain alpha value from Color [Color]
obtain alpha value of View [View]
obtain alpha value of View instance [View]
obtain amount of children [ViewGroup]
obtain and add value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
obtain and add value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
obtain and decrement value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
obtain and decrement value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
obtain and increment value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
obtain and increment value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
obtain and set value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
obtain and set value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
obtain animation from view [View]
obtain animation from view element [View]
obtain app main looper [Looper]
obtain app package name [Context]
obtain app widget manager [AppWidgetManager]
obtain app widget service [Context]
obtain application main looper [Looper]
obtain application package name [Context]
obtain application widget manager [AppWidgetManager]
obtain application widget service [Context]
obtain asset manager [Context]
obtain assets [Context]
obtain assoicated Activity from Fragment [Fragment]
obtain audio manager [Context]
obtain audio session id [MediaPlayer]
obtain audio session identifier [MediaPlayer]
obtain authority from Uri [Uri]
obtain back stack count [FragmentManager]
obtain back stack entry count [FragmentManager]
obtain background from View [View]
obtain background tint list [View]
obtain background tint mode [View]
obtain base dir [Context]
obtain base directory [Context]
obtain base folder [Context]
obtain baseline offset [View]
obtain basic stacktrace from exception [Log]
obtain basic trace from exception [Log]
obtain basic x coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
obtain basic y coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
obtain battery manager [Context]
obtain battery service [Context]
obtain bitmap from Resources [BitmapFactory]
obtain bitmap from file path [BitmapFactory]
obtain bitmap from file path with options [BitmapFactory]
obtain bitmap height [Bitmap]
obtain bitmap width [Bitmap]
obtain blob value from Cursor [Cursor]
obtain blob value from Cursor by column index [Cursor]
obtain blob value from Cursor via column index [Cursor]
obtain blue component of color [Color]
obtain blue value of Color [Color]
obtain boolean array extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain boolean array from Intent [Intent]
obtain boolean array from bundle [BaseBundle]
obtain boolean array state [BaseBundle]
obtain boolean extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain boolean from ContentValues [ContentValues]
obtain boolean from Intent [Intent]
obtain boolean from Resources [Resources]
obtain boolean from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
obtain boolean from TypedArray [TypedArray]
obtain boolean from bundle [BaseBundle]
obtain boolean from pref [SharedPreferences]
obtain boolean from preference [SharedPreferences]
obtain boolean from preferences [SharedPreferences]
obtain boolean from prefs [SharedPreferences]
obtain boolean from resources by id [Resources]
obtain boolean from resources by identifier [Resources]
obtain boolean from resources via id [Resources]
obtain boolean from resources via identifier [Resources]
obtain boolean from setting [SharedPreferences]
obtain boolean from settings [SharedPreferences]
obtain boolean from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
obtain boolean from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
obtain boolean from sharedprefs [SharedPreferences]
obtain boolean state [BaseBundle]
obtain boolean state with default [BaseBundle]
obtain bottom from View [View]
obtain bottom padding of View [View]
obtain bottom position of view [View]
obtain bundle dimension [BaseBundle]
obtain bundle from Intent [Intent]
obtain bundle size [BaseBundle]
obtain button from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
obtain button negative from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
obtain button neutral from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
obtain button positive from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
obtain byte array encoded as UTF8 from String [String]
obtain byte array extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain byte array from ContentValues [ContentValues]
obtain byte array from Intent [Intent]
obtain byte array from String [String]
obtain byte array from String with specified charset [String]
obtain byte extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain byte from ContentValues [ContentValues]
obtain byte from Intent [Intent]
obtain bytes from String [String]
obtain cache dir [Context]
obtain cache directory [Context]
obtain cache folder [Context]
obtain calling activity [Activity]
obtain capacity of StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
obtain categories from Intent [Intent]
obtain char at specified index in String [String]
obtain char extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain char from Intent [Intent]
obtain checked RadioButton in group [RadioGroup]
obtain child by index [ViewGroup]
obtain child count [ViewGroup]
obtain child via index [ViewGroup]
obtain class loader [Context]
obtain clear and immutable List [Collections]
obtain clear and immutable Map [Collections]
obtain clear and immutable Set [Collections]
obtain clipboard data from Intent [Intent]
obtain clipboard info from Intent [Intent]
obtain clipboard information from Intent [Intent]
obtain clipboard manager [Context]
obtain clipboard service [Context]
obtain clone of LruCache [LruCache]
obtain code cache dir [Context]
obtain code cache directory [Context]
obtain code cache folder [Context]
obtain color [Context]
obtain color as hex color string from Resources [Resources]
obtain color as string value from Resources [Resources]
obtain color from Paint [Paint]
obtain color from Resources [Resources]
obtain color from Resources by id [Resources]
obtain color from Resources by identifier [Resources]
obtain color from Resources via id [Resources]
obtain color from Resources via identifier [Resources]
obtain color from TypedArray [TypedArray]
obtain column index by name [Cursor]
obtain column index by name or fail [Cursor]
obtain column index via name [Cursor]
obtain column index via name or fail [Cursor]
obtain component name from Activity [Activity]
obtain connection manager [Context]
obtain connection service [Context]
obtain connectivity manager [Context]
obtain connectivity service [Context]
obtain constant BigDecimal zero [BigDecimal]
obtain constant direction landscape [Configuration]
obtain constant direction portrait [Configuration]
obtain constant media mounted [Environment]
obtain constant media mounted read only [Environment]
obtain constant orientation landscape [Configuration]
obtain constant orientation portrait [Configuration]
obtain constant permission denied [PackageManager]
obtain constant permission granted [PackageManager]
obtain content resolver [Context]
obtain context reference from Fragment [Fragment]
obtain copy of LruCache [LruCache]
obtain count of misses from LruCache [LruCache]
obtain country code from Address [Address]
obtain country name from Address [Address]
obtain current Thread [Thread]
obtain current database version [SQLiteDatabase]
obtain current db version [SQLiteDatabase]
obtain current display density factor [DisplayMetrics]
obtain current display density group [DisplayMetrics]
obtain current display direction [Configuration]
obtain current display direction from phone [Configuration]
obtain current display direction from telephone [Configuration]
obtain current display orientation [Configuration]
obtain current display orientation from phone [Configuration]
obtain current display orientation from telephone [Configuration]
obtain current element with focus in Activity [Activity]
obtain current element with focus in Dialog [Dialog]
obtain current element with focus in Window [Window]
obtain current focused element in Activity [Activity]
obtain current focused element in Dialog [Dialog]
obtain current focused element in Window [Window]
obtain current locale [Configuration]
obtain current notification policy [NotificationManager]
obtain current playback position [MediaPlayer]
obtain current position from MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
obtain current position of cursor [Cursor]
obtain current position of video playback [VideoView]
obtain current progress from ProgressBar [ProgressBar]
obtain current screen density factor [DisplayMetrics]
obtain current screen density group [DisplayMetrics]
obtain current screen direction [Configuration]
obtain current screen direction from phone [Configuration]
obtain current screen direction from telephone [Configuration]
obtain current screen orientation [Configuration]
obtain current screen orientation from phone [Configuration]
obtain current screen orientation from telephone [Configuration]
obtain current sqlite version [SQLiteDatabase]
obtain current time in millis [System]
obtain current time in milliseconds [System]
obtain current video position [VideoView]
obtain current vm heap dimension [Runtime]
obtain current vm heap dimension in bytes [Runtime]
obtain current vm heap size [Runtime]
obtain current vm heap size in bytes [Runtime]
obtain data about a package [PackageManager]
obtain data about connected network [ConnectivityManager]
obtain data about installed app [PackageManager]
obtain data about installed application [PackageManager]
obtain data from Intent [Intent]
obtain data type of column [Cursor]
obtain database path [Context]
obtain database path on filesystem [Context]
obtain database path on storage [Context]
obtain database version [SQLiteDatabase]
obtain day of month from Calendar [Calendar]
obtain db path [Context]
obtain db path on filesystem [Context]
obtain db path on storage [Context]
obtain db version [SQLiteDatabase]
obtain dcim dir [Environment]
obtain dcim directory [Environment]
obtain dcim folder [Environment]
obtain default Calendar instance [Calendar]
obtain default EventBus [EventBus]
obtain default SharedPreferences from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
obtain default TimeZone [TimeZone]
obtain default notification Uri [RingtoneManager]
obtain default pref from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
obtain default preference from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
obtain default setting from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
obtain default sharedpref from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
obtain default sharedpreference from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
obtain device id [TelephonyManager]
obtain device identifier [TelephonyManager]
obtain device manufacturer [Build]
obtain device name [Build]
obtain dimension from ContentValues [ContentValues]
obtain dimension from Resources by id [Resources]
obtain dimension from Resources by identifier [Resources]
obtain dimension from Resources via id [Resources]
obtain dimension from Resources via identifier [Resources]
obtain dimension from bundle [BaseBundle]
obtain dimension of ArrayList [ArrayList]
obtain dimension of LruCache [LruCache]
obtain dimension of SparseArray [SparseArray]
obtain dimension of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
obtain dimension of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
obtain dimension of bundle [BaseBundle]
obtain dimension value from Resources [Resources]
obtain dimension value from TypedArray [TypedArray]
obtain dimension value from TypedArray at index [TypedArray]
obtain dimension value in pixel from TypedArray [TypedArray]
obtain dimension value in pixels from Resources [Resources]
obtain dimensional resource in pixel by id [Resources]
obtain dimensional resource in pixel by identifier [Resources]
obtain dimensional resource in pixel via id [Resources]
obtain dimensional resource in pixel via identifier [Resources]
obtain dir path [Context]
obtain directory path [Context]
obtain display coordinates for View [View]
obtain display direction from phone [Configuration]
obtain display direction from telephone [Configuration]
obtain display height [DisplayMetrics]
obtain display height in pixels [DisplayMetrics]
obtain display orientation from phone [Configuration]
obtain display orientation from telephone [Configuration]
obtain display position for View [View]
obtain display width [DisplayMetrics]
obtain display width in pixels [DisplayMetrics]
obtain displayed text from TextView [TextView]
obtain distance in meters between two locations [Location]
obtain double array extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain double array from Intent [Intent]
obtain double array from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
obtain double array state with default [BaseBundle]
obtain double extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain double from Intent [Intent]
obtain double from bundle [BaseBundle]
obtain double from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
obtain double state [BaseBundle]
obtain double state with default [BaseBundle]
obtain double value from BigDecimal [BigDecimal]
obtain download manager [Context]
obtain download service [Context]
obtain drawable by id from Context [Context]
obtain drawable by id from Resources [Resources]
obtain drawable by identifier from Context [Context]
obtain drawable by identifier from Resources [Resources]
obtain drawable by name [Resources]
obtain drawable by name from resources [Resources]
obtain drawable from Resources [Resources]
obtain drawable from Resources by id [Resources]
obtain drawable from Resources by identifier [Resources]
obtain drawable from Resources via id [Resources]
obtain drawable from Resources via identifier [Resources]
obtain drawable from TypedArray [TypedArray]
obtain drawable from resources by name [Resources]
obtain drawable from resources via name [Resources]
obtain drawable via id from Context [Context]
obtain drawable via id from Resources [Resources]
obtain drawable via identifier from Context [Context]
obtain drawable via identifier from Resources [Resources]
obtain drawable via name [Resources]
obtain drawable via name from resources [Resources]
obtain duplicate of LruCache [LruCache]
obtain duration from Toast [Toast]
obtain duration from video [VideoView]
obtain duration of VideView [VideoView]
obtain duration of file in MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
obtain elapsed time in nanoseconds since boot [SystemClock]
obtain element at specified location in ArrayList [ArrayList]
obtain element from HashMap [HashMap]
obtain element from SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
obtain element from SparseBooleanArray or default [SparseBooleanArray]
obtain element from SparseIntArray by key [SparseIntArray]
obtain element from SparseIntArray via key [SparseIntArray]
obtain elevation from ActionBar [ActionBar]
obtain empty and immutable List [Collections]
obtain empty and immutable Map [Collections]
obtain empty and immutable Set [Collections]
obtain enabled state of view [View]
obtain every accounts [AccountManager]
obtain every active notifications [NotificationManager]
obtain every bundle data from Intent [Intent]
obtain every bundle info from Intent [Intent]
obtain every bundle information from Intent [Intent]
obtain every from preferences [SharedPreferences]
obtain every from prefs [SharedPreferences]
obtain every from settings [SharedPreferences]
obtain every from sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences]
obtain every from sharedprefs [SharedPreferences]
obtain every ongoing background services [ActivityManager]
obtain every query parameters [Uri]
obtain every query parameters from Uri [Uri]
obtain every running background services [ActivityManager]
obtain every segments from Uri [Uri]
obtain every sent sms messages [ContentResolver]
obtain every sms from Inbox [ContentResolver]
obtain every sms from draft dir [ContentResolver]
obtain every sms from draft directory [ContentResolver]
obtain every sms from draft folder [ContentResolver]
obtain every values from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
obtain external cache dir [Context]
obtain external cache directory [Context]
obtain external cache folder [Context]
obtain external dcim dir [Environment]
obtain external dcim directory [Environment]
obtain external dcim folder [Environment]
obtain external file dir [Environment]
obtain external file directory [Environment]
obtain external file folder [Environment]
obtain external files dir [Context]
obtain external files directory [Context]
obtain external files folder [Context]
obtain external filesystem [Context]
obtain external filesystem dir [Environment]
obtain external filesystem dir for alarms [Environment]
obtain external filesystem dir for documents [Environment]
obtain external filesystem dir for downloads [Environment]
obtain external filesystem dir for movies [Environment]
obtain external filesystem dir for music [Environment]
obtain external filesystem dir for pictures [Environment]
obtain external filesystem directory [Environment]
obtain external filesystem directory for alarms [Environment]
obtain external filesystem directory for documents [Environment]
obtain external filesystem directory for downloads [Environment]
obtain external filesystem directory for movies [Environment]
obtain external filesystem directory for music [Environment]
obtain external filesystem directory for pictures [Environment]
obtain external filesystem folder [Environment]
obtain external filesystem folder for alarms [Environment]
obtain external filesystem folder for documents [Environment]
obtain external filesystem folder for downloads [Environment]
obtain external filesystem folder for movies [Environment]
obtain external filesystem folder for music [Environment]
obtain external filesystem folder for pictures [Environment]
obtain external filesystem for ringtones [Environment]
obtain external filesystem public dir [Environment]
obtain external filesystem public directory [Environment]
obtain external filesystem public folder [Environment]
obtain external storage [Context]
obtain external storage dir [Environment]
obtain external storage dir for alarms [Environment]
obtain external storage dir for documents [Environment]
obtain external storage dir for downloads [Environment]
obtain external storage dir for movies [Environment]
obtain external storage dir for music [Environment]
obtain external storage dir for pictures [Environment]
obtain external storage directory [Environment]
obtain external storage directory for alarms [Environment]
obtain external storage directory for documents [Environment]
obtain external storage directory for downloads [Environment]
obtain external storage directory for movies [Environment]
obtain external storage directory for music [Environment]
obtain external storage directory for pictures [Environment]
obtain external storage folder [Environment]
obtain external storage folder for alarms [Environment]
obtain external storage folder for documents [Environment]
obtain external storage folder for downloads [Environment]
obtain external storage folder for movies [Environment]
obtain external storage folder for music [Environment]
obtain external storage folder for pictures [Environment]
obtain external storage for ringtones [Environment]
obtain external storage public dir [Environment]
obtain external storage public directory [Environment]
obtain external storage public folder [Environment]
obtain extras from Intent [Intent]
obtain extras from notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
obtain file duration in MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
obtain file stream path [Context]
obtain files dir [Context]
obtain files directory [Context]
obtain files folder [Context]
obtain filesystem dir for alarms [Environment]
obtain filesystem dir for documents [Environment]
obtain filesystem dir for downloads [Environment]
obtain filesystem dir for images [Environment]
obtain filesystem dir for movies [Environment]
obtain filesystem dir for music [Environment]
obtain filesystem dir for pictures [Environment]
obtain filesystem dir for ringtones [Environment]
obtain filesystem directory for alarms [Environment]
obtain filesystem directory for documents [Environment]
obtain filesystem directory for downloads [Environment]
obtain filesystem directory for images [Environment]
obtain filesystem directory for movies [Environment]
obtain filesystem directory for music [Environment]
obtain filesystem directory for pictures [Environment]
obtain filesystem directory for ringtones [Environment]
obtain filesystem folder for alarms [Environment]
obtain filesystem folder for documents [Environment]
obtain filesystem folder for downloads [Environment]
obtain filesystem folder for images [Environment]
obtain filesystem folder for movies [Environment]
obtain filesystem folder for music [Environment]
obtain filesystem folder for pictures [Environment]
obtain filesystem folder for ringtones [Environment]
obtain first element of LinkedList [LinkedList]
obtain float array extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain float array from Intent [Intent]
obtain float extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain float from Intent [Intent]
obtain float from Parcel [Parcel]
obtain float from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
obtain float from TypedArray [TypedArray]
obtain float from pref [SharedPreferences]
obtain float from preference [SharedPreferences]
obtain float from setting [SharedPreferences]
obtain float from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
obtain float from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
obtain focus for view [View]
obtain focus for view and set direction [View]
obtain focus for view and set orientation [View]
obtain focused View element in Activity [Activity]
obtain focused View element in Dialog [Dialog]
obtain focused View element in Window [Window]
obtain folder path [Context]
obtain formatted string [Context]
obtain formatted string from Fragment [Fragment]
obtain formatted string from xml [Context]
obtain fragment part from Uri [Uri]
obtain general action from Intent [Intent]
obtain gps location [LocationManager]
obtain green component of Color [Color]
obtain green value of Color [Color]
obtain hardware properties manager [Context]
obtain hardware properties service [Context]
obtain hash code from Account [Account]
obtain headline color from Activity [Activity]
obtain headline from ActionBar [ActionBar]
obtain headline from Toolbar [Toolbar]
obtain headline from action bar [ActionBar]
obtain headline from activity [Activity]
obtain height from View [View]
obtain height of ActionBar [ActionBar]
obtain height of Canvas [Canvas]
obtain height of Rect [Rect]
obtain height of bitmap [Bitmap]
obtain height of rectangle [Rect]
obtain hide offset of ActionBar [ActionBar]
obtain horizontal scroll position for View [View]
obtain host from Uri [Uri]
obtain host instance from Fragment [Fragment]
obtain host object from Fragment [Fragment]
obtain hour from Calendar [Calendar]
obtain human readable description of Intent [Intent]
obtain human readable description of SparseArray [SparseArray]
obtain human readable description of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
obtain human readable description of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
obtain human readable description of view [View]
obtain human readable representation of Bundle [Bundle]
obtain id from Fragment [Fragment]
obtain id from View [View]
obtain identifier from Fragment [Fragment]
obtain identifier from View [View]
obtain immutable and clear List [Collections]
obtain immutable and clear Map [Collections]
obtain immutable and clear Set [Collections]
obtain immutable and empty List [Collections]
obtain immutable and empty Map [Collections]
obtain immutable and empty Set [Collections]
obtain index by column name [Cursor]
obtain index of column or throw error [Cursor]
obtain index of object in ArrayList [ArrayList]
obtain index via column name [Cursor]
obtain info about a package [PackageManager]
obtain info about connected network [ConnectivityManager]
obtain info about installed app [PackageManager]
obtain info about installed application [PackageManager]
obtain info from Intent [Intent]
obtain info type of column [Cursor]
obtain information about a package [PackageManager]
obtain information about connected network [ConnectivityManager]
obtain information about installed app [PackageManager]
obtain information about installed application [PackageManager]
obtain information from Intent [Intent]
obtain information type of column [Cursor]
obtain input method manager [Context]
obtain input method service [Context]
obtain instance of Date [Date]
obtain int array extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain int array from Intent [Intent]
obtain int array from Resources [Resources]
obtain int array from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
obtain int by id [Resources]
obtain int by identifier [Resources]
obtain int from Parcel [Parcel]
obtain int from Resources [Resources]
obtain int from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
obtain int from TypedArray [TypedArray]
obtain int from bundle [BaseBundle]
obtain int from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
obtain int from pref [SharedPreferences]
obtain int from preference [SharedPreferences]
obtain int from setting [SharedPreferences]
obtain int from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
obtain int from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
obtain int value by column index [Cursor]
obtain int value from cursor [Cursor]
obtain int value via column index [Cursor]
obtain int via id [Resources]
obtain int via identifier [Resources]
obtain integer array by id [Resources]
obtain integer array by identifier [Resources]
obtain integer array via id [Resources]
obtain integer array via identifier [Resources]
obtain integer from TypedArray [TypedArray]
obtain integer from preferences [SharedPreferences]
obtain integer from prefs [SharedPreferences]
obtain integer from settings [SharedPreferences]
obtain integer from sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences]
obtain integer from sharedprefs [SharedPreferences]
obtain intent from Activity [Activity]
obtain intent that started activity [Activity]
obtain item count from Adapter [Adapter]
obtain item from Adapter by position [Adapter]
obtain item from Adapter via position [Adapter]
obtain job scheduler [Context]
obtain key for Preference [Preference]
obtain keyguard manager [Context]
obtain keyguard service [Context]
obtain keys from bundle [BaseBundle]
obtain keyset from bundle [BaseBundle]
obtain last element of LinkedList [LinkedList]
obtain last index of char [TextUtils]
obtain last index of character [TextUtils]
obtain last index of element in ArrayList [ArrayList]
obtain last known location [LocationManager]
obtain last path segment [Uri]
obtain last path segment from Uri [Uri]
obtain latitude from Address [Address]
obtain latitude from Location [Location]
obtain layout inflater from Dialog [Dialog]
obtain layout inflater in Dialog [Dialog]
obtain layout params for View [View]
obtain left padding of View [View]
obtain left position from View [View]
obtain left position from view to its parent [View]
obtain length of String [String]
obtain length of StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
obtain length of text from TextView [TextView]
obtain length of values in TypedArray [TypedArray]
obtain line separator [System]
obtain list of accounts by type [AccountManager]
obtain list of accounts via type [AccountManager]
obtain list of all accounts [AccountManager]
obtain list of all accounts of any type [AccountManager]
obtain list of every accounts [AccountManager]
obtain list of every accounts of any type [AccountManager]
obtain list of ongoing services [ActivityManager]
obtain list of running services [ActivityManager]
obtain localized formatted string [Context]
obtain localized string [Context]
obtain localized string from Context [Context]
obtain localized string from Fragment [Fragment]
obtain localized string from Resources [Resources]
obtain localized text from Context [Context]
obtain location manager [Context]
obtain location service [Context]
obtain lon from Address [Address]
obtain lon from Location [Location]
obtain long array extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain long array from Intent [Intent]
obtain long array from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
obtain long by column index [Cursor]
obtain long extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain long from Cursor [Cursor]
obtain long from Intent [Intent]
obtain long from Parcel [Parcel]
obtain long from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
obtain long from bundle [BaseBundle]
obtain long from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
obtain long from pref [SharedPreferences]
obtain long from preference [SharedPreferences]
obtain long from setting [SharedPreferences]
obtain long from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
obtain long from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
obtain long state [BaseBundle]
obtain long state with default [BaseBundle]
obtain long via column index [Cursor]
obtain longitude from Address [Address]
obtain longitude from Location [Location]
obtain looper [Context]
obtain mac address [WifiInfo]
obtain main looper [Context]
obtain main view from Fragment [Fragment]
obtain manager for account data [AccountManager]
obtain manager for account info [AccountManager]
obtain manager for account information [AccountManager]
obtain max value from ProgressBar [ProgressBar]
obtain max vm heap dimension [Runtime]
obtain max vm heap dimension in bytes [Runtime]
obtain max vm heap size [Runtime]
obtain max vm heap size in bytes [Runtime]
obtain maximum value from ProgressBar [ProgressBar]
obtain maximum vm heap dimension [Runtime]
obtain maximum vm heap dimension in bytes [Runtime]
obtain maximum vm heap size [Runtime]
obtain maximum vm heap size in bytes [Runtime]
obtain measured height from View [View]
obtain measured width from View [View]
obtain menu from toolbar [Toolbar]
obtain menu item by id [Menu]
obtain menu item by identifier [Menu]
obtain menu item via id [Menu]
obtain menu item via identifier [Menu]
obtain metadata bundle from notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
obtain millisecond from Calendar [Calendar]
obtain mime type from Intent [Intent]
obtain minute from Calendar [Calendar]
obtain miss count from LruCache [LruCache]
obtain month from Calendar [Calendar]
obtain name of calling activity [Activity]
obtain name of system service [Context]
obtain names of databases [Context]
obtain navigation icon from Toolbar [Toolbar]
obtain negative button from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
obtain network data manager [Context]
obtain network data service [Context]
obtain network info manager [Context]
obtain network info service [Context]
obtain network information manager [Context]
obtain network information service [Context]
obtain network statistics manager [Context]
obtain network stats manager [Context]
obtain neutral button from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
obtain notification manager [Context]
obtain notification policy [NotificationManager]
obtain number of entries in back stack [FragmentManager]
obtain number of mappings [BaseBundle]
obtain number of values in TypedArray [TypedArray]
obtain object from SparseArray [SparseArray]
obtain object from SparseArray or default [SparseArray]
obtain object from bundle [BaseBundle]
obtain object state [BaseBundle]
obtain ongoing services [ActivityManager]
obtain package manager [Context]
obtain package name [Context]
obtain package that invoked Activity [Activity]
obtain padding bottom of View [View]
obtain padding left of View [View]
obtain padding right of View [View]
obtain padding top of View [View]
obtain parcelable array extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain parcelable array from Intent [Intent]
obtain parcelable array list extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain parcelable array list from Intent [Intent]
obtain parcelable extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain parcelable from Intent [Intent]
obtain parcelable from bundle [Bundle]
obtain parcelable state [Bundle]
obtain parent activity [Activity]
obtain parent dir of File [File]
obtain parent directory of File [File]
obtain parent folder of File [File]
obtain parent for View [View]
obtain parent view [View]
obtain part after hash character from Uri [Uri]
obtain part after number character from Uri [Uri]
obtain path for file [Context]
obtain path from Uri [Uri]
obtain path segments from Uri [Uri]
obtain phone from Address [Address]
obtain phone manager [Context]
obtain phone number [TelephonyManager]
obtain phone number from Address [Address]
obtain phone number from device [TelephonyManager]
obtain phone number from smartphone [TelephonyManager]
obtain phone number from user [TelephonyManager]
obtain phone number of device [TelephonyManager]
obtain phone service [Context]
obtain plain stacktrace from exception [Log]
obtain plain trace from exception [Log]
obtain plain x coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
obtain plain y coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
obtain plural string from Resources [Resources]
obtain port [Uri]
obtain port from Uri [Uri]
obtain position for the first item displayed on display in AdapterView [AdapterView]
obtain position for the first item displayed on screen in AdapterView [AdapterView]
obtain position for the first item which is displayed on display in AdapterView [AdapterView]
obtain position for the first item which is displayed on screen in AdapterView [AdapterView]
obtain position of cursor in row set [Cursor]
obtain position of first item displayed in AdapterView [AdapterView]
obtain positive button from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
obtain postal code from Address [Address]
obtain power manager [Context]
obtain power service [Context]
obtain preferences by name and mode [Context]
obtain preferences for activity [Activity]
obtain preferences from WebView [WebView]
obtain preferences via name and mode [Context]
obtain prefs by name and mode [Context]
obtain prefs for activity [Activity]
obtain prefs from WebView [WebView]
obtain prefs via name and mode [Context]
obtain quantity string from Resources [Resources]
obtain query parameter by key [Uri]
obtain query parameter from Uri [Uri]
obtain query parameter via key [Uri]
obtain raw x coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
obtain raw y coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
obtain red component of Color [Color]
obtain red value from Color [Color]
obtain resource id by name [Resources]
obtain resource id from TypedArray [TypedArray]
obtain resource id of an image by name [Resources]
obtain resource id of an image via name [Resources]
obtain resource id of an photo by name [Resources]
obtain resource id of an photo via name [Resources]
obtain resource id of an picture by name [Resources]
obtain resource id of an picture via name [Resources]
obtain resource id of string by name [Resources]
obtain resource id of string via name [Resources]
obtain resource id via name [Resources]
obtain resource identifier by name [Resources]
obtain resource identifier from TypedArray [TypedArray]
obtain resource identifier of an image by name [Resources]
obtain resource identifier of an image via name [Resources]
obtain resource identifier of an photo by name [Resources]
obtain resource identifier of an photo via name [Resources]
obtain resource identifier of an picture by name [Resources]
obtain resource identifier of an picture via name [Resources]
obtain resource identifier of string by name [Resources]
obtain resource identifier of string via name [Resources]
obtain resource identifier via name [Resources]
obtain result count of cursor [Cursor]
obtain result from AsyncTask [AsyncTask]
obtain right padding of View [View]
obtain right position of view [View]
obtain right position of view to its parent [View]
obtain ringtone by Uri [RingtoneManager]
obtain ringtone via Uri [RingtoneManager]
obtain root view from Activity [Activity]
obtain root view from Fragment [Fragment]
obtain rows of cursor [Cursor]
obtain running services [ActivityManager]
obtain scheme from Intent [Intent]
obtain scheme from Uri [Uri]
obtain screen coordinates for View [View]
obtain screen direction from phone [Configuration]
obtain screen direction from telephone [Configuration]
obtain screen height [DisplayMetrics]
obtain screen height in pixels [DisplayMetrics]
obtain screen orientation from phone [Configuration]
obtain screen orientation from telephone [Configuration]
obtain screen position for View [View]
obtain screen width [DisplayMetrics]
obtain screen width in pixels [DisplayMetrics]
obtain scroll x position for View [View]
obtain scroll y position for View [View]
obtain sd card dir [Environment]
obtain sd card directory [Environment]
obtain sd card folder [Environment]
obtain search manager [Context]
obtain search service [Context]
obtain second from Calendar [Calendar]
obtain segments from Uri [Uri]
obtain selected RadioButton in group [RadioGroup]
obtain sent sms messages [ContentResolver]
obtain serializable extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain serializable from Intent [Intent]
obtain serializable object from bundle [Bundle]
obtain serializable state [Bundle]
obtain set of all categories from Intent [Intent]
obtain set of every categories from Intent [Intent]
obtain settings by name and mode [Context]
obtain settings for activity [Activity]
obtain settings from WebView [WebView]
obtain settings via name and mode [Context]
obtain sharedpreferences for activity [Activity]
obtain sharedpreferences from WebView [WebView]
obtain sharedprefs by name and mode [Context]
obtain sharedprefs for activity [Activity]
obtain sharedprefs from WebView [WebView]
obtain sharedprefs via name and mode [Context]
obtain short from cursor [Cursor]
obtain short value by column index [Cursor]
obtain short value via column index [Cursor]
obtain size from ContentValues [ContentValues]
obtain size from Resources by id [Resources]
obtain size from Resources by identifier [Resources]
obtain size from Resources via id [Resources]
obtain size from Resources via identifier [Resources]
obtain size from bundle [BaseBundle]
obtain size of ArrayList [ArrayList]
obtain size of LruCache [LruCache]
obtain size of SparseArray [SparseArray]
obtain size of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
obtain size of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
obtain size of bundle [BaseBundle]
obtain size value from Resources [Resources]
obtain size value from TypedArray [TypedArray]
obtain size value from TypedArray at index [TypedArray]
obtain size value in pixel from TypedArray [TypedArray]
obtain size value in pixels from Resources [Resources]
obtain sms messages from Inbox [ContentResolver]
obtain sms messages from draft dir [ContentResolver]
obtain sms messages from draft directory [ContentResolver]
obtain sms messages from draft folder [ContentResolver]
obtain sqlite path [Context]
obtain sqlite path on filesystem [Context]
obtain sqlite path on storage [Context]
obtain sqlite version [SQLiteDatabase]
obtain stacktrace as string [Log]
obtain stacktrace from Thread [Thread]
obtain stacktrace from throwable [Log]
obtain state of external filesystem [Environment]
obtain state of external storage [Environment]
obtain state of sd card [Environment]
obtain storage dir for alarms [Environment]
obtain storage dir for documents [Environment]
obtain storage dir for downloads [Environment]
obtain storage dir for images [Environment]
obtain storage dir for movies [Environment]
obtain storage dir for music [Environment]
obtain storage dir for pictures [Environment]
obtain storage dir for ringtones [Environment]
obtain storage directory for alarms [Environment]
obtain storage directory for documents [Environment]
obtain storage directory for downloads [Environment]
obtain storage directory for images [Environment]
obtain storage directory for movies [Environment]
obtain storage directory for music [Environment]
obtain storage directory for pictures [Environment]
obtain storage directory for ringtones [Environment]
obtain storage folder for alarms [Environment]
obtain storage folder for documents [Environment]
obtain storage folder for downloads [Environment]
obtain storage folder for images [Environment]
obtain storage folder for movies [Environment]
obtain storage folder for music [Environment]
obtain storage folder for pictures [Environment]
obtain storage folder for ringtones [Environment]
obtain string array extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain string array from Intent [Intent]
obtain string array from Resources [Resources]
obtain string array from Resources by id [Resources]
obtain string array from Resources by identifier [Resources]
obtain string array from Resources via id [Resources]
obtain string array from Resources via identifier [Resources]
obtain string array from bundle [BaseBundle]
obtain string array state [BaseBundle]
obtain string by name [Resources]
obtain string extra from Intent [Intent]
obtain string from Fragment [Fragment]
obtain string from Intent [Intent]
obtain string from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
obtain string from TypedArray [TypedArray]
obtain string from Uri [Uri]
obtain string from bundle [BaseBundle]
obtain string from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
obtain string from cursor [Cursor]
obtain string from pref [SharedPreferences]
obtain string from preference [SharedPreferences]
obtain string from resources [Context]
obtain string from resources by name [Resources]
obtain string from resources via name [Resources]
obtain string from setting [SharedPreferences]
obtain string from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
obtain string from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
obtain string from xml [Context]
obtain string list bundle [Bundle]
obtain string of the requested column [Cursor]
obtain string representation from Fragment [Fragment]
obtain string representation from Uri [Uri]
obtain string representation of Account [Account]
obtain string representation of SparseArray [SparseArray]
obtain string representation of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
obtain string representation of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
obtain string set from pref [SharedPreferences]
obtain string set from preference [SharedPreferences]
obtain string set from setting [SharedPreferences]
obtain string set from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
obtain string set from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
obtain string state [BaseBundle]
obtain string via name [Resources]
obtain styled attributes [Context]
obtain subheadline from ActionBar [ActionBar]
obtain subheadline from Toolbar [Toolbar]
obtain subtitle from ActionBar [ActionBar]
obtain subtitle from Toolbar [Toolbar]
obtain system service name [Context]
obtain tag from View [View]
obtain telephone from Address [Address]
obtain telephone manager [Context]
obtain telephone number [TelephonyManager]
obtain telephone number from Address [Address]
obtain telephone number from device [TelephonyManager]
obtain telephone number from smartphone [TelephonyManager]
obtain telephone number from user [TelephonyManager]
obtain telephone number of device [TelephonyManager]
obtain telephone service [Context]
obtain telephony manager [Context]
obtain text from EditText [EditText]
obtain text from TextView [TextView]
obtain text length from TextView [TextView]
obtain theme [Context]
obtain thread id from HandlerThread [HandlerThread]
obtain thread identifier from HandlerThread [HandlerThread]
obtain time in millis from Calendar [Calendar]
obtain time in millisecond from Calendar [Calendar]
obtain title color from Activity [Activity]
obtain title from ActionBar [ActionBar]
obtain title from Toolbar [Toolbar]
obtain title from action bar [ActionBar]
obtain title from activity [Activity]
obtain token of window this view is attached to [View]
obtain top padding of View [View]
obtain top position of view relative to its parent [View]
obtain total count of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
obtain total number of rows in cursor [Cursor]
obtain trace as string [Log]
obtain trace from Thread [Thread]
obtain trace from throwable [Log]
obtain type from Intent [Intent]
obtain ui mode manager [Context]
obtain unique device id [TelephonyManager]
obtain unique device identifier [TelephonyManager]
obtain uptime since boot without deep sleep [SystemClock]
obtain uptime without deep sleep [SystemClock]
obtain user agent from WebSettings [WebSettings]
obtain user agent from WebView [WebSettings]
obtain user data from account [AccountManager]
obtain user info from account [AccountManager]
obtain user information from account [AccountManager]
obtain users phone number [TelephonyManager]
obtain users telephone number [TelephonyManager]
obtain value by index from SparseArray [SparseArray]
obtain value from LruCache [LruCache]
obtain value of AtomicBoolean [AtomicBoolean]
obtain value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
obtain value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
obtain value via index from SparseArray [SparseArray]
obtain values dimension from ContentValues [ContentValues]
obtain values size from ContentValues [ContentValues]
obtain vertical offset of ActionBar [ActionBar]
obtain vertical offset of action bar [ActionBar]
obtain vertical scroll position for View [View]
obtain vibrator manager [Context]
obtain vibrator service [Context]
obtain video position from VideoView [VideoView]
obtain view child by index [ViewGroup]
obtain view child via index [ViewGroup]
obtain view element with focus [View]
obtain view which has focus [View]
obtain visibility for View [View]
obtain visibility state of view and all ancestors [View]
obtain visibility state of view and every ancestors [View]
obtain visual x position of view in pixel [View]
obtain visual y position of view in pixel [View]
obtain visual z position of view in pixels [View]
obtain vm heap dimension limit [Runtime]
obtain vm heap size limit [Runtime]
obtain width of Canvas [Canvas]
obtain width of Rect [Rect]
obtain width of View [View]
obtain width of bitmap [Bitmap]
obtain width of rectangle [Rect]
obtain wifi connection data [WifiManager]
obtain wifi connection info [WifiManager]
obtain wifi connection information [WifiManager]
obtain wifi direct manager [Context]
obtain wifi manager [Context]
obtain wifi service [Context]
obtain window for Activity [Activity]
obtain window manager [Context]
obtain window service [Context]
obtain window token [View]
obtain year from Calendar [Calendar]
obtain z axis elevation from ActionBar [ActionBar]
obtain zip code from Address [Address]
only allow numbers in EditText [TextView]
only allow one line [TextView]
only display numbers in keyboard [TextView]
only display numbers in softkeyboard [TextView]
only screen numbers in keyboard [TextView]
only screen numbers in softkeyboard [TextView]
open ContextMenu for View [Activity]
open OptionsMenu [Activity]
open app in app store
open app in play store
open audio player
open camera app
open camera app for result
open contact list and pick contact
open context menu for View [Activity]
open database [Context]
open db [Context]
open downloaded file [DownloadManager]
open drawer [DrawerLayout]
open file [Context]
open file descriptor [ContentResolver]
open file for writing [Context]
open file output [Context]
open html file from assets in WebView [WebView]
open internal html file in WebView [WebView]
open link in browser
open options menu [Activity]
open or create database [Context]
open or create database with error handler [Context]
open or create db [Context]
open or create db with error handler [Context]
open or create sqlite [Context]
open or create sqlite with error handler [Context]
open read only ParcelFileDescriptor [ContentResolver]
open readable file descriptor [ContentResolver]
open sms app
open sqlite [Context]
open url in browser
parse Date from specified String by DateFormat [DateFormat]
parse Date from specified String via DateFormat [DateFormat]
parse String as int [Integer]
parse String to Uri [Uri]
parse all query parameters [Uri]
parse color from string [Color]
parse every query parameters [Uri]
parse query parameter from Uri [Uri]
parse view and attach to root view by LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
parse view and attach to root view via LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
parse view by LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
parse view via LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
pause MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
pause playback [MediaPlayer]
perform haptic feedback [View]
perform query that created the Cursor again [AbstractCursor]
pick a contact
pick a contact from contact list
pick all text in EditText when it gets focus [TextView]
pick every text in EditText when it gets focus [TextView]
pick item in ListView [AbsListView]
pick item of Spinner [AbsSpinner]
pick text in EditText when it gets focus [TextView]
pick text when it gets focus in EditText [TextView]
place cursor to the end of text in EditText [EditText]
play audio file in music player
play music file in audio player
play music file in music player
play notification sound
play ringtone [Ringtone]
play song in audio player
play video on youtube
play youtube video
pop back stack [FragmentManager]
position text at the bottom in TextView [TextView]
position text at the left in TextView [TextView]
position text at the right in TextView [TextView]
position text at the top in TextView [TextView]
post event by EventBus [EventBus]
post event via EventBus [EventBus]
post notification [NotificationManager]
post notification with tag [NotificationManager]
post object by EventBus [EventBus]
post object via EventBus [EventBus]
post runnable [Handler]
post runnable delay from Handler [Handler]
post runnable to message queue [Handler]
post runnable to msg queue [Handler]
post sticky event by EventBus [EventBus]
post sticky event via EventBus [EventBus]
prepare MediaPlayer asyn [MediaPlayer]
prepare MediaPlayer asynchronously [MediaPlayer]
press view to foreground [View]
press view to front [View]
prevent screenshots [Window]
prevent taking screenshots [Window]
push view to foreground [View]
push view to front [View]
put Parcelable object into Parcel [Parcel]
put String into Parcel [Parcel]
put boolean array as extra to Intent [Intent]
put boolean array in bundle [BaseBundle]
put boolean array to Intent as extra [Intent]
put boolean as extra to Intent [Intent]
put boolean in bundle [BaseBundle]
put boolean in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put boolean in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put boolean in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put boolean in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put boolean in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put boolean to Intent as extra [Intent]
put boolean to content values [ContentValues]
put bundle as extra to Intent [Intent]
put bundle in bundle [BaseBundle]
put bundle to Intent as extra [Intent]
put byte array as extra to Intent [Intent]
put byte array to Intent as extra [Intent]
put byte array to content values [ContentValues]
put byte as extra to Intent [Intent]
put byte to Intent as extra [Intent]
put byte to content values [ContentValues]
put cache entry in LruCache [LruCache]
put char array as extra to Intent [Intent]
put char array to Intent as extra [Intent]
put char to Intent as extra [Intent]
put character as extra to Intent [Intent]
put clone extra to Intent [Intent]
put copy extra to Intent [Intent]
put double array as extra to intent [Intent]
put double array to intent as extra [Intent]
put double as extra to Intent [Intent]
put double in bundle [BaseBundle]
put double to Intent as extra [Intent]
put double to content values [ContentValues]
put duplicate extra to Intent [Intent]
put element to SparseArray [SparseArray]
put email extra to intent [Intent]
put entry in HashMap [HashMap]
put enum in Bundle [Bundle]
put enum object in Bundle [Bundle]
put float array as extra to Intent [Intent]
put float array to Intent as extra [Intent]
put float as extra to intent [Intent]
put float in SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put float into Parcel [Parcel]
put float to content values [ContentValues]
put float to intent as extra [Intent]
put html text extra to Intent [Intent]
put image into Target in Picasso [RequestCreator]
put image into target with Callback by Picasso [RequestCreator]
put image into target with Callback via Picasso [RequestCreator]
put int array as extra to intent [Intent]
put int array in bundle [BaseBundle]
put int array to intent as extra [Intent]
put int as extra to intent [Intent]
put int in SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put int in bundle [BaseBundle]
put int into Parcel [Parcel]
put int to intent as extra [Intent]
put integer in bundle [BaseBundle]
put integer to content values [ContentValues]
put long array as extra to Intent [Intent]
put long array in bundle [BaseBundle]
put long array to Intent as extra [Intent]
put long as extra to Intent [Intent]
put long in bundle [BaseBundle]
put long in pref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put long in preference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put long in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put long in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put long in setting [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put long in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put long in sharedpref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put long in sharedpreference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put long in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put long in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put long into Parcel [Parcel]
put long to Intent as extra [Intent]
put long to content values [ContentValues]
put mapping to SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
put parcelable array as extra to Intent [Intent]
put parcelable as extra to Intent [Intent]
put parcelable list in bundle [Bundle]
put parcelable object in bundle [Bundle]
put parcelable to Intent as extra [Intent]
put phone number extra to intent [Intent]
put photo into Target in Picasso [RequestCreator]
put photo into target with Callback by Picasso [RequestCreator]
put photo into target with Callback via Picasso [RequestCreator]
put picture into Target in Picasso [RequestCreator]
put picture into target with Callback by Picasso [RequestCreator]
put picture into target with Callback via Picasso [RequestCreator]
put serializable object as extra to Intent [Intent]
put serializable object in bundle [Bundle]
put short array as extra to Intent [Intent]
put short array to Intent as extra [Intent]
put short as extra to Intent [Intent]
put short to Intent as extra [Intent]
put short to content values [ContentValues]
put stream extra to intent [Intent]
put string to intent as extra [Intent]
put string array as extra to Intent [Intent]
put string array in bundle [BaseBundle]
put string array to Intent as extra [Intent]
put string as extra to intent [Intent]
put string in bundle [BaseBundle]
put string set to pref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put string set to preference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put string set to preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put string set to prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put string set to setting [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put string set to settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put string set to sharedpref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put string set to sharedpreference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put string set to sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put string set to sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put string to SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
put string to content values [ContentValues]
put subject extra to intent [Intent]
put telephone number extra to intent [Intent]
put text extra to Intent [Intent]
put topic extra to intent [Intent]
put value on LruCache [LruCache]
query table [SQLiteDatabase]
quit looper of HandlerThread [HandlerThread]
read Parcelable object from Parcel [Parcel]
read String from Parcel [Parcel]
read all sent sms messages [ContentResolver]
read all sms messages from Inbox [ContentResolver]
read all sms messages from draft dir [ContentResolver]
read all sms messages from draft directory [ContentResolver]
read all sms messages from draft folder [ContentResolver]
read boolean from bundle [BaseBundle]
read every sent sms messages [ContentResolver]
read every sms messages from Inbox [ContentResolver]
read every sms messages from draft dir [ContentResolver]
read every sms messages from draft directory [ContentResolver]
read every sms messages from draft folder [ContentResolver]
read float from Parcel [Parcel]
read int array from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
read int from Parcel [Parcel]
read int from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
read long array from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
read long from Parcel [Parcel]
read long from bundle [BaseBundle]
read long from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
read object from bundle [BaseBundle]
read parcelable object from bundle [Bundle]
read serializable object from bundle [Bundle]
read sms which are in Inbox [ContentResolver]
read sms which are in draft dir [ContentResolver]
read sms which are in draft directory [ContentResolver]
read sms which are in draft folder [ContentResolver]
read sms which are in sent dir [ContentResolver]
read sms which are in sent directory [ContentResolver]
read sms which are in sent folder [ContentResolver]
read string from bundle [BaseBundle]
read string from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
read string list from bundle [Bundle]
receive AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator [AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator]
receive AccelerateInterpolator [AccelerateInterpolator]
receive AccountManager [Context]
receive AccountManager from AccountManager getter [AccountManager]
receive ActionBar [Activity]
receive ActionBar subheadline [ActionBar]
receive ActionBar subtitle [ActionBar]
receive Actionbar from Activity [Activity]
receive Activity from Fragment [Fragment]
receive ActivityManager [Context]
receive AlarmManager [Context]
receive AppWidgetManager [Context]
receive AppWidgetManager instance from AppWidgetManager class [AppWidgetManager]
receive Application [Activity]
receive ApplicationContext [Context]
receive AssetManager [Context]
receive AudioManager [Context]
receive BatteryManager [Context]
receive Bitmap from BitmapDrawable [BitmapDrawable]
receive BitmapDrawable from ImageView [ImageView]
receive BluetoothAdapter [BluetoothAdapter]
receive BounceInterpolator [BounceInterpolator]
receive Calendar [Calendar]
receive Canvas height [Canvas]
receive Canvas width [Canvas]
receive ClassLoader [Context]
receive ClipData from Intent [Intent]
receive ClipboardManager [Context]
receive Color from hexadecimal color string [Color]
receive ComponentName from Activity [Activity]
receive Configuration [Resources]
receive ConnectivityManager [Context]
receive ContentResolver [Context]
receive ContentValues [ContentValues]
receive Context [View]
receive Context from Fragment [Fragment]
receive Context from LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
receive Context from View [View]
receive Date from Calendar [Calendar]
receive DecelerateInterpolator [DecelerateInterpolator]
receive Display [WindowManager]
receive DisplayMetrics [Resources]
receive Double from ContentValues [ContentValues]
receive DownloadManager [Context]
receive Drawable by id by Context [Context]
receive Drawable by id via Context [Context]
receive Drawable by identifier by Context [Context]
receive Drawable by identifier via Context [Context]
receive Drawable from ImageView [ImageView]
receive Drawable from Resources by Context [Context]
receive Drawable from Resources via Context [Context]
receive Drawable from path [Drawable]
receive Drawable via id by Context [Context]
receive Drawable via id via Context [Context]
receive Drawable via identifier by Context [Context]
receive Drawable via identifier via Context [Context]
receive EventBus [EventBus]
receive FileDescriptor from ParcelFileDescriptor [ParcelFileDescriptor]
receive Float from ContentValues [ContentValues]
receive FragmentManager [Activity]
receive FragmentManager from Fragment [Fragment]
receive HardwarePropertiesManager [Context]
receive HashMap dimension [HashMap]
receive HashMap size [HashMap]
receive IMEI or MEID from device [TelephonyManager]
receive InputMethodManager [Context]
receive Integer from ContentValues [ContentValues]
receive IntentFilter [IntentFilter]
receive Iterator from ArrayList [ArrayList]
receive JobScheduler [Context]
receive KeyguardManager [Context]
receive LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
receive LayoutInflater by Context [LayoutInflater]
receive LayoutInflater via Context [LayoutInflater]
receive LinearInterpolator [LinearInterpolator]
receive LinearLayoutManager [LinearLayoutManager]
receive LinkMovementMethod [LinkMovementMethod]
receive LinkedList dimension [LinkedList]
receive LinkedList size [LinkedList]
receive ListView from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
receive LoaderManager for activity [Activity]
receive LoaderManager from Fragment [Fragment]
receive LocalBroadcastManager [LocalBroadcastManager]
receive Locale from Address [Address]
receive LocationManager [Context]
receive Long from ContentValues [ContentValues]
receive Looper from HandlerThread [HandlerThread]
receive Looper from handler [Handler]
receive LruCache cache dimension [LruCache]
receive LruCache cache size [LruCache]
receive MAC address of WiFi network [WifiInfo]
receive MenuInflater [Activity]
receive NetworkInfo [ConnectivityManager]
receive NetworkStatsManager [Context]
receive Nfc manager [Context]
receive NfcAdapter [NfcManager]
receive NfcManager [Context]
receive NotificationManager [Context]
receive Object from ContentValues [ContentValues]
receive PackageManager [Context]
receive Paint color [Paint]
receive Parcelable object from Parcel [Parcel]
receive PendingIntent for Activity [PendingIntent]
receive PendingIntent for Broadcast [PendingIntent]
receive Picasso [Picasso]
receive PowerManager [Context]
receive PreferenceManager from PreferenceFragment [PreferenceFragment]
receive PreferenceScreen from PreferenceFragment [PreferenceFragment]
receive Random [Random]
receive RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
receive RequestCreator [Picasso]
receive Resources [Context]
receive Resources from Fragment [Fragment]
receive Resources from View [View]
receive Resources object [Context]
receive Runtime [Runtime]
receive Runtime instance [Runtime]
receive Runtime instance for the current app [Runtime]
receive Runtime instance for the current application [Runtime]
receive ScrollingMovementMethod [ScrollingMovementMethod]
receive SearchManager [Context]
receive SharedPreferences [PreferenceManager]
receive SharedPreferences by name and mode [Context]
receive SharedPreferences editor [SharedPreferences]
receive SharedPreferences for this activity [Activity]
receive SharedPreferences via name and mode [Context]
receive Short from ContentValues [ContentValues]
receive Short object from ContentValues [ContentValues]
receive SparseArray [SparseArray]
receive StackTraceElement array from Thread [Thread]
receive String [Context]
receive String from ContentValues [ContentValues]
receive String from Parcel [Parcel]
receive String from StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
receive String length [String]
receive TaskStackBuilder [TaskStackBuilder]
receive TelephonyManager [Context]
receive Thread from Looper [Looper]
receive TimeZone [TimeZone]
receive TimeZone from Calendar [Calendar]
receive Toast duration [Toast]
receive UTF8 charset [Charset]
receive UiModeManager [Context]
receive Uri data from Intent [Intent]
receive Uri info from Intent [Intent]
receive Uri information from Intent [Intent]
receive Url from Address [Address]
receive Vibrator [Context]
receive View from Toast [Toast]
receive View object from Toast [Toast]
receive View with focus [View]
receive ViewTreeObserver for view hierarchy [View]
receive VoiceInteractor [Activity]
receive VoiceInteractor from Activity [Activity]
receive WebSettings [WebView]
receive WebView preferences [WebView]
receive WebView prefs [WebView]
receive WebView settings [WebView]
receive WebView sharedpreferences [WebView]
receive WebView sharedprefs [WebView]
receive WifiInfo [WifiManager]
receive WifiManager [Context]
receive WifiP2pManager [Context]
receive Window [Activity]
receive Window from Dialog [Dialog]
receive WindowManager [Context]
receive account service [Context]
receive action from Intent [Intent]
receive action from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
receive active network data [ConnectivityManager]
receive active network info [ConnectivityManager]
receive active network information [ConnectivityManager]
receive active notifications [NotificationManager]
receive activity headline [Activity]
receive activity headline color [Activity]
receive activity manager [Context]
receive activity title [Activity]
receive activity title color [Activity]
receive alarm manager [Context]
receive all accounts [AccountManager]
receive all active notifications [NotificationManager]
receive all bundle data from Intent [Intent]
receive all bundle info from Intent [Intent]
receive all bundle information from Intent [Intent]
receive all from preferences [SharedPreferences]
receive all from prefs [SharedPreferences]
receive all from settings [SharedPreferences]
receive all from sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences]
receive all from sharedprefs [SharedPreferences]
receive all ongoing background services [ActivityManager]
receive all query parameters [Uri]
receive all query parameters from Uri [Uri]
receive all running background services [ActivityManager]
receive all segments from Uri [Uri]
receive all sent sms messages [ContentResolver]
receive all sms from Inbox [ContentResolver]
receive all sms from draft dir [ContentResolver]
receive all sms from draft directory [ContentResolver]
receive all sms from draft folder [ContentResolver]
receive all values from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
receive alpha [View]
receive alpha component of a Color [Color]
receive alpha of view [View]
receive alpha value from Color [Color]
receive alpha value of View [View]
receive alpha value of View instance [View]
receive amount of children [ViewGroup]
receive and add value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
receive and add value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
receive and decrement value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
receive and decrement value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
receive and increment value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
receive and increment value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
receive and set value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
receive and set value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
receive animation from view [View]
receive animation from view element [View]
receive app main looper [Looper]
receive app package name [Context]
receive app widget manager [AppWidgetManager]
receive app widget service [Context]
receive application main looper [Looper]
receive application package name [Context]
receive application widget manager [AppWidgetManager]
receive application widget service [Context]
receive asset manager [Context]
receive assets [Context]
receive assoicated Activity from Fragment [Fragment]
receive audio manager [Context]
receive audio session id [MediaPlayer]
receive audio session identifier [MediaPlayer]
receive authority from Uri [Uri]
receive back stack count [FragmentManager]
receive back stack entry count [FragmentManager]
receive background from View [View]
receive background tint list [View]
receive background tint mode [View]
receive base dir [Context]
receive base directory [Context]
receive base folder [Context]
receive baseline offset [View]
receive basic stacktrace from exception [Log]
receive basic trace from exception [Log]
receive basic x coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
receive basic y coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
receive battery manager [Context]
receive battery service [Context]
receive bitmap from Resources [BitmapFactory]
receive bitmap from file path [BitmapFactory]
receive bitmap from file path with options [BitmapFactory]
receive bitmap height [Bitmap]
receive bitmap width [Bitmap]
receive blob value from Cursor [Cursor]
receive blob value from Cursor by column index [Cursor]
receive blob value from Cursor via column index [Cursor]
receive blue component of color [Color]
receive blue value of Color [Color]
receive boolean array extra from Intent [Intent]
receive boolean array from Intent [Intent]
receive boolean array from bundle [BaseBundle]
receive boolean array state [BaseBundle]
receive boolean extra from Intent [Intent]
receive boolean from ContentValues [ContentValues]
receive boolean from Intent [Intent]
receive boolean from Resources [Resources]
receive boolean from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
receive boolean from TypedArray [TypedArray]
receive boolean from bundle [BaseBundle]
receive boolean from pref [SharedPreferences]
receive boolean from preference [SharedPreferences]
receive boolean from preferences [SharedPreferences]
receive boolean from prefs [SharedPreferences]
receive boolean from resources by id [Resources]
receive boolean from resources by identifier [Resources]
receive boolean from resources via id [Resources]
receive boolean from resources via identifier [Resources]
receive boolean from setting [SharedPreferences]
receive boolean from settings [SharedPreferences]
receive boolean from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
receive boolean from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
receive boolean from sharedprefs [SharedPreferences]
receive boolean state [BaseBundle]
receive boolean state with default [BaseBundle]
receive bottom from View [View]
receive bottom padding of View [View]
receive bottom position of view [View]
receive bundle dimension [BaseBundle]
receive bundle from Intent [Intent]
receive bundle size [BaseBundle]
receive button from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
receive button negative from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
receive button neutral from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
receive button positive from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
receive byte array encoded as UTF8 from String [String]
receive byte array extra from Intent [Intent]
receive byte array from ContentValues [ContentValues]
receive byte array from Intent [Intent]
receive byte array from String [String]
receive byte array from String with specified charset [String]
receive byte extra from Intent [Intent]
receive byte from ContentValues [ContentValues]
receive byte from Intent [Intent]
receive bytes from String [String]
receive cache dir [Context]
receive cache directory [Context]
receive cache folder [Context]
receive calling activity [Activity]
receive capacity of StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
receive categories from Intent [Intent]
receive char at specified index in String [String]
receive char extra from Intent [Intent]
receive char from Intent [Intent]
receive checked RadioButton in group [RadioGroup]
receive child by index [ViewGroup]
receive child count [ViewGroup]
receive child via index [ViewGroup]
receive class loader [Context]
receive clear and immutable List [Collections]
receive clear and immutable Map [Collections]
receive clear and immutable Set [Collections]
receive clipboard data from Intent [Intent]
receive clipboard info from Intent [Intent]
receive clipboard information from Intent [Intent]
receive clipboard manager [Context]
receive clipboard service [Context]
receive clone of LruCache [LruCache]
receive code cache dir [Context]
receive code cache directory [Context]
receive code cache folder [Context]
receive color [Context]
receive color as hex color string from Resources [Resources]
receive color as string value from Resources [Resources]
receive color from Paint [Paint]
receive color from Resources [Resources]
receive color from Resources by id [Resources]
receive color from Resources by identifier [Resources]
receive color from Resources via id [Resources]
receive color from Resources via identifier [Resources]
receive color from TypedArray [TypedArray]
receive column index by name [Cursor]
receive column index by name or fail [Cursor]
receive column index via name [Cursor]
receive column index via name or fail [Cursor]
receive component name from Activity [Activity]
receive connection manager [Context]
receive connection service [Context]
receive connectivity manager [Context]
receive connectivity service [Context]
receive constant BigDecimal zero [BigDecimal]
receive constant direction landscape [Configuration]
receive constant direction portrait [Configuration]
receive constant media mounted [Environment]
receive constant media mounted read only [Environment]
receive constant orientation landscape [Configuration]
receive constant orientation portrait [Configuration]
receive constant permission denied [PackageManager]
receive constant permission granted [PackageManager]
receive content resolver [Context]
receive context reference from Fragment [Fragment]
receive copy of LruCache [LruCache]
receive count of misses from LruCache [LruCache]
receive country code from Address [Address]
receive country name from Address [Address]
receive current Thread [Thread]
receive current database version [SQLiteDatabase]
receive current db version [SQLiteDatabase]
receive current display density factor [DisplayMetrics]
receive current display density group [DisplayMetrics]
receive current display direction [Configuration]
receive current display direction from phone [Configuration]
receive current display direction from telephone [Configuration]
receive current display orientation [Configuration]
receive current display orientation from phone [Configuration]
receive current display orientation from telephone [Configuration]
receive current element with focus in Activity [Activity]
receive current element with focus in Dialog [Dialog]
receive current element with focus in Window [Window]
receive current focused element in Activity [Activity]
receive current focused element in Dialog [Dialog]
receive current focused element in Window [Window]
receive current locale [Configuration]
receive current notification policy [NotificationManager]
receive current playback position [MediaPlayer]
receive current position from MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
receive current position of cursor [Cursor]
receive current position of video playback [VideoView]
receive current progress from ProgressBar [ProgressBar]
receive current screen density factor [DisplayMetrics]
receive current screen density group [DisplayMetrics]
receive current screen direction [Configuration]
receive current screen direction from phone [Configuration]
receive current screen direction from telephone [Configuration]
receive current screen orientation [Configuration]
receive current screen orientation from phone [Configuration]
receive current screen orientation from telephone [Configuration]
receive current sqlite version [SQLiteDatabase]
receive current time in millis [System]
receive current time in milliseconds [System]
receive current video position [VideoView]
receive current vm heap dimension [Runtime]
receive current vm heap dimension in bytes [Runtime]
receive current vm heap size [Runtime]
receive current vm heap size in bytes [Runtime]
receive data about a package [PackageManager]
receive data about connected network [ConnectivityManager]
receive data about installed app [PackageManager]
receive data about installed application [PackageManager]
receive data from Intent [Intent]
receive data type of column [Cursor]
receive database path [Context]
receive database path on filesystem [Context]
receive database path on storage [Context]
receive database version [SQLiteDatabase]
receive day of month from Calendar [Calendar]
receive db path [Context]
receive db path on filesystem [Context]
receive db path on storage [Context]
receive db version [SQLiteDatabase]
receive dcim dir [Environment]
receive dcim directory [Environment]
receive dcim folder [Environment]
receive default Calendar instance [Calendar]
receive default EventBus [EventBus]
receive default SharedPreferences from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
receive default TimeZone [TimeZone]
receive default notification Uri [RingtoneManager]
receive default pref from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
receive default preference from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
receive default setting from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
receive default sharedpref from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
receive default sharedpreference from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
receive device id [TelephonyManager]
receive device identifier [TelephonyManager]
receive device manufacturer [Build]
receive device name [Build]
receive dimension from ContentValues [ContentValues]
receive dimension from Resources by id [Resources]
receive dimension from Resources by identifier [Resources]
receive dimension from Resources via id [Resources]
receive dimension from Resources via identifier [Resources]
receive dimension from bundle [BaseBundle]
receive dimension of ArrayList [ArrayList]
receive dimension of LruCache [LruCache]
receive dimension of SparseArray [SparseArray]
receive dimension of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
receive dimension of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
receive dimension of bundle [BaseBundle]
receive dimension value from Resources [Resources]
receive dimension value from TypedArray [TypedArray]
receive dimension value from TypedArray at index [TypedArray]
receive dimension value in pixel from TypedArray [TypedArray]
receive dimension value in pixels from Resources [Resources]
receive dimensional resource in pixel by id [Resources]
receive dimensional resource in pixel by identifier [Resources]
receive dimensional resource in pixel via id [Resources]
receive dimensional resource in pixel via identifier [Resources]
receive dir path [Context]
receive directory path [Context]
receive display coordinates for View [View]
receive display direction from phone [Configuration]
receive display direction from telephone [Configuration]
receive display height [DisplayMetrics]
receive display height in pixels [DisplayMetrics]
receive display orientation from phone [Configuration]
receive display orientation from telephone [Configuration]
receive display position for View [View]
receive display width [DisplayMetrics]
receive display width in pixels [DisplayMetrics]
receive displayed text from TextView [TextView]
receive distance in meters between two locations [Location]
receive double array extra from Intent [Intent]
receive double array from Intent [Intent]
receive double array from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
receive double array state with default [BaseBundle]
receive double extra from Intent [Intent]
receive double from Intent [Intent]
receive double from bundle [BaseBundle]
receive double from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
receive double state [BaseBundle]
receive double state with default [BaseBundle]
receive double value from BigDecimal [BigDecimal]
receive download manager [Context]
receive download service [Context]
receive drawable by id from Context [Context]
receive drawable by id from Resources [Resources]
receive drawable by identifier from Context [Context]
receive drawable by identifier from Resources [Resources]
receive drawable by name [Resources]
receive drawable by name from resources [Resources]
receive drawable from Resources [Resources]
receive drawable from Resources by id [Resources]
receive drawable from Resources by identifier [Resources]
receive drawable from Resources via id [Resources]
receive drawable from Resources via identifier [Resources]
receive drawable from TypedArray [TypedArray]
receive drawable from resources by name [Resources]
receive drawable from resources via name [Resources]
receive drawable via id from Context [Context]
receive drawable via id from Resources [Resources]
receive drawable via identifier from Context [Context]
receive drawable via identifier from Resources [Resources]
receive drawable via name [Resources]
receive drawable via name from resources [Resources]
receive duplicate of LruCache [LruCache]
receive duration from Toast [Toast]
receive duration from video [VideoView]
receive duration of VideView [VideoView]
receive duration of file in MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
receive elapsed time in nanoseconds since boot [SystemClock]
receive element at specified location in ArrayList [ArrayList]
receive element from HashMap [HashMap]
receive element from SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
receive element from SparseBooleanArray or default [SparseBooleanArray]
receive element from SparseIntArray by key [SparseIntArray]
receive element from SparseIntArray via key [SparseIntArray]
receive elevation from ActionBar [ActionBar]
receive empty and immutable List [Collections]
receive empty and immutable Map [Collections]
receive empty and immutable Set [Collections]
receive enabled state of view [View]
receive every accounts [AccountManager]
receive every active notifications [NotificationManager]
receive every bundle data from Intent [Intent]
receive every bundle info from Intent [Intent]
receive every bundle information from Intent [Intent]
receive every from preferences [SharedPreferences]
receive every from prefs [SharedPreferences]
receive every from settings [SharedPreferences]
receive every from sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences]
receive every from sharedprefs [SharedPreferences]
receive every ongoing background services [ActivityManager]
receive every query parameters [Uri]
receive every query parameters from Uri [Uri]
receive every running background services [ActivityManager]
receive every segments from Uri [Uri]
receive every sent sms messages [ContentResolver]
receive every sms from Inbox [ContentResolver]
receive every sms from draft dir [ContentResolver]
receive every sms from draft directory [ContentResolver]
receive every sms from draft folder [ContentResolver]
receive every values from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
receive external cache dir [Context]
receive external cache directory [Context]
receive external cache folder [Context]
receive external dcim dir [Environment]
receive external dcim directory [Environment]
receive external dcim folder [Environment]
receive external file dir [Environment]
receive external file directory [Environment]
receive external file folder [Environment]
receive external files dir [Context]
receive external files directory [Context]
receive external files folder [Context]
receive external filesystem [Context]
receive external filesystem dir [Environment]
receive external filesystem dir for alarms [Environment]
receive external filesystem dir for documents [Environment]
receive external filesystem dir for downloads [Environment]
receive external filesystem dir for movies [Environment]
receive external filesystem dir for music [Environment]
receive external filesystem dir for pictures [Environment]
receive external filesystem directory [Environment]
receive external filesystem directory for alarms [Environment]
receive external filesystem directory for documents [Environment]
receive external filesystem directory for downloads [Environment]
receive external filesystem directory for movies [Environment]
receive external filesystem directory for music [Environment]
receive external filesystem directory for pictures [Environment]
receive external filesystem folder [Environment]
receive external filesystem folder for alarms [Environment]
receive external filesystem folder for documents [Environment]
receive external filesystem folder for downloads [Environment]
receive external filesystem folder for movies [Environment]
receive external filesystem folder for music [Environment]
receive external filesystem folder for pictures [Environment]
receive external filesystem for ringtones [Environment]
receive external filesystem public dir [Environment]
receive external filesystem public directory [Environment]
receive external filesystem public folder [Environment]
receive external storage [Context]
receive external storage dir [Environment]
receive external storage dir for alarms [Environment]
receive external storage dir for documents [Environment]
receive external storage dir for downloads [Environment]
receive external storage dir for movies [Environment]
receive external storage dir for music [Environment]
receive external storage dir for pictures [Environment]
receive external storage directory [Environment]
receive external storage directory for alarms [Environment]
receive external storage directory for documents [Environment]
receive external storage directory for downloads [Environment]
receive external storage directory for movies [Environment]
receive external storage directory for music [Environment]
receive external storage directory for pictures [Environment]
receive external storage folder [Environment]
receive external storage folder for alarms [Environment]
receive external storage folder for documents [Environment]
receive external storage folder for downloads [Environment]
receive external storage folder for movies [Environment]
receive external storage folder for music [Environment]
receive external storage folder for pictures [Environment]
receive external storage for ringtones [Environment]
receive external storage public dir [Environment]
receive external storage public directory [Environment]
receive external storage public folder [Environment]
receive extras from Intent [Intent]
receive extras from notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
receive file duration in MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
receive file stream path [Context]
receive files dir [Context]
receive files directory [Context]
receive files folder [Context]
receive filesystem dir for alarms [Environment]
receive filesystem dir for documents [Environment]
receive filesystem dir for downloads [Environment]
receive filesystem dir for images [Environment]
receive filesystem dir for movies [Environment]
receive filesystem dir for music [Environment]
receive filesystem dir for pictures [Environment]
receive filesystem dir for ringtones [Environment]
receive filesystem directory for alarms [Environment]
receive filesystem directory for documents [Environment]
receive filesystem directory for downloads [Environment]
receive filesystem directory for images [Environment]
receive filesystem directory for movies [Environment]
receive filesystem directory for music [Environment]
receive filesystem directory for pictures [Environment]
receive filesystem directory for ringtones [Environment]
receive filesystem folder for alarms [Environment]
receive filesystem folder for documents [Environment]
receive filesystem folder for downloads [Environment]
receive filesystem folder for images [Environment]
receive filesystem folder for movies [Environment]
receive filesystem folder for music [Environment]
receive filesystem folder for pictures [Environment]
receive filesystem folder for ringtones [Environment]
receive first element of LinkedList [LinkedList]
receive float array extra from Intent [Intent]
receive float array from Intent [Intent]
receive float extra from Intent [Intent]
receive float from Intent [Intent]
receive float from Parcel [Parcel]
receive float from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
receive float from TypedArray [TypedArray]
receive float from pref [SharedPreferences]
receive float from preference [SharedPreferences]
receive float from setting [SharedPreferences]
receive float from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
receive float from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
receive focus for view [View]
receive focus for view and set direction [View]
receive focus for view and set orientation [View]
receive focused View element in Activity [Activity]
receive focused View element in Dialog [Dialog]
receive focused View element in Window [Window]
receive folder path [Context]
receive formatted string [Context]
receive formatted string from Fragment [Fragment]
receive formatted string from xml [Context]
receive fragment part from Uri [Uri]
receive general action from Intent [Intent]
receive gps location [LocationManager]
receive green component of Color [Color]
receive green value of Color [Color]
receive hardware properties manager [Context]
receive hardware properties service [Context]
receive hash code from Account [Account]
receive headline color from Activity [Activity]
receive headline from ActionBar [ActionBar]
receive headline from Toolbar [Toolbar]
receive headline from action bar [ActionBar]
receive headline from activity [Activity]
receive height from View [View]
receive height of ActionBar [ActionBar]
receive height of Canvas [Canvas]
receive height of Rect [Rect]
receive height of bitmap [Bitmap]
receive height of rectangle [Rect]
receive hide offset of ActionBar [ActionBar]
receive horizontal scroll position for View [View]
receive host from Uri [Uri]
receive host instance from Fragment [Fragment]
receive host object from Fragment [Fragment]
receive hour from Calendar [Calendar]
receive human readable description of Intent [Intent]
receive human readable description of SparseArray [SparseArray]
receive human readable description of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
receive human readable description of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
receive human readable description of view [View]
receive human readable representation of Bundle [Bundle]
receive id from Fragment [Fragment]
receive id from View [View]
receive identifier from Fragment [Fragment]
receive identifier from View [View]
receive immutable and clear List [Collections]
receive immutable and clear Map [Collections]
receive immutable and clear Set [Collections]
receive immutable and empty List [Collections]
receive immutable and empty Map [Collections]
receive immutable and empty Set [Collections]
receive index by column name [Cursor]
receive index of column or throw error [Cursor]
receive index of object in ArrayList [ArrayList]
receive index via column name [Cursor]
receive info about a package [PackageManager]
receive info about connected network [ConnectivityManager]
receive info about installed app [PackageManager]
receive info about installed application [PackageManager]
receive info from Intent [Intent]
receive info type of column [Cursor]
receive information about a package [PackageManager]
receive information about connected network [ConnectivityManager]
receive information about installed app [PackageManager]
receive information about installed application [PackageManager]
receive information from Intent [Intent]
receive information type of column [Cursor]
receive input method manager [Context]
receive input method service [Context]
receive instance of Date [Date]
receive int array extra from Intent [Intent]
receive int array from Intent [Intent]
receive int array from Resources [Resources]
receive int array from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
receive int by id [Resources]
receive int by identifier [Resources]
receive int from Parcel [Parcel]
receive int from Resources [Resources]
receive int from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
receive int from TypedArray [TypedArray]
receive int from bundle [BaseBundle]
receive int from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
receive int from pref [SharedPreferences]
receive int from preference [SharedPreferences]
receive int from setting [SharedPreferences]
receive int from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
receive int from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
receive int value by column index [Cursor]
receive int value from cursor [Cursor]
receive int value via column index [Cursor]
receive int via id [Resources]
receive int via identifier [Resources]
receive integer array by id [Resources]
receive integer array by identifier [Resources]
receive integer array via id [Resources]
receive integer array via identifier [Resources]
receive integer from TypedArray [TypedArray]
receive integer from preferences [SharedPreferences]
receive integer from prefs [SharedPreferences]
receive integer from settings [SharedPreferences]
receive integer from sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences]
receive integer from sharedprefs [SharedPreferences]
receive intent from Activity [Activity]
receive intent that started activity [Activity]
receive item count from Adapter [Adapter]
receive item from Adapter by position [Adapter]
receive item from Adapter via position [Adapter]
receive job scheduler [Context]
receive key for Preference [Preference]
receive keyguard manager [Context]
receive keyguard service [Context]
receive keys from bundle [BaseBundle]
receive keyset from bundle [BaseBundle]
receive last element of LinkedList [LinkedList]
receive last index of char [TextUtils]
receive last index of character [TextUtils]
receive last index of element in ArrayList [ArrayList]
receive last known location [LocationManager]
receive last path segment [Uri]
receive last path segment from Uri [Uri]
receive latitude from Address [Address]
receive latitude from Location [Location]
receive layout inflater from Dialog [Dialog]
receive layout inflater in Dialog [Dialog]
receive layout params for View [View]
receive left padding of View [View]
receive left position from View [View]
receive left position from view to its parent [View]
receive length of String [String]
receive length of StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
receive length of text from TextView [TextView]
receive length of values in TypedArray [TypedArray]
receive line separator [System]
receive list of accounts by type [AccountManager]
receive list of accounts via type [AccountManager]
receive list of all accounts [AccountManager]
receive list of all accounts of any type [AccountManager]
receive list of every accounts [AccountManager]
receive list of every accounts of any type [AccountManager]
receive list of ongoing services [ActivityManager]
receive list of running services [ActivityManager]
receive localized formatted string [Context]
receive localized string [Context]
receive localized string from Context [Context]
receive localized string from Fragment [Fragment]
receive localized string from Resources [Resources]
receive localized text from Context [Context]
receive location manager [Context]
receive location service [Context]
receive lon from Address [Address]
receive lon from Location [Location]
receive long array extra from Intent [Intent]
receive long array from Intent [Intent]
receive long array from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
receive long by column index [Cursor]
receive long extra from Intent [Intent]
receive long from Cursor [Cursor]
receive long from Intent [Intent]
receive long from Parcel [Parcel]
receive long from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
receive long from bundle [BaseBundle]
receive long from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
receive long from pref [SharedPreferences]
receive long from preference [SharedPreferences]
receive long from setting [SharedPreferences]
receive long from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
receive long from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
receive long state [BaseBundle]
receive long state with default [BaseBundle]
receive long via column index [Cursor]
receive longitude from Address [Address]
receive longitude from Location [Location]
receive looper [Context]
receive mac address [WifiInfo]
receive main looper [Context]
receive main view from Fragment [Fragment]
receive manager for account data [AccountManager]
receive manager for account info [AccountManager]
receive manager for account information [AccountManager]
receive max value from ProgressBar [ProgressBar]
receive max vm heap dimension [Runtime]
receive max vm heap dimension in bytes [Runtime]
receive max vm heap size [Runtime]
receive max vm heap size in bytes [Runtime]
receive maximum value from ProgressBar [ProgressBar]
receive maximum vm heap dimension [Runtime]
receive maximum vm heap dimension in bytes [Runtime]
receive maximum vm heap size [Runtime]
receive maximum vm heap size in bytes [Runtime]
receive measured height from View [View]
receive measured width from View [View]
receive menu from toolbar [Toolbar]
receive menu item by id [Menu]
receive menu item by identifier [Menu]
receive menu item via id [Menu]
receive menu item via identifier [Menu]
receive metadata bundle from notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
receive millisecond from Calendar [Calendar]
receive mime type from Intent [Intent]
receive minute from Calendar [Calendar]
receive miss count from LruCache [LruCache]
receive month from Calendar [Calendar]
receive name of calling activity [Activity]
receive name of system service [Context]
receive names of databases [Context]
receive navigation icon from Toolbar [Toolbar]
receive negative button from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
receive network data manager [Context]
receive network data service [Context]
receive network info manager [Context]
receive network info service [Context]
receive network information manager [Context]
receive network information service [Context]
receive network statistics manager [Context]
receive network stats manager [Context]
receive neutral button from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
receive notification manager [Context]
receive notification policy [NotificationManager]
receive number of entries in back stack [FragmentManager]
receive number of mappings [BaseBundle]
receive number of values in TypedArray [TypedArray]
receive object from SparseArray [SparseArray]
receive object from SparseArray or default [SparseArray]
receive object from bundle [BaseBundle]
receive object state [BaseBundle]
receive ongoing services [ActivityManager]
receive package manager [Context]
receive package name [Context]
receive package that invoked Activity [Activity]
receive padding bottom of View [View]
receive padding left of View [View]
receive padding right of View [View]
receive padding top of View [View]
receive parcelable array extra from Intent [Intent]
receive parcelable array from Intent [Intent]
receive parcelable array list extra from Intent [Intent]
receive parcelable array list from Intent [Intent]
receive parcelable extra from Intent [Intent]
receive parcelable from Intent [Intent]
receive parcelable from bundle [Bundle]
receive parcelable state [Bundle]
receive parent activity [Activity]
receive parent dir of File [File]
receive parent directory of File [File]
receive parent folder of File [File]
receive parent for View [View]
receive parent view [View]
receive part after hash character from Uri [Uri]
receive part after number character from Uri [Uri]
receive path for file [Context]
receive path from Uri [Uri]
receive path segments from Uri [Uri]
receive phone from Address [Address]
receive phone manager [Context]
receive phone number [TelephonyManager]
receive phone number from Address [Address]
receive phone number from device [TelephonyManager]
receive phone number from smartphone [TelephonyManager]
receive phone number from user [TelephonyManager]
receive phone number of device [TelephonyManager]
receive phone service [Context]
receive plain stacktrace from exception [Log]
receive plain trace from exception [Log]
receive plain x coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
receive plain y coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
receive plural string from Resources [Resources]
receive port [Uri]
receive port from Uri [Uri]
receive position for the first item displayed on display in AdapterView [AdapterView]
receive position for the first item displayed on screen in AdapterView [AdapterView]
receive position for the first item which is displayed on display in AdapterView [AdapterView]
receive position for the first item which is displayed on screen in AdapterView [AdapterView]
receive position of cursor in row set [Cursor]
receive position of first item displayed in AdapterView [AdapterView]
receive positive button from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
receive postal code from Address [Address]
receive power manager [Context]
receive power service [Context]
receive preferences by name and mode [Context]
receive preferences for activity [Activity]
receive preferences from WebView [WebView]
receive preferences via name and mode [Context]
receive prefs by name and mode [Context]
receive prefs for activity [Activity]
receive prefs from WebView [WebView]
receive prefs via name and mode [Context]
receive quantity string from Resources [Resources]
receive query parameter by key [Uri]
receive query parameter from Uri [Uri]
receive query parameter via key [Uri]
receive raw x coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
receive raw y coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
receive red component of Color [Color]
receive red value from Color [Color]
receive resource id by name [Resources]
receive resource id from TypedArray [TypedArray]
receive resource id of an image by name [Resources]
receive resource id of an image via name [Resources]
receive resource id of an photo by name [Resources]
receive resource id of an photo via name [Resources]
receive resource id of an picture by name [Resources]
receive resource id of an picture via name [Resources]
receive resource id of string by name [Resources]
receive resource id of string via name [Resources]
receive resource id via name [Resources]
receive resource identifier by name [Resources]
receive resource identifier from TypedArray [TypedArray]
receive resource identifier of an image by name [Resources]
receive resource identifier of an image via name [Resources]
receive resource identifier of an photo by name [Resources]
receive resource identifier of an photo via name [Resources]
receive resource identifier of an picture by name [Resources]
receive resource identifier of an picture via name [Resources]
receive resource identifier of string by name [Resources]
receive resource identifier of string via name [Resources]
receive resource identifier via name [Resources]
receive result count of cursor [Cursor]
receive result from AsyncTask [AsyncTask]
receive right padding of View [View]
receive right position of view [View]
receive right position of view to its parent [View]
receive ringtone by Uri [RingtoneManager]
receive ringtone via Uri [RingtoneManager]
receive root view from Activity [Activity]
receive root view from Fragment [Fragment]
receive rows of cursor [Cursor]
receive running services [ActivityManager]
receive scheme from Intent [Intent]
receive scheme from Uri [Uri]
receive screen coordinates for View [View]
receive screen direction from phone [Configuration]
receive screen direction from telephone [Configuration]
receive screen height [DisplayMetrics]
receive screen height in pixels [DisplayMetrics]
receive screen orientation from phone [Configuration]
receive screen orientation from telephone [Configuration]
receive screen position for View [View]
receive screen width [DisplayMetrics]
receive screen width in pixels [DisplayMetrics]
receive scroll x position for View [View]
receive scroll y position for View [View]
receive sd card dir [Environment]
receive sd card directory [Environment]
receive sd card folder [Environment]
receive search manager [Context]
receive search service [Context]
receive second from Calendar [Calendar]
receive segments from Uri [Uri]
receive selected RadioButton in group [RadioGroup]
receive sent sms messages [ContentResolver]
receive serializable extra from Intent [Intent]
receive serializable from Intent [Intent]
receive serializable object from bundle [Bundle]
receive serializable state [Bundle]
receive set of all categories from Intent [Intent]
receive set of every categories from Intent [Intent]
receive settings by name and mode [Context]
receive settings for activity [Activity]
receive settings from WebView [WebView]
receive settings via name and mode [Context]
receive sharedpreferences for activity [Activity]
receive sharedpreferences from WebView [WebView]
receive sharedprefs by name and mode [Context]
receive sharedprefs for activity [Activity]
receive sharedprefs from WebView [WebView]
receive sharedprefs via name and mode [Context]
receive short from cursor [Cursor]
receive short value by column index [Cursor]
receive short value via column index [Cursor]
receive size from ContentValues [ContentValues]
receive size from Resources by id [Resources]
receive size from Resources by identifier [Resources]
receive size from Resources via id [Resources]
receive size from Resources via identifier [Resources]
receive size from bundle [BaseBundle]
receive size of ArrayList [ArrayList]
receive size of LruCache [LruCache]
receive size of SparseArray [SparseArray]
receive size of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
receive size of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
receive size of bundle [BaseBundle]
receive size value from Resources [Resources]
receive size value from TypedArray [TypedArray]
receive size value from TypedArray at index [TypedArray]
receive size value in pixel from TypedArray [TypedArray]
receive size value in pixels from Resources [Resources]
receive sms messages from Inbox [ContentResolver]
receive sms messages from draft dir [ContentResolver]
receive sms messages from draft directory [ContentResolver]
receive sms messages from draft folder [ContentResolver]
receive sqlite path [Context]
receive sqlite path on filesystem [Context]
receive sqlite path on storage [Context]
receive sqlite version [SQLiteDatabase]
receive stacktrace as string [Log]
receive stacktrace from Thread [Thread]
receive stacktrace from throwable [Log]
receive state of external filesystem [Environment]
receive state of external storage [Environment]
receive state of sd card [Environment]
receive storage dir for alarms [Environment]
receive storage dir for documents [Environment]
receive storage dir for downloads [Environment]
receive storage dir for images [Environment]
receive storage dir for movies [Environment]
receive storage dir for music [Environment]
receive storage dir for pictures [Environment]
receive storage dir for ringtones [Environment]
receive storage directory for alarms [Environment]
receive storage directory for documents [Environment]
receive storage directory for downloads [Environment]
receive storage directory for images [Environment]
receive storage directory for movies [Environment]
receive storage directory for music [Environment]
receive storage directory for pictures [Environment]
receive storage directory for ringtones [Environment]
receive storage folder for alarms [Environment]
receive storage folder for documents [Environment]
receive storage folder for downloads [Environment]
receive storage folder for images [Environment]
receive storage folder for movies [Environment]
receive storage folder for music [Environment]
receive storage folder for pictures [Environment]
receive storage folder for ringtones [Environment]
receive string array extra from Intent [Intent]
receive string array from Intent [Intent]
receive string array from Resources [Resources]
receive string array from Resources by id [Resources]
receive string array from Resources by identifier [Resources]
receive string array from Resources via id [Resources]
receive string array from Resources via identifier [Resources]
receive string array from bundle [BaseBundle]
receive string array state [BaseBundle]
receive string by name [Resources]
receive string extra from Intent [Intent]
receive string from Fragment [Fragment]
receive string from Intent [Intent]
receive string from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
receive string from TypedArray [TypedArray]
receive string from Uri [Uri]
receive string from bundle [BaseBundle]
receive string from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
receive string from cursor [Cursor]
receive string from pref [SharedPreferences]
receive string from preference [SharedPreferences]
receive string from resources [Context]
receive string from resources by name [Resources]
receive string from resources via name [Resources]
receive string from setting [SharedPreferences]
receive string from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
receive string from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
receive string from xml [Context]
receive string list bundle [Bundle]
receive string of the requested column [Cursor]
receive string representation from Fragment [Fragment]
receive string representation from Uri [Uri]
receive string representation of Account [Account]
receive string representation of SparseArray [SparseArray]
receive string representation of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
receive string representation of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
receive string set from pref [SharedPreferences]
receive string set from preference [SharedPreferences]
receive string set from setting [SharedPreferences]
receive string set from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
receive string set from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
receive string state [BaseBundle]
receive string via name [Resources]
receive styled attributes [Context]
receive subheadline from ActionBar [ActionBar]
receive subheadline from Toolbar [Toolbar]
receive subtitle from ActionBar [ActionBar]
receive subtitle from Toolbar [Toolbar]
receive system service name [Context]
receive tag from View [View]
receive telephone from Address [Address]
receive telephone manager [Context]
receive telephone number [TelephonyManager]
receive telephone number from Address [Address]
receive telephone number from device [TelephonyManager]
receive telephone number from smartphone [TelephonyManager]
receive telephone number from user [TelephonyManager]
receive telephone number of device [TelephonyManager]
receive telephone service [Context]
receive telephony manager [Context]
receive text from EditText [EditText]
receive text from TextView [TextView]
receive text length from TextView [TextView]
receive theme [Context]
receive thread id from HandlerThread [HandlerThread]
receive thread identifier from HandlerThread [HandlerThread]
receive time in millis from Calendar [Calendar]
receive time in millisecond from Calendar [Calendar]
receive title color from Activity [Activity]
receive title from ActionBar [ActionBar]
receive title from Toolbar [Toolbar]
receive title from action bar [ActionBar]
receive title from activity [Activity]
receive token of window this view is attached to [View]
receive top padding of View [View]
receive top position of view relative to its parent [View]
receive total count of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
receive total number of rows in cursor [Cursor]
receive trace as string [Log]
receive trace from Thread [Thread]
receive trace from throwable [Log]
receive type from Intent [Intent]
receive ui mode manager [Context]
receive unique device id [TelephonyManager]
receive unique device identifier [TelephonyManager]
receive uptime since boot without deep sleep [SystemClock]
receive uptime without deep sleep [SystemClock]
receive user agent from WebSettings [WebSettings]
receive user agent from WebView [WebSettings]
receive user data from account [AccountManager]
receive user info from account [AccountManager]
receive user information from account [AccountManager]
receive users phone number [TelephonyManager]
receive users telephone number [TelephonyManager]
receive value by index from SparseArray [SparseArray]
receive value from LruCache [LruCache]
receive value of AtomicBoolean [AtomicBoolean]
receive value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
receive value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
receive value via index from SparseArray [SparseArray]
receive values dimension from ContentValues [ContentValues]
receive values size from ContentValues [ContentValues]
receive vertical offset of ActionBar [ActionBar]
receive vertical offset of action bar [ActionBar]
receive vertical scroll position for View [View]
receive vibrator manager [Context]
receive vibrator service [Context]
receive video position from VideoView [VideoView]
receive view child by index [ViewGroup]
receive view child via index [ViewGroup]
receive view element with focus [View]
receive view which has focus [View]
receive visibility for View [View]
receive visibility state of view and all ancestors [View]
receive visibility state of view and every ancestors [View]
receive visual x position of view in pixel [View]
receive visual y position of view in pixel [View]
receive visual z position of view in pixels [View]
receive vm heap dimension limit [Runtime]
receive vm heap size limit [Runtime]
receive width of Canvas [Canvas]
receive width of Rect [Rect]
receive width of View [View]
receive width of bitmap [Bitmap]
receive width of rectangle [Rect]
receive wifi connection data [WifiManager]
receive wifi connection info [WifiManager]
receive wifi connection information [WifiManager]
receive wifi direct manager [Context]
receive wifi manager [Context]
receive wifi service [Context]
receive window for Activity [Activity]
receive window manager [Context]
receive window service [Context]
receive window token [View]
receive year from Calendar [Calendar]
receive z axis elevation from ActionBar [ActionBar]
receive zip code from Address [Address]
recreate Activity [Activity]
recreate Activity with a new instance [Activity]
recycle MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
recycle TypedArray [TypedArray]
recyle bitmap [Bitmap]
redraw on display [View]
redraw on screen [View]
redraw view from non ui thread [View]
refresh Cursor [AbstractCursor]
refresh and calculate dimension of view [View]
refresh and calculate size of view [View]
refresh and compute dimension of view [View]
refresh and compute size of view [View]
refresh content of Cursor [AbstractCursor]
refresh listview [AbsListView]
refresh site [WebView]
refresh webpage [WebView]
refresh website [WebView]
register ContentObserver for Cursor [Cursor]
register EventBus [EventBus]
register SharedPreferences change listener [SharedPreferences]
register change listener at pref [SharedPreferences]
register change listener at preference [SharedPreferences]
register change listener at setting [SharedPreferences]
register change listener at sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
register change listener at sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
register change listener for SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
register component callbacks [Context]
register for local broadcast [LocalBroadcastManager]
register listener for pref changes [SharedPreferences]
register listener for preference changes [SharedPreferences]
register listener for setting changes [SharedPreferences]
register listener for sharedpref changes [SharedPreferences]
register listener for sharedpreference changes [SharedPreferences]
register local BroadcastReceiver [LocalBroadcastManager]
register observer for Cursor [Cursor]
register receiver [Context]
release MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
release resources from MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
release wake lock [PowerManager.WakeLock]
reload Cursor [AbstractCursor]
reload and calculate dimension of view [View]
reload and calculate size of view [View]
reload and compute dimension of view [View]
reload and compute size of view [View]
reload content of Cursor [AbstractCursor]
reload listview [AbsListView]
reload site [WebView]
reload webpage [WebView]
reload website [WebView]
remove Actionbar shadow [ActionBar]
remove Activity headline bar [Activity]
remove Activity title bar [Activity]
remove AlertDialog icon [AlertDialog]
remove ArrayList element [ArrayList]
remove ArrayList object [ArrayList]
remove Dialog [Dialog]
remove Dialog from screen [Dialog]
remove Dialog headline [Dialog]
remove Dialog title [Dialog]
remove DownloadManager download [DownloadManager]
remove Fragment
remove Fragment in FragmentTransaction [FragmentTransaction]
remove Fragment via FragmentManager
remove ImageView image [ImageView]
remove ImageView photo [ImageView]
remove ImageView picture [ImageView]
remove OnClickListener [View]
remove SparseArray entry [SparseArray]
remove SparseArray mapping [SparseArray]
remove alarm [AlarmManager]
remove all callbacks and messages from Handler [Handler]
remove all child views [ViewGroup]
remove all elements from SparseArray [SparseArray]
remove all elements from SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
remove all elements from SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
remove all elements from mapping [BaseBundle]
remove all elements in bundle [BaseBundle]
remove all preferences
remove all values from ContentValues [ContentValues]
remove background drawable from View [View]
remove background resource [View]
remove blinking cursor in EditText [TextView]
remove bundle entry [BaseBundle]
remove bundle extra [BaseBundle]
remove bundle state [BaseBundle]
remove child view [ViewGroup]
remove cursor in EditText [TextView]
remove database [SQLiteDatabase]
remove database by Context [Context]
remove database database by Context [Context]
remove database database via Context [Context]
remove database db by Context [Context]
remove database db via Context [Context]
remove database sqlite by Context [Context]
remove database sqlite via Context [Context]
remove database via Context [Context]
remove db [SQLiteDatabase]
remove db by Context [Context]
remove db database by Context [Context]
remove db database via Context [Context]
remove db db by Context [Context]
remove db db via Context [Context]
remove db sqlite by Context [Context]
remove db sqlite via Context [Context]
remove db via Context [Context]
remove divider in ListView [ListView]
remove download from DownloadManager [DownloadManager]
remove element at specified location in ArrayList [ArrayList]
remove element from ArrayList [ArrayList]
remove element from SparseArray by index [SparseArray]
remove element from SparseArray via index [SparseArray]
remove element from SparseBooleanArray by key [SparseBooleanArray]
remove element from SparseBooleanArray via key [SparseBooleanArray]
remove elements in specified range in ArrayList [ArrayList]
remove enter and exit animation from Activity [Activity]
remove enter and exit transition from Activity [Activity]
remove entry by key from bundle [BaseBundle]
remove entry from SparseArray [SparseArray]
remove entry from bundle [BaseBundle]
remove entry via key from bundle [BaseBundle]
remove every callbacks and messages from Handler [Handler]
remove every child views [ViewGroup]
remove every elements from SparseArray [SparseArray]
remove every elements from SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
remove every elements from SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
remove every elements from mapping [BaseBundle]
remove every elements in bundle [BaseBundle]
remove every values from ContentValues [ContentValues]
remove exit and enter transition from Activity [Activity]
remove extra from bundle [BaseBundle]
remove file [Context]
remove file by File object [File]
remove file via File object [File]
remove focus from view [View]
remove focus from view element [View]
remove from SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
remove from table [SQLiteDatabase]
remove headline bar from Activity [Activity]
remove headline from Dialog [Dialog]
remove icon from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
remove image from ImageView [ImageView]
remove line between items in ListView [ListView]
remove mapping from SparseArray [SparseArray]
remove object at specified location in ArrayList [ArrayList]
remove object from ArrayList [ArrayList]
remove on click listener [View]
remove photo from ImageView [ImageView]
remove picture from ImageView [ImageView]
remove pref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
remove pref value [SharedPreferences.Editor]
remove preference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
remove preference value [SharedPreferences.Editor]
remove rows in database [SQLiteDatabase]
remove rows in db [SQLiteDatabase]
remove rows in sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
remove runnable from message queue [View]
remove runnable from msg queue [View]
remove separator between items in ListView [ListView]
remove separator in ListView [ListView]
remove setting [SharedPreferences.Editor]
remove setting value [SharedPreferences.Editor]
remove shadow below Actionbar [ActionBar]
remove shadow from Actionbar [ActionBar]
remove sharedpref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
remove sharedpref value [SharedPreferences.Editor]
remove sharedpreference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
remove sharedpreference value [SharedPreferences.Editor]
remove sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
remove sqlite by Context [Context]
remove sqlite database by Context [Context]
remove sqlite database via Context [Context]
remove sqlite db by Context [Context]
remove sqlite db via Context [Context]
remove sqlite sqlite by Context [Context]
remove sqlite sqlite via Context [Context]
remove sqlite via Context [Context]
remove table from database [SQLiteDatabase]
remove table from db [SQLiteDatabase]
remove table from sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
remove title bar from Activity [Activity]
remove title from Dialog [Dialog]
remove trigger from database [SQLiteDatabase]
remove trigger from db [SQLiteDatabase]
remove trigger from sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
remove view [ViewGroup]
remove view by index [ViewGroup]
remove view focus [View]
remove view via index [ViewGroup]
render manually view to Canvas object [View]
render view to Canvas [View]
replace Fragment
replace Fragment in FragmentTransaction [FragmentTransaction]
replace Fragment via FragmentManager
replace entry in database [SQLiteDatabase]
replace entry in db [SQLiteDatabase]
replace entry in sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
replace many strings in string [TextUtils]
replace multiple strings in string [TextUtils]
replace row in database [SQLiteDatabase]
replace row in db [SQLiteDatabase]
replace row in sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
replace several strings in string [TextUtils]
replace various strings in string [TextUtils]
request audio focus [AudioManager]
request focus [View]
request focus for view [View]
request permission [ActivityCompat]
request runtime permission [ActivityCompat]
reset MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
resize bitmap [Bitmap]
resize image in Picasso [RequestCreator]
resize photo in Picasso [RequestCreator]
resize picture in Picasso [RequestCreator]
restart Activity [Activity]
restart Loader by LoaderManager [LoaderManager]
restart Loader via LoaderManager [LoaderManager]
restrict to single line [TextView]
retain display active for Activity [Window]
retain display always on for View [View]
retain display on for Activity [Window]
retain fragment instance [Fragment]
retain instance state [Fragment]
retain screen active for Activity [Window]
retain screen always on for View [View]
retain screen on for Activity [Window]
retrieve Context from LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
retrieve Context from View [View]
retrieve Double from ContentValues [ContentValues]
retrieve Float from ContentValues [ContentValues]
retrieve Integer from ContentValues [ContentValues]
retrieve Long from ContentValues [ContentValues]
retrieve Object from ContentValues [ContentValues]
retrieve Short from ContentValues [ContentValues]
retrieve String from ContentValues [ContentValues]
retrieve ViewTreeObserver for this view hierarchy [View]
retrieve WebView preferences [WebView]
retrieve WebView prefs [WebView]
retrieve WebView settings [WebView]
retrieve WebView sharedpreferences [WebView]
retrieve WebView sharedprefs [WebView]
retrieve action from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
retrieve audio session id [MediaPlayer]
retrieve audio session identifier [MediaPlayer]
retrieve authority from Uri [Uri]
retrieve background drawable from View [View]
retrieve boolean from ContentValues [ContentValues]
retrieve boolean from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
retrieve boolean from pref [SharedPreferences]
retrieve boolean from preference [SharedPreferences]
retrieve boolean from setting [SharedPreferences]
retrieve boolean from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
retrieve boolean from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
retrieve byte array from ContentValues [ContentValues]
retrieve byte from ContentValues [ContentValues]
retrieve current progress from ProgressBar [ProgressBar]
retrieve data about installed app [PackageManager]
retrieve data about installed application [PackageManager]
retrieve dimension of LruCache [LruCache]
retrieve dimension of SparseArray [SparseArray]
retrieve elapsed time in nanoseconds since boot [SystemClock]
retrieve element from SparseBooleanArray by key [SparseBooleanArray]
retrieve element from SparseBooleanArray or default value [SparseBooleanArray]
retrieve element from SparseBooleanArray via key [SparseBooleanArray]
retrieve element from SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
retrieve float from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
retrieve float from pref [SharedPreferences]
retrieve float from preference [SharedPreferences]
retrieve float from setting [SharedPreferences]
retrieve float from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
retrieve float from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
retrieve headline from Toolbar [Toolbar]
retrieve height from View [View]
retrieve info about installed app [PackageManager]
retrieve info about installed application [PackageManager]
retrieve information about installed app [PackageManager]
retrieve information about installed application [PackageManager]
retrieve integer from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
retrieve integer from TypedArray [TypedArray]
retrieve integer from pref [SharedPreferences]
retrieve integer from preference [SharedPreferences]
retrieve integer from setting [SharedPreferences]
retrieve integer from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
retrieve integer from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
retrieve last path segment from Uri [Uri]
retrieve latitude from Location [Location]
retrieve layout parameters for View [View]
retrieve lon from Location [Location]
retrieve long from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
retrieve long from pref [SharedPreferences]
retrieve long from preference [SharedPreferences]
retrieve long from setting [SharedPreferences]
retrieve long from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
retrieve long from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
retrieve longitude from Location [Location]
retrieve measured height from View [View]
retrieve measured width from View [View]
retrieve navigation icon from Toolbar [Toolbar]
retrieve object from SparseArray [SparseArray]
retrieve object from SparseArray or get default [SparseArray]
retrieve object from SparseArray or obtain default [SparseArray]
retrieve object from SparseArray or receive default [SparseArray]
retrieve object from SparseArray or return default [SparseArray]
retrieve parent activity [Activity]
retrieve resource id from TypedArray [TypedArray]
retrieve resource identifier from TypedArray [TypedArray]
retrieve set of string values from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
retrieve set of strings from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
retrieve set of strings from pref [SharedPreferences]
retrieve set of strings from preference [SharedPreferences]
retrieve set of strings from setting [SharedPreferences]
retrieve set of strings from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
retrieve set of strings from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
retrieve size of LruCache [LruCache]
retrieve size of SparseArray [SparseArray]
retrieve string from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
retrieve string from TypedArray [TypedArray]
retrieve string from pref [SharedPreferences]
retrieve string from preference [SharedPreferences]
retrieve string from setting [SharedPreferences]
retrieve string from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
retrieve string from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
retrieve style data for theme [Context]
retrieve style info for theme [Context]
retrieve style information for theme [Context]
retrieve styled attribute data [Context]
retrieve styled attribute info [Context]
retrieve styled attribute information [Context]
retrieve subheadline from Toolbar [Toolbar]
retrieve subtitle from Toolbar [Toolbar]
retrieve tag from View [View]
retrieve text from EditText [EditText]
retrieve text from TextView [TextView]
retrieve title from Toolbar [Toolbar]
retrieve top position of view [View]
retrieve upper limit from ProgressBar [ProgressBar]
retrieve value by index from SparseArray [SparseArray]
retrieve value from LruCache [LruCache]
retrieve value via index from SparseArray [SparseArray]
retrieve visibility state for View [View]
retrieve visual x position of view in pixels [View]
retrieve visual y position of view in pixels [View]
retrieve visual z position of view in pixels [View]
retrieve width of View [View]
return AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator [AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator]
return AccelerateInterpolator [AccelerateInterpolator]
return AccountManager [Context]
return AccountManager from AccountManager getter [AccountManager]
return ActionBar [Activity]
return ActionBar subheadline [ActionBar]
return ActionBar subtitle [ActionBar]
return Actionbar from Activity [Activity]
return Activity from Fragment [Fragment]
return ActivityManager [Context]
return AlarmManager [Context]
return AppWidgetManager [Context]
return AppWidgetManager instance from AppWidgetManager class [AppWidgetManager]
return Application [Activity]
return ApplicationContext [Context]
return AssetManager [Context]
return AudioManager [Context]
return BatteryManager [Context]
return Bitmap from BitmapDrawable [BitmapDrawable]
return BitmapDrawable from ImageView [ImageView]
return BluetoothAdapter [BluetoothAdapter]
return BounceInterpolator [BounceInterpolator]
return Calendar [Calendar]
return Canvas height [Canvas]
return Canvas width [Canvas]
return ClassLoader [Context]
return ClipData from Intent [Intent]
return ClipboardManager [Context]
return Color from hexadecimal color string [Color]
return ComponentName from Activity [Activity]
return Configuration [Resources]
return ConnectivityManager [Context]
return ContentResolver [Context]
return ContentValues [ContentValues]
return Context [View]
return Context from Fragment [Fragment]
return Context from LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
return Context from View [View]
return Date from Calendar [Calendar]
return DecelerateInterpolator [DecelerateInterpolator]
return Display [WindowManager]
return DisplayMetrics [Resources]
return Double from ContentValues [ContentValues]
return DownloadManager [Context]
return Drawable by id by Context [Context]
return Drawable by id via Context [Context]
return Drawable by identifier by Context [Context]
return Drawable by identifier via Context [Context]
return Drawable from ImageView [ImageView]
return Drawable from Resources by Context [Context]
return Drawable from Resources via Context [Context]
return Drawable from path [Drawable]
return Drawable via id by Context [Context]
return Drawable via id via Context [Context]
return Drawable via identifier by Context [Context]
return Drawable via identifier via Context [Context]
return EventBus [EventBus]
return FileDescriptor from ParcelFileDescriptor [ParcelFileDescriptor]
return Float from ContentValues [ContentValues]
return FragmentManager [Activity]
return FragmentManager from Fragment [Fragment]
return HardwarePropertiesManager [Context]
return HashMap dimension [HashMap]
return HashMap size [HashMap]
return IMEI or MEID from device [TelephonyManager]
return InputMethodManager [Context]
return Integer from ContentValues [ContentValues]
return IntentFilter [IntentFilter]
return Iterator from ArrayList [ArrayList]
return JobScheduler [Context]
return KeyguardManager [Context]
return LayoutInflater [LayoutInflater]
return LayoutInflater by Context [LayoutInflater]
return LayoutInflater via Context [LayoutInflater]
return LinearInterpolator [LinearInterpolator]
return LinearLayoutManager [LinearLayoutManager]
return LinkMovementMethod [LinkMovementMethod]
return LinkedList dimension [LinkedList]
return LinkedList size [LinkedList]
return ListView from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
return LoaderManager for activity [Activity]
return LoaderManager from Fragment [Fragment]
return LocalBroadcastManager [LocalBroadcastManager]
return Locale from Address [Address]
return LocationManager [Context]
return Long from ContentValues [ContentValues]
return Looper from HandlerThread [HandlerThread]
return Looper from handler [Handler]
return LruCache cache dimension [LruCache]
return LruCache cache size [LruCache]
return MAC address of WiFi network [WifiInfo]
return MenuInflater [Activity]
return NetworkInfo [ConnectivityManager]
return NetworkStatsManager [Context]
return Nfc manager [Context]
return NfcAdapter [NfcManager]
return NfcManager [Context]
return NotificationManager [Context]
return Object from ContentValues [ContentValues]
return PackageManager [Context]
return Paint color [Paint]
return Parcelable object from Parcel [Parcel]
return PendingIntent for Activity [PendingIntent]
return PendingIntent for Broadcast [PendingIntent]
return Picasso [Picasso]
return PowerManager [Context]
return PreferenceManager from PreferenceFragment [PreferenceFragment]
return PreferenceScreen from PreferenceFragment [PreferenceFragment]
return Random [Random]
return RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
return RequestCreator [Picasso]
return Resources [Context]
return Resources from Fragment [Fragment]
return Resources from View [View]
return Resources object [Context]
return Runtime [Runtime]
return Runtime instance [Runtime]
return Runtime instance for the current app [Runtime]
return Runtime instance for the current application [Runtime]
return ScrollingMovementMethod [ScrollingMovementMethod]
return SearchManager [Context]
return SharedPreferences [PreferenceManager]
return SharedPreferences by name and mode [Context]
return SharedPreferences editor [SharedPreferences]
return SharedPreferences for this activity [Activity]
return SharedPreferences via name and mode [Context]
return Short from ContentValues [ContentValues]
return Short object from ContentValues [ContentValues]
return SparseArray [SparseArray]
return StackTraceElement array from Thread [Thread]
return String [Context]
return String from ContentValues [ContentValues]
return String from Parcel [Parcel]
return String from StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
return String length [String]
return TaskStackBuilder [TaskStackBuilder]
return TelephonyManager [Context]
return Thread from Looper [Looper]
return TimeZone [TimeZone]
return TimeZone from Calendar [Calendar]
return Toast duration [Toast]
return UTF8 charset [Charset]
return UiModeManager [Context]
return Uri data from Intent [Intent]
return Uri info from Intent [Intent]
return Uri information from Intent [Intent]
return Url from Address [Address]
return Vibrator [Context]
return View from Toast [Toast]
return View object from Toast [Toast]
return View with focus [View]
return ViewTreeObserver for view hierarchy [View]
return VoiceInteractor [Activity]
return VoiceInteractor from Activity [Activity]
return WebSettings [WebView]
return WebView preferences [WebView]
return WebView prefs [WebView]
return WebView settings [WebView]
return WebView sharedpreferences [WebView]
return WebView sharedprefs [WebView]
return WifiInfo [WifiManager]
return WifiManager [Context]
return WifiP2pManager [Context]
return Window [Activity]
return Window from Dialog [Dialog]
return WindowManager [Context]
return account service [Context]
return action from Intent [Intent]
return action from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
return active network data [ConnectivityManager]
return active network info [ConnectivityManager]
return active network information [ConnectivityManager]
return active notifications [NotificationManager]
return activity headline [Activity]
return activity headline color [Activity]
return activity manager [Context]
return activity title [Activity]
return activity title color [Activity]
return alarm manager [Context]
return all accounts [AccountManager]
return all active notifications [NotificationManager]
return all bundle data from Intent [Intent]
return all bundle info from Intent [Intent]
return all bundle information from Intent [Intent]
return all from preferences [SharedPreferences]
return all from prefs [SharedPreferences]
return all from settings [SharedPreferences]
return all from sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences]
return all from sharedprefs [SharedPreferences]
return all ongoing background services [ActivityManager]
return all query parameters [Uri]
return all query parameters from Uri [Uri]
return all running background services [ActivityManager]
return all segments from Uri [Uri]
return all sent sms messages [ContentResolver]
return all sms from Inbox [ContentResolver]
return all sms from draft dir [ContentResolver]
return all sms from draft directory [ContentResolver]
return all sms from draft folder [ContentResolver]
return all values from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
return alpha [View]
return alpha component of a Color [Color]
return alpha of view [View]
return alpha value from Color [Color]
return alpha value of View [View]
return alpha value of View instance [View]
return amount of children [ViewGroup]
return and add value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
return and add value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
return and decrement value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
return and decrement value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
return and increment value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
return and increment value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
return and set value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
return and set value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
return animation from view [View]
return animation from view element [View]
return app main looper [Looper]
return app package name [Context]
return app widget manager [AppWidgetManager]
return app widget service [Context]
return application main looper [Looper]
return application package name [Context]
return application widget manager [AppWidgetManager]
return application widget service [Context]
return asset manager [Context]
return assets [Context]
return assoicated Activity from Fragment [Fragment]
return audio manager [Context]
return audio session id [MediaPlayer]
return audio session identifier [MediaPlayer]
return authority from Uri [Uri]
return back stack count [FragmentManager]
return back stack entry count [FragmentManager]
return background from View [View]
return background tint list [View]
return background tint mode [View]
return base dir [Context]
return base directory [Context]
return base folder [Context]
return baseline offset [View]
return basic stacktrace from exception [Log]
return basic trace from exception [Log]
return basic x coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
return basic y coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
return battery manager [Context]
return battery service [Context]
return bitmap from Resources [BitmapFactory]
return bitmap from file path [BitmapFactory]
return bitmap from file path with options [BitmapFactory]
return bitmap height [Bitmap]
return bitmap width [Bitmap]
return blob value from Cursor [Cursor]
return blob value from Cursor by column index [Cursor]
return blob value from Cursor via column index [Cursor]
return blue component of color [Color]
return blue value of Color [Color]
return boolean array extra from Intent [Intent]
return boolean array from Intent [Intent]
return boolean array from bundle [BaseBundle]
return boolean array state [BaseBundle]
return boolean extra from Intent [Intent]
return boolean from ContentValues [ContentValues]
return boolean from Intent [Intent]
return boolean from Resources [Resources]
return boolean from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
return boolean from TypedArray [TypedArray]
return boolean from bundle [BaseBundle]
return boolean from pref [SharedPreferences]
return boolean from preference [SharedPreferences]
return boolean from preferences [SharedPreferences]
return boolean from prefs [SharedPreferences]
return boolean from resources by id [Resources]
return boolean from resources by identifier [Resources]
return boolean from resources via id [Resources]
return boolean from resources via identifier [Resources]
return boolean from setting [SharedPreferences]
return boolean from settings [SharedPreferences]
return boolean from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
return boolean from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
return boolean from sharedprefs [SharedPreferences]
return boolean state [BaseBundle]
return boolean state with default [BaseBundle]
return bottom from View [View]
return bottom padding of View [View]
return bottom position of view [View]
return bundle dimension [BaseBundle]
return bundle from Intent [Intent]
return bundle size [BaseBundle]
return button from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
return button negative from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
return button neutral from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
return button positive from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
return byte array encoded as UTF8 from String [String]
return byte array extra from Intent [Intent]
return byte array from ContentValues [ContentValues]
return byte array from Intent [Intent]
return byte array from String [String]
return byte array from String with specified charset [String]
return byte extra from Intent [Intent]
return byte from ContentValues [ContentValues]
return byte from Intent [Intent]
return bytes from String [String]
return cache dir [Context]
return cache directory [Context]
return cache folder [Context]
return calling activity [Activity]
return capacity of StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
return categories from Intent [Intent]
return char at specified index in String [String]
return char extra from Intent [Intent]
return char from Intent [Intent]
return checked RadioButton in group [RadioGroup]
return child by index [ViewGroup]
return child count [ViewGroup]
return child via index [ViewGroup]
return class loader [Context]
return clear and immutable List [Collections]
return clear and immutable Map [Collections]
return clear and immutable Set [Collections]
return clipboard data from Intent [Intent]
return clipboard info from Intent [Intent]
return clipboard information from Intent [Intent]
return clipboard manager [Context]
return clipboard service [Context]
return clone of LruCache [LruCache]
return code cache dir [Context]
return code cache directory [Context]
return code cache folder [Context]
return color [Context]
return color as hex color string from Resources [Resources]
return color as string value from Resources [Resources]
return color from Paint [Paint]
return color from Resources [Resources]
return color from Resources by id [Resources]
return color from Resources by identifier [Resources]
return color from Resources via id [Resources]
return color from Resources via identifier [Resources]
return color from TypedArray [TypedArray]
return column index by name [Cursor]
return column index by name or fail [Cursor]
return column index via name [Cursor]
return column index via name or fail [Cursor]
return component name from Activity [Activity]
return connection manager [Context]
return connection service [Context]
return connectivity manager [Context]
return connectivity service [Context]
return constant BigDecimal zero [BigDecimal]
return constant direction landscape [Configuration]
return constant direction portrait [Configuration]
return constant media mounted [Environment]
return constant media mounted read only [Environment]
return constant orientation landscape [Configuration]
return constant orientation portrait [Configuration]
return constant permission denied [PackageManager]
return constant permission granted [PackageManager]
return content resolver [Context]
return context reference from Fragment [Fragment]
return copy of LruCache [LruCache]
return count of misses from LruCache [LruCache]
return country code from Address [Address]
return country name from Address [Address]
return current Thread [Thread]
return current database version [SQLiteDatabase]
return current db version [SQLiteDatabase]
return current display density factor [DisplayMetrics]
return current display density group [DisplayMetrics]
return current display direction [Configuration]
return current display direction from phone [Configuration]
return current display direction from telephone [Configuration]
return current display orientation [Configuration]
return current display orientation from phone [Configuration]
return current display orientation from telephone [Configuration]
return current element with focus in Activity [Activity]
return current element with focus in Dialog [Dialog]
return current element with focus in Window [Window]
return current focused element in Activity [Activity]
return current focused element in Dialog [Dialog]
return current focused element in Window [Window]
return current locale [Configuration]
return current notification policy [NotificationManager]
return current playback position [MediaPlayer]
return current position from MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
return current position of cursor [Cursor]
return current position of video playback [VideoView]
return current progress from ProgressBar [ProgressBar]
return current screen density factor [DisplayMetrics]
return current screen density group [DisplayMetrics]
return current screen direction [Configuration]
return current screen direction from phone [Configuration]
return current screen direction from telephone [Configuration]
return current screen orientation [Configuration]
return current screen orientation from phone [Configuration]
return current screen orientation from telephone [Configuration]
return current sqlite version [SQLiteDatabase]
return current time in millis [System]
return current time in milliseconds [System]
return current video position [VideoView]
return current vm heap dimension [Runtime]
return current vm heap dimension in bytes [Runtime]
return current vm heap size [Runtime]
return current vm heap size in bytes [Runtime]
return data about a package [PackageManager]
return data about connected network [ConnectivityManager]
return data about installed app [PackageManager]
return data about installed application [PackageManager]
return data from Intent [Intent]
return data type of column [Cursor]
return database path [Context]
return database path on filesystem [Context]
return database path on storage [Context]
return database version [SQLiteDatabase]
return day of month from Calendar [Calendar]
return db path [Context]
return db path on filesystem [Context]
return db path on storage [Context]
return db version [SQLiteDatabase]
return dcim dir [Environment]
return dcim directory [Environment]
return dcim folder [Environment]
return default Calendar instance [Calendar]
return default EventBus [EventBus]
return default SharedPreferences from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
return default TimeZone [TimeZone]
return default notification Uri [RingtoneManager]
return default pref from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
return default preference from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
return default setting from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
return default sharedpref from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
return default sharedpreference from PreferenceManager [PreferenceManager]
return device id [TelephonyManager]
return device identifier [TelephonyManager]
return device manufacturer [Build]
return device name [Build]
return dimension from ContentValues [ContentValues]
return dimension from Resources by id [Resources]
return dimension from Resources by identifier [Resources]
return dimension from Resources via id [Resources]
return dimension from Resources via identifier [Resources]
return dimension from bundle [BaseBundle]
return dimension of ArrayList [ArrayList]
return dimension of LruCache [LruCache]
return dimension of SparseArray [SparseArray]
return dimension of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
return dimension of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
return dimension of bundle [BaseBundle]
return dimension value from Resources [Resources]
return dimension value from TypedArray [TypedArray]
return dimension value from TypedArray at index [TypedArray]
return dimension value in pixel from TypedArray [TypedArray]
return dimension value in pixels from Resources [Resources]
return dimensional resource in pixel by id [Resources]
return dimensional resource in pixel by identifier [Resources]
return dimensional resource in pixel via id [Resources]
return dimensional resource in pixel via identifier [Resources]
return dir path [Context]
return directory path [Context]
return display coordinates for View [View]
return display direction from phone [Configuration]
return display direction from telephone [Configuration]
return display height [DisplayMetrics]
return display height in pixels [DisplayMetrics]
return display orientation from phone [Configuration]
return display orientation from telephone [Configuration]
return display position for View [View]
return display width [DisplayMetrics]
return display width in pixels [DisplayMetrics]
return displayed text from TextView [TextView]
return distance in meters between two locations [Location]
return double array extra from Intent [Intent]
return double array from Intent [Intent]
return double array from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
return double array state with default [BaseBundle]
return double extra from Intent [Intent]
return double from Intent [Intent]
return double from bundle [BaseBundle]
return double from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
return double state [BaseBundle]
return double state with default [BaseBundle]
return double value from BigDecimal [BigDecimal]
return download manager [Context]
return download service [Context]
return drawable by id from Context [Context]
return drawable by id from Resources [Resources]
return drawable by identifier from Context [Context]
return drawable by identifier from Resources [Resources]
return drawable by name [Resources]
return drawable by name from resources [Resources]
return drawable from Resources [Resources]
return drawable from Resources by id [Resources]
return drawable from Resources by identifier [Resources]
return drawable from Resources via id [Resources]
return drawable from Resources via identifier [Resources]
return drawable from TypedArray [TypedArray]
return drawable from resources by name [Resources]
return drawable from resources via name [Resources]
return drawable via id from Context [Context]
return drawable via id from Resources [Resources]
return drawable via identifier from Context [Context]
return drawable via identifier from Resources [Resources]
return drawable via name [Resources]
return drawable via name from resources [Resources]
return duplicate of LruCache [LruCache]
return duration from Toast [Toast]
return duration from video [VideoView]
return duration of VideView [VideoView]
return duration of file in MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
return elapsed time in nanoseconds since boot [SystemClock]
return element at specified location in ArrayList [ArrayList]
return element from HashMap [HashMap]
return element from SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
return element from SparseBooleanArray or default [SparseBooleanArray]
return element from SparseIntArray by key [SparseIntArray]
return element from SparseIntArray via key [SparseIntArray]
return elevation from ActionBar [ActionBar]
return empty and immutable List [Collections]
return empty and immutable Map [Collections]
return empty and immutable Set [Collections]
return enabled state of view [View]
return every accounts [AccountManager]
return every active notifications [NotificationManager]
return every bundle data from Intent [Intent]
return every bundle info from Intent [Intent]
return every bundle information from Intent [Intent]
return every from preferences [SharedPreferences]
return every from prefs [SharedPreferences]
return every from settings [SharedPreferences]
return every from sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences]
return every from sharedprefs [SharedPreferences]
return every ongoing background services [ActivityManager]
return every query parameters [Uri]
return every query parameters from Uri [Uri]
return every running background services [ActivityManager]
return every segments from Uri [Uri]
return every sent sms messages [ContentResolver]
return every sms from Inbox [ContentResolver]
return every sms from draft dir [ContentResolver]
return every sms from draft directory [ContentResolver]
return every sms from draft folder [ContentResolver]
return every values from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
return external cache dir [Context]
return external cache directory [Context]
return external cache folder [Context]
return external dcim dir [Environment]
return external dcim directory [Environment]
return external dcim folder [Environment]
return external file dir [Environment]
return external file directory [Environment]
return external file folder [Environment]
return external files dir [Context]
return external files directory [Context]
return external files folder [Context]
return external filesystem [Context]
return external filesystem dir [Environment]
return external filesystem dir for alarms [Environment]
return external filesystem dir for documents [Environment]
return external filesystem dir for downloads [Environment]
return external filesystem dir for movies [Environment]
return external filesystem dir for music [Environment]
return external filesystem dir for pictures [Environment]
return external filesystem directory [Environment]
return external filesystem directory for alarms [Environment]
return external filesystem directory for documents [Environment]
return external filesystem directory for downloads [Environment]
return external filesystem directory for movies [Environment]
return external filesystem directory for music [Environment]
return external filesystem directory for pictures [Environment]
return external filesystem folder [Environment]
return external filesystem folder for alarms [Environment]
return external filesystem folder for documents [Environment]
return external filesystem folder for downloads [Environment]
return external filesystem folder for movies [Environment]
return external filesystem folder for music [Environment]
return external filesystem folder for pictures [Environment]
return external filesystem for ringtones [Environment]
return external filesystem public dir [Environment]
return external filesystem public directory [Environment]
return external filesystem public folder [Environment]
return external storage [Context]
return external storage dir [Environment]
return external storage dir for alarms [Environment]
return external storage dir for documents [Environment]
return external storage dir for downloads [Environment]
return external storage dir for movies [Environment]
return external storage dir for music [Environment]
return external storage dir for pictures [Environment]
return external storage directory [Environment]
return external storage directory for alarms [Environment]
return external storage directory for documents [Environment]
return external storage directory for downloads [Environment]
return external storage directory for movies [Environment]
return external storage directory for music [Environment]
return external storage directory for pictures [Environment]
return external storage folder [Environment]
return external storage folder for alarms [Environment]
return external storage folder for documents [Environment]
return external storage folder for downloads [Environment]
return external storage folder for movies [Environment]
return external storage folder for music [Environment]
return external storage folder for pictures [Environment]
return external storage for ringtones [Environment]
return external storage public dir [Environment]
return external storage public directory [Environment]
return external storage public folder [Environment]
return extras from Intent [Intent]
return extras from notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
return file duration in MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
return file stream path [Context]
return files dir [Context]
return files directory [Context]
return files folder [Context]
return filesystem dir for alarms [Environment]
return filesystem dir for documents [Environment]
return filesystem dir for downloads [Environment]
return filesystem dir for images [Environment]
return filesystem dir for movies [Environment]
return filesystem dir for music [Environment]
return filesystem dir for pictures [Environment]
return filesystem dir for ringtones [Environment]
return filesystem directory for alarms [Environment]
return filesystem directory for documents [Environment]
return filesystem directory for downloads [Environment]
return filesystem directory for images [Environment]
return filesystem directory for movies [Environment]
return filesystem directory for music [Environment]
return filesystem directory for pictures [Environment]
return filesystem directory for ringtones [Environment]
return filesystem folder for alarms [Environment]
return filesystem folder for documents [Environment]
return filesystem folder for downloads [Environment]
return filesystem folder for images [Environment]
return filesystem folder for movies [Environment]
return filesystem folder for music [Environment]
return filesystem folder for pictures [Environment]
return filesystem folder for ringtones [Environment]
return first element of LinkedList [LinkedList]
return float array extra from Intent [Intent]
return float array from Intent [Intent]
return float extra from Intent [Intent]
return float from Intent [Intent]
return float from Parcel [Parcel]
return float from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
return float from TypedArray [TypedArray]
return float from pref [SharedPreferences]
return float from preference [SharedPreferences]
return float from setting [SharedPreferences]
return float from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
return float from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
return focus for view [View]
return focus for view and set direction [View]
return focus for view and set orientation [View]
return focused View element in Activity [Activity]
return focused View element in Dialog [Dialog]
return focused View element in Window [Window]
return folder path [Context]
return formatted string [Context]
return formatted string from Fragment [Fragment]
return formatted string from xml [Context]
return fragment part from Uri [Uri]
return general action from Intent [Intent]
return gps location [LocationManager]
return green component of Color [Color]
return green value of Color [Color]
return hardware properties manager [Context]
return hardware properties service [Context]
return hash code from Account [Account]
return headline color from Activity [Activity]
return headline from ActionBar [ActionBar]
return headline from Toolbar [Toolbar]
return headline from action bar [ActionBar]
return headline from activity [Activity]
return height from View [View]
return height of ActionBar [ActionBar]
return height of Canvas [Canvas]
return height of Rect [Rect]
return height of bitmap [Bitmap]
return height of rectangle [Rect]
return hide offset of ActionBar [ActionBar]
return horizontal scroll position for View [View]
return host from Uri [Uri]
return host instance from Fragment [Fragment]
return host object from Fragment [Fragment]
return hour from Calendar [Calendar]
return human readable description of Intent [Intent]
return human readable description of SparseArray [SparseArray]
return human readable description of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
return human readable description of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
return human readable description of view [View]
return human readable representation of Bundle [Bundle]
return id from Fragment [Fragment]
return id from View [View]
return identifier from Fragment [Fragment]
return identifier from View [View]
return immutable and clear List [Collections]
return immutable and clear Map [Collections]
return immutable and clear Set [Collections]
return immutable and empty List [Collections]
return immutable and empty Map [Collections]
return immutable and empty Set [Collections]
return index by column name [Cursor]
return index of column or throw error [Cursor]
return index of object in ArrayList [ArrayList]
return index via column name [Cursor]
return info about a package [PackageManager]
return info about connected network [ConnectivityManager]
return info about installed app [PackageManager]
return info about installed application [PackageManager]
return info from Intent [Intent]
return info type of column [Cursor]
return information about a package [PackageManager]
return information about connected network [ConnectivityManager]
return information about installed app [PackageManager]
return information about installed application [PackageManager]
return information from Intent [Intent]
return information type of column [Cursor]
return input method manager [Context]
return input method service [Context]
return instance of Date [Date]
return int array extra from Intent [Intent]
return int array from Intent [Intent]
return int array from Resources [Resources]
return int array from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
return int by id [Resources]
return int by identifier [Resources]
return int from Parcel [Parcel]
return int from Resources [Resources]
return int from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
return int from TypedArray [TypedArray]
return int from bundle [BaseBundle]
return int from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
return int from pref [SharedPreferences]
return int from preference [SharedPreferences]
return int from setting [SharedPreferences]
return int from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
return int from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
return int value by column index [Cursor]
return int value from cursor [Cursor]
return int value via column index [Cursor]
return int via id [Resources]
return int via identifier [Resources]
return integer array by id [Resources]
return integer array by identifier [Resources]
return integer array via id [Resources]
return integer array via identifier [Resources]
return integer from TypedArray [TypedArray]
return integer from preferences [SharedPreferences]
return integer from prefs [SharedPreferences]
return integer from settings [SharedPreferences]
return integer from sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences]
return integer from sharedprefs [SharedPreferences]
return intent from Activity [Activity]
return intent that started activity [Activity]
return item count from Adapter [Adapter]
return item from Adapter by position [Adapter]
return item from Adapter via position [Adapter]
return job scheduler [Context]
return key for Preference [Preference]
return keyguard manager [Context]
return keyguard service [Context]
return keys from bundle [BaseBundle]
return keyset from bundle [BaseBundle]
return last element of LinkedList [LinkedList]
return last index of char [TextUtils]
return last index of character [TextUtils]
return last index of element in ArrayList [ArrayList]
return last known location [LocationManager]
return last path segment [Uri]
return last path segment from Uri [Uri]
return latitude from Address [Address]
return latitude from Location [Location]
return layout inflater from Dialog [Dialog]
return layout inflater in Dialog [Dialog]
return layout params for View [View]
return left padding of View [View]
return left position from View [View]
return left position from view to its parent [View]
return length of String [String]
return length of StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
return length of text from TextView [TextView]
return length of values in TypedArray [TypedArray]
return line separator [System]
return list of accounts by type [AccountManager]
return list of accounts via type [AccountManager]
return list of all accounts [AccountManager]
return list of all accounts of any type [AccountManager]
return list of every accounts [AccountManager]
return list of every accounts of any type [AccountManager]
return list of ongoing services [ActivityManager]
return list of running services [ActivityManager]
return localized formatted string [Context]
return localized string [Context]
return localized string from Context [Context]
return localized string from Fragment [Fragment]
return localized string from Resources [Resources]
return localized text from Context [Context]
return location manager [Context]
return location service [Context]
return lon from Address [Address]
return lon from Location [Location]
return long array extra from Intent [Intent]
return long array from Intent [Intent]
return long array from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
return long by column index [Cursor]
return long extra from Intent [Intent]
return long from Cursor [Cursor]
return long from Intent [Intent]
return long from Parcel [Parcel]
return long from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
return long from bundle [BaseBundle]
return long from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
return long from pref [SharedPreferences]
return long from preference [SharedPreferences]
return long from setting [SharedPreferences]
return long from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
return long from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
return long state [BaseBundle]
return long state with default [BaseBundle]
return long via column index [Cursor]
return longitude from Address [Address]
return longitude from Location [Location]
return looper [Context]
return mac address [WifiInfo]
return main looper [Context]
return main view from Fragment [Fragment]
return manager for account data [AccountManager]
return manager for account info [AccountManager]
return manager for account information [AccountManager]
return max value from ProgressBar [ProgressBar]
return max vm heap dimension [Runtime]
return max vm heap dimension in bytes [Runtime]
return max vm heap size [Runtime]
return max vm heap size in bytes [Runtime]
return maximum value from ProgressBar [ProgressBar]
return maximum vm heap dimension [Runtime]
return maximum vm heap dimension in bytes [Runtime]
return maximum vm heap size [Runtime]
return maximum vm heap size in bytes [Runtime]
return measured height from View [View]
return measured width from View [View]
return menu from toolbar [Toolbar]
return menu item by id [Menu]
return menu item by identifier [Menu]
return menu item via id [Menu]
return menu item via identifier [Menu]
return metadata bundle from notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
return millisecond from Calendar [Calendar]
return mime type from Intent [Intent]
return minute from Calendar [Calendar]
return miss count from LruCache [LruCache]
return month from Calendar [Calendar]
return name of calling activity [Activity]
return name of system service [Context]
return names of databases [Context]
return navigation icon from Toolbar [Toolbar]
return negative button from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
return network data manager [Context]
return network data service [Context]
return network info manager [Context]
return network info service [Context]
return network information manager [Context]
return network information service [Context]
return network statistics manager [Context]
return network stats manager [Context]
return neutral button from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
return notification manager [Context]
return notification policy [NotificationManager]
return number of entries in back stack [FragmentManager]
return number of mappings [BaseBundle]
return number of values in TypedArray [TypedArray]
return object from SparseArray [SparseArray]
return object from SparseArray or default [SparseArray]
return object from bundle [BaseBundle]
return object state [BaseBundle]
return ongoing services [ActivityManager]
return package manager [Context]
return package name [Context]
return package that invoked Activity [Activity]
return padding bottom of View [View]
return padding left of View [View]
return padding right of View [View]
return padding top of View [View]
return parcelable array extra from Intent [Intent]
return parcelable array from Intent [Intent]
return parcelable array list extra from Intent [Intent]
return parcelable array list from Intent [Intent]
return parcelable extra from Intent [Intent]
return parcelable from Intent [Intent]
return parcelable from bundle [Bundle]
return parcelable state [Bundle]
return parent activity [Activity]
return parent dir of File [File]
return parent directory of File [File]
return parent folder of File [File]
return parent for View [View]
return parent view [View]
return part after hash character from Uri [Uri]
return part after number character from Uri [Uri]
return path for file [Context]
return path from Uri [Uri]
return path segments from Uri [Uri]
return phone from Address [Address]
return phone manager [Context]
return phone number [TelephonyManager]
return phone number from Address [Address]
return phone number from device [TelephonyManager]
return phone number from smartphone [TelephonyManager]
return phone number from user [TelephonyManager]
return phone number of device [TelephonyManager]
return phone service [Context]
return plain stacktrace from exception [Log]
return plain trace from exception [Log]
return plain x coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
return plain y coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
return plural string from Resources [Resources]
return port [Uri]
return port from Uri [Uri]
return position for the first item displayed on display in AdapterView [AdapterView]
return position for the first item displayed on screen in AdapterView [AdapterView]
return position for the first item which is displayed on display in AdapterView [AdapterView]
return position for the first item which is displayed on screen in AdapterView [AdapterView]
return position of cursor in row set [Cursor]
return position of first item displayed in AdapterView [AdapterView]
return positive button from AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
return postal code from Address [Address]
return power manager [Context]
return power service [Context]
return preferences by name and mode [Context]
return preferences for activity [Activity]
return preferences from WebView [WebView]
return preferences via name and mode [Context]
return prefs by name and mode [Context]
return prefs for activity [Activity]
return prefs from WebView [WebView]
return prefs via name and mode [Context]
return quantity string from Resources [Resources]
return query parameter by key [Uri]
return query parameter from Uri [Uri]
return query parameter via key [Uri]
return raw x coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
return raw y coordinate from MotionEvent [MotionEvent]
return red component of Color [Color]
return red value from Color [Color]
return resource id by name [Resources]
return resource id from TypedArray [TypedArray]
return resource id of an image by name [Resources]
return resource id of an image via name [Resources]
return resource id of an photo by name [Resources]
return resource id of an photo via name [Resources]
return resource id of an picture by name [Resources]
return resource id of an picture via name [Resources]
return resource id of string by name [Resources]
return resource id of string via name [Resources]
return resource id via name [Resources]
return resource identifier by name [Resources]
return resource identifier from TypedArray [TypedArray]
return resource identifier of an image by name [Resources]
return resource identifier of an image via name [Resources]
return resource identifier of an photo by name [Resources]
return resource identifier of an photo via name [Resources]
return resource identifier of an picture by name [Resources]
return resource identifier of an picture via name [Resources]
return resource identifier of string by name [Resources]
return resource identifier of string via name [Resources]
return resource identifier via name [Resources]
return result count of cursor [Cursor]
return result from AsyncTask [AsyncTask]
return right padding of View [View]
return right position of view [View]
return right position of view to its parent [View]
return ringtone by Uri [RingtoneManager]
return ringtone via Uri [RingtoneManager]
return root view from Activity [Activity]
return root view from Fragment [Fragment]
return rows of cursor [Cursor]
return running services [ActivityManager]
return scheme from Intent [Intent]
return scheme from Uri [Uri]
return screen coordinates for View [View]
return screen direction from phone [Configuration]
return screen direction from telephone [Configuration]
return screen height [DisplayMetrics]
return screen height in pixels [DisplayMetrics]
return screen orientation from phone [Configuration]
return screen orientation from telephone [Configuration]
return screen position for View [View]
return screen width [DisplayMetrics]
return screen width in pixels [DisplayMetrics]
return scroll x position for View [View]
return scroll y position for View [View]
return sd card dir [Environment]
return sd card directory [Environment]
return sd card folder [Environment]
return search manager [Context]
return search service [Context]
return second from Calendar [Calendar]
return segments from Uri [Uri]
return selected RadioButton in group [RadioGroup]
return sent sms messages [ContentResolver]
return serializable extra from Intent [Intent]
return serializable from Intent [Intent]
return serializable object from bundle [Bundle]
return serializable state [Bundle]
return set of all categories from Intent [Intent]
return set of every categories from Intent [Intent]
return settings by name and mode [Context]
return settings for activity [Activity]
return settings from WebView [WebView]
return settings via name and mode [Context]
return sharedpreferences for activity [Activity]
return sharedpreferences from WebView [WebView]
return sharedprefs by name and mode [Context]
return sharedprefs for activity [Activity]
return sharedprefs from WebView [WebView]
return sharedprefs via name and mode [Context]
return short from cursor [Cursor]
return short value by column index [Cursor]
return short value via column index [Cursor]
return size from ContentValues [ContentValues]
return size from Resources by id [Resources]
return size from Resources by identifier [Resources]
return size from Resources via id [Resources]
return size from Resources via identifier [Resources]
return size from bundle [BaseBundle]
return size of ArrayList [ArrayList]
return size of LruCache [LruCache]
return size of SparseArray [SparseArray]
return size of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
return size of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
return size of bundle [BaseBundle]
return size value from Resources [Resources]
return size value from TypedArray [TypedArray]
return size value from TypedArray at index [TypedArray]
return size value in pixel from TypedArray [TypedArray]
return size value in pixels from Resources [Resources]
return sms messages from Inbox [ContentResolver]
return sms messages from draft dir [ContentResolver]
return sms messages from draft directory [ContentResolver]
return sms messages from draft folder [ContentResolver]
return sqlite path [Context]
return sqlite path on filesystem [Context]
return sqlite path on storage [Context]
return sqlite version [SQLiteDatabase]
return stacktrace as string [Log]
return stacktrace from Thread [Thread]
return stacktrace from throwable [Log]
return state of external filesystem [Environment]
return state of external storage [Environment]
return state of sd card [Environment]
return storage dir for alarms [Environment]
return storage dir for documents [Environment]
return storage dir for downloads [Environment]
return storage dir for images [Environment]
return storage dir for movies [Environment]
return storage dir for music [Environment]
return storage dir for pictures [Environment]
return storage dir for ringtones [Environment]
return storage directory for alarms [Environment]
return storage directory for documents [Environment]
return storage directory for downloads [Environment]
return storage directory for images [Environment]
return storage directory for movies [Environment]
return storage directory for music [Environment]
return storage directory for pictures [Environment]
return storage directory for ringtones [Environment]
return storage folder for alarms [Environment]
return storage folder for documents [Environment]
return storage folder for downloads [Environment]
return storage folder for images [Environment]
return storage folder for movies [Environment]
return storage folder for music [Environment]
return storage folder for pictures [Environment]
return storage folder for ringtones [Environment]
return string array extra from Intent [Intent]
return string array from Intent [Intent]
return string array from Resources [Resources]
return string array from Resources by id [Resources]
return string array from Resources by identifier [Resources]
return string array from Resources via id [Resources]
return string array from Resources via identifier [Resources]
return string array from bundle [BaseBundle]
return string array state [BaseBundle]
return string by name [Resources]
return string extra from Intent [Intent]
return string from Fragment [Fragment]
return string from Intent [Intent]
return string from SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
return string from TypedArray [TypedArray]
return string from Uri [Uri]
return string from bundle [BaseBundle]
return string from bundle with default [BaseBundle]
return string from cursor [Cursor]
return string from pref [SharedPreferences]
return string from preference [SharedPreferences]
return string from resources [Context]
return string from resources by name [Resources]
return string from resources via name [Resources]
return string from setting [SharedPreferences]
return string from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
return string from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
return string from xml [Context]
return string list bundle [Bundle]
return string of the requested column [Cursor]
return string representation from Fragment [Fragment]
return string representation from Uri [Uri]
return string representation of Account [Account]
return string representation of SparseArray [SparseArray]
return string representation of SparseBooleanArray [SparseBooleanArray]
return string representation of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
return string set from pref [SharedPreferences]
return string set from preference [SharedPreferences]
return string set from setting [SharedPreferences]
return string set from sharedpref [SharedPreferences]
return string set from sharedpreference [SharedPreferences]
return string state [BaseBundle]
return string via name [Resources]
return styled attributes [Context]
return subheadline from ActionBar [ActionBar]
return subheadline from Toolbar [Toolbar]
return subtitle from ActionBar [ActionBar]
return subtitle from Toolbar [Toolbar]
return system service name [Context]
return tag from View [View]
return telephone from Address [Address]
return telephone manager [Context]
return telephone number [TelephonyManager]
return telephone number from Address [Address]
return telephone number from device [TelephonyManager]
return telephone number from smartphone [TelephonyManager]
return telephone number from user [TelephonyManager]
return telephone number of device [TelephonyManager]
return telephone service [Context]
return telephony manager [Context]
return text from EditText [EditText]
return text from TextView [TextView]
return text length from TextView [TextView]
return theme [Context]
return thread id from HandlerThread [HandlerThread]
return thread identifier from HandlerThread [HandlerThread]
return time in millis from Calendar [Calendar]
return time in millisecond from Calendar [Calendar]
return title color from Activity [Activity]
return title from ActionBar [ActionBar]
return title from Toolbar [Toolbar]
return title from action bar [ActionBar]
return title from activity [Activity]
return token of window this view is attached to [View]
return top padding of View [View]
return top position of view relative to its parent [View]
return total count of SparseIntArray [SparseIntArray]
return total number of rows in cursor [Cursor]
return trace as string [Log]
return trace from Thread [Thread]
return trace from throwable [Log]
return type from Intent [Intent]
return ui mode manager [Context]
return unique device id [TelephonyManager]
return unique device identifier [TelephonyManager]
return uptime since boot without deep sleep [SystemClock]
return uptime without deep sleep [SystemClock]
return user agent from WebSettings [WebSettings]
return user agent from WebView [WebSettings]
return user data from account [AccountManager]
return user info from account [AccountManager]
return user information from account [AccountManager]
return users phone number [TelephonyManager]
return users telephone number [TelephonyManager]
return value by index from SparseArray [SparseArray]
return value from LruCache [LruCache]
return value of AtomicBoolean [AtomicBoolean]
return value of AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
return value of AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
return value via index from SparseArray [SparseArray]
return values dimension from ContentValues [ContentValues]
return values size from ContentValues [ContentValues]
return vertical offset of ActionBar [ActionBar]
return vertical offset of action bar [ActionBar]
return vertical scroll position for View [View]
return vibrator manager [Context]
return vibrator service [Context]
return video position from VideoView [VideoView]
return view child by index [ViewGroup]
return view child via index [ViewGroup]
return view element with focus [View]
return view which has focus [View]
return visibility for View [View]
return visibility state of view and all ancestors [View]
return visibility state of view and every ancestors [View]
return visual x position of view in pixel [View]
return visual y position of view in pixel [View]
return visual z position of view in pixels [View]
return vm heap dimension limit [Runtime]
return vm heap size limit [Runtime]
return width of Canvas [Canvas]
return width of Rect [Rect]
return width of View [View]
return width of bitmap [Bitmap]
return width of rectangle [Rect]
return wifi connection data [WifiManager]
return wifi connection info [WifiManager]
return wifi connection information [WifiManager]
return wifi direct manager [Context]
return wifi manager [Context]
return wifi service [Context]
return window for Activity [Activity]
return window manager [Context]
return window service [Context]
return window token [View]
return year from Calendar [Calendar]
return z axis elevation from ActionBar [ActionBar]
return zip code from Address [Address]
reverse View [View]
reverse characters in StringBuilder [StringBuilder]
revert last fragment transaction [FragmentManager]
revoke uri permission [Context]
rotate View [View]
round double to n decimal places
save Canvas [Canvas]
save String Set in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save String Set in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save String Set in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save String Set in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save String Set in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save String in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save String in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save String in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save String in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save String in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save boolean array in bundle [BaseBundle]
save boolean array state [BaseBundle]
save boolean in bundle [BaseBundle]
save boolean in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save boolean in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save boolean in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save boolean in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save boolean in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save boolean state [BaseBundle]
save double in bundle [BaseBundle]
save double state [BaseBundle]
save enum in Bundle [Bundle]
save float in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save float in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save float in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save float in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save float in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save int array in bundle [BaseBundle]
save int array state [BaseBundle]
save int in bundle [BaseBundle]
save int in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save int in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save int in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save int in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save int in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save int state [BaseBundle]
save integer in bundle [BaseBundle]
save list of parcelable in bundle [Bundle]
save long array in bundle [BaseBundle]
save long array state [BaseBundle]
save long in bundle [BaseBundle]
save long in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save long in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save long in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save long in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save long in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
save long state [BaseBundle]
save parcelable in bundle [Bundle]
save parcelable list state [Bundle]
save parcelable state [Bundle]
save serializable object in bundle [Bundle]
save serializable state [Bundle]
save string array in bundle [BaseBundle]
save string array state [BaseBundle]
save string in bundle [BaseBundle]
save string in file
save string state [BaseBundle]
save text as file
scale bitmap [Bitmap]
schedule alarm [AlarmManager]
schedule repeating alarm [AlarmManager]
schedule single alarm [AlarmManager]
screen ActionBar [ActionBar]
screen AlertDialog [AlertDialog.Builder]
screen ProgressDialog [ProgressDialog]
screen Snackbar [Snackbar]
screen activity headline or subheadline in ActionBar [ActionBar]
screen activity headline or subtitle in ActionBar [ActionBar]
screen activity main window [Activity]
screen activity title or subheadline in ActionBar [ActionBar]
screen activity title or subtitle in ActionBar [ActionBar]
screen app icon in Actionbar [ActionBar]
screen app icon in action bar [ActionBar]
screen application icon in Actionbar [ActionBar]
screen application icon in action bar [ActionBar]
screen buttons for zoom control in WebView [WebSettings]
screen dialog [Dialog]
screen dialog on display [Dialog]
screen dialog on screen [Dialog]
screen full site in WebView [WebSettings]
screen full webpage in WebView [WebSettings]
screen full website in WebView [WebSettings]
screen horizontal scrollbar [View]
screen html code in TextView [TextView]
screen indeterminate ProgressBar in Activity [Activity]
screen keyboard [InputMethodManager]
screen notification [NotificationManager]
screen notification with tag [NotificationManager]
screen number keyboard in EditText [TextView]
screen number softkeyboard in EditText [TextView]
screen only numbers in keyboard [TextView]
screen only numbers in softkeyboard [TextView]
screen overflow menu in Toolbar [Toolbar]
screen scrollbars on left side in ListView [AbsListView]
screen should remain on for View [View]
screen site from String in WebView [WebView]
screen softkeyboard [InputMethodManager]
screen text in upper case in TextView [TextView]
screen toast [Toast]
screen vertical scrollbar [View]
screen view object [View]
screen webpage from String in WebView [WebView]
screen website from String in WebView [WebView]
screen zoom buttons in WebView [WebSettings]
scroll immediately to certain position in HorizontalScrollView [HorizontalScrollView]
scroll immediately to particular position in HorizontalScrollView [HorizontalScrollView]
scroll immediately to position in ScrollView [ScrollView]
scroll immediately to specific position in HorizontalScrollView [HorizontalScrollView]
scroll smooth to certain position in ListView [ListView]
scroll smooth to certain position in ScrollView [ScrollView]
scroll smooth to particular position in ListView [ListView]
scroll smooth to particular position in ScrollView [ScrollView]
scroll smooth to position in RecyclerView [RecyclerView]
scroll smooth to specific position in ListView [ListView]
scroll smooth to specific position in ScrollView [ScrollView]
scroll to certain position in HorizontalScrollView [HorizontalScrollView]
scroll to certain position in RecyclerView [RecyclerView]
scroll to certain position in ScrollView [ScrollView]
scroll to particular position in HorizontalScrollView [HorizontalScrollView]
scroll to particular position in RecyclerView [RecyclerView]
scroll to particular position in ScrollView [ScrollView]
scroll to specific position in HorizontalScrollView [HorizontalScrollView]
scroll to specific position in RecyclerView [RecyclerView]
scroll to specific position in ScrollView [ScrollView]
search ArrayList for element [ArrayList]
search ArrayList for object [ArrayList]
secure view against screenshots [Window]
seek to specified time position in playback [MediaPlayer]
select all text in EditText when it gets focus [TextView]
select every text in EditText when it gets focus [TextView]
select item in ListView [AbsListView]
select item of Spinner [AbsSpinner]
select text in EditText when it gets focus [TextView]
select text when it gets focus in EditText [TextView]
send broadcast [Context]
send email
send event by EventBus [EventBus]
send event via EventBus [EventBus]
send html email
send image via Intent
send local broadcast [LocalBroadcastManager]
send new local broadcast [LocalBroadcastManager]
send notification [NotificationManager]
send object by EventBus [EventBus]
send object via EventBus [EventBus]
send ordered broadcast [Context]
send sms
send sticky event by EventBus [EventBus]
send sticky event via EventBus [EventBus]
send text
send wtf message to logger [Log]
send wtf msg to logger [Log]
set AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator to Animation [Animation]
set AccelerateInterpolator to Animation [Animation]
set ActionBar background Drawable [ActionBar]
set ActionBar headline [ActionBar]
set ActionBar logo [ActionBar]
set ActionBar subheadline [ActionBar]
set ActionBar subtitle [ActionBar]
set ActionBar title [ActionBar]
set Actionbar headline from resources [ActionBar]
set Actionbar title from resources [ActionBar]
set Activity TransitionManager [Activity]
set Activity result to ok [Activity]
set AdapterView OnItemLongClickListener [AdapterView]
set Address Url [Address]
set Address latitude [Address]
set Address lon [Address]
set Address longitude [Address]
set Address phone [Address]
set Address telephone [Address]
set AlertDialog headline [AlertDialog]
set AlertDialog icon [AlertDialog]
set AlertDialog message [AlertDialog]
set AlertDialog msg [AlertDialog]
set AlertDialog text [AlertDialog]
set AlertDialog title [AlertDialog]
set AlertDialog view [AlertDialog]
set Animation AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator [Animation]
set Animation AccelerateInterpolator [Animation]
set Animation BounceInterpolator [Animation]
set Animation DecelerateInterpolator [Animation]
set Animation Interpolator [Animation]
set Animator duration [Animator]
set Animator interpolator [Animator]
set Animator length [Animator]
set AtomicBoolean value [AtomicBoolean]
set AtomicInteger value [AtomicInteger]
set AtomicLong value [AtomicLong]
set Bitmap to ImageView [ImageView]
set BounceInterpolator to Animation [Animation]
set Calendar Date [Calendar]
set Calendar TimeZone [Calendar]
set Calendar hour [Calendar]
set Calendar millisecond [Calendar]
set Calendar minute [Calendar]
set Calendar month [Calendar]
set Calendar second [Calendar]
set Calendar time [Calendar]
set Calendar year [Calendar]
set ColorFilter for Drawable [Drawable]
set ContextMenu header [ContextMenu]
set Date to Calendar [Calendar]
set DecelerateInterpolator to Animation [Animation]
set Drawable to ImageView [ImageView]
set Drawable to status bar background in DrawerLayout [DrawerLayout]
set DrawerLayout DrawerListener [DrawerLayout]
set DrawerListener to DrawerLayout [DrawerLayout]
set EditText tag [View]
set Fragment args [Fragment]
set Fragment arguments [Fragment]
set Fragment bundle [Fragment]
set GridView ListAdapter [GridView]
set GridView adapter [GridView]
set ImageView Bitmap [ImageView]
set ImageView Drawable [ImageView]
set ImageView alpha [ImageView]
set Intent Uri [Intent]
set Intent action [Intent]
set Intent class [Intent]
set Intent component [Intent]
set Intent data [Intent]
set Intent info [Intent]
set Intent information [Intent]
set Intent package [Intent]
set Intent type to basic text [Intent]
set Intent type to file [Intent]
set Intent type to image [Intent]
set Intent type to jpeg [Intent]
set Intent type to jpg [Intent]
set Intent type to photo [Intent]
set Intent type to picture [Intent]
set Intent type to plain text [Intent]
set Intent which is triggered after user clicked notification [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set Intent which is triggered when user cleared the notification [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set Interpolator to Animation [Animation]
set ItemAnimator to RecyclerView [RecyclerView]
set LayoutManager to RecyclerView [RecyclerView]
set LinearInterpolator [Animation]
set ListAdapter to GridView [GridView]
set ListAdapter to ListView [ListView]
set ListView ListAdapter [ListView]
set ListView adapter [ListView]
set MediaPlayer playback position [MediaPlayer]
set OnClickListener [View]
set OnClickListener to view [View]
set OnEditorActionListener [TextView]
set OnItemLongClickListener to AdapterView [AdapterView]
set PagerAdapter to ViewPager [ViewPager]
set Paint color [Paint]
set ProgressDialog message [ProgressDialog]
set ProgressDialog msg [ProgressDialog]
set ProgressDialog progress [ProgressDialog]
set RecyclerView ItemAnimator [RecyclerView]
set RecyclerView LayoutManager [RecyclerView]
set RecyclerView adapter [RecyclerView]
set RemoteViews padding [RemoteViews]
set RemoteViews text [RemoteViews]
set Snackbar action [Snackbar]
set Spinner SpinnerAdapter [Spinner]
set Spinner adapter [Spinner]
set SpinnerAdapter to Spinner [Spinner]
set TextView html [TextView]
set TextView string [TextView]
set TextView style [TextView]
set TextView style at runtime [TextView]
set TextView style to bold [TextView]
set TextView style to bold and italic [TextView]
set TextView style to italic [TextView]
set TextView tag [View]
set TextView text [TextView]
set TextView to single line [TextView]
set TextView to single line output [TextView]
set TimeZone to Calendar [Calendar]
set Toast duration [Toast]
set Toolbar as Actionbar [Activity]
set Toolbar headline by resources [Toolbar]
set Toolbar headline by string [Toolbar]
set Toolbar headline via resources [Toolbar]
set Toolbar headline via string [Toolbar]
set Toolbar logo [Toolbar]
set Toolbar title by resources [Toolbar]
set Toolbar title by string [Toolbar]
set Toolbar title via resources [Toolbar]
set Toolbar title via string [Toolbar]
set TransitionManager to Activity [Activity]
set Uri to Intent [Intent]
set Url to Address [Address]
set View for Toast [Toast]
set View tag [View]
set ViewPager PagerAdapter [ViewPager]
set ViewPager adapter [ViewPager]
set WebView WebViewClient [WebView]
set WebViewClient to WebView [WebView]
set Window headline [Window]
set Window title [Window]
set a toolbar as Actionbar in Activity [Activity]
set aborted as result [Activity]
set accelerate decelerate interpolator [Animation]
set accelerate decelerator interpolator to Animation [Animation]
set accelerate interpolator to Animation [Animation]
set acceleration interpolator to Animation [Animation]
set action get content [Intent]
set action get content to Intent [Intent]
set action main to Intent [Intent]
set action obtain content [Intent]
set action obtain content to Intent [Intent]
set action receive content [Intent]
set action receive content to Intent [Intent]
set action return content [Intent]
set action return content to Intent [Intent]
set action send [Intent]
set action send to Intent [Intent]
set action to Intent [Intent]
set action to Snackbar [Snackbar]
set action view to Intent [Intent]
set activity content [Activity]
set activity content view [Activity]
set activity headline [Activity]
set activity headline from resources [Activity]
set activity layout [Activity]
set activity result aborted [Activity]
set activity result canceled [Activity]
set activity title [Activity]
set activity title from resources [Activity]
set adapter to GridView [GridView]
set adapter to ListView [ListView]
set adapter to RecyclerView [RecyclerView]
set adapter to Spinner [Spinner]
set adapter to ViewPager [ViewPager]
set alarm [AlarmManager]
set alarm as audio stream type [MediaPlayer]
set alert icon to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set allowed network types for Download [DownloadManager.Request]
set alpha to ImageView [ImageView]
set alpha value for Drawable [Drawable]
set alpha value of View [View]
set alpha value to ViewPropertyAnimator [ViewPropertyAnimator]
set amount of max lines for TextView [TextView]
set amount of maximum lines for TextView [TextView]
set animation duration to AnimatorSet [AnimatorSet]
set animation for fragments in fragment transaction [FragmentTransaction]
set animation listener to Animation [Animation]
set app cache path for WebSettings [WebSettings]
set app cache path for WebView [WebSettings]
set application cache path for WebSettings [WebSettings]
set application cache path for WebView [WebSettings]
set args to Fragment [Fragment]
set arguments to Fragment [Fragment]
set as allowed network wifi and mobile [DownloadManager.Request]
set audio stream type alarm [MediaPlayer]
set audio stream type for MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
set audio stream type music [MediaPlayer]
set audio stream type notification [MediaPlayer]
set audio stream type speech call [MediaPlayer]
set audio stream type voice call [MediaPlayer]
set audio type to Intent [Intent]
set background by resource drawable [View]
set background by resource id [View]
set background by resource identifier [View]
set background color black [View]
set background color for View [View]
set background color of View [View]
set background color white [View]
set background drawable to View [View]
set background of View to black [View]
set background of View to transparent [View]
set background of View to white [View]
set background thread priority [Process]
set background to black [View]
set background to transparent [View]
set background to white [View]
set background transparent [View]
set background via resource drawable [View]
set background via resource id [View]
set background via resource identifier [View]
set basic sms data to Intent [Intent]
set basic sms info to Intent [Intent]
set basic sms information to Intent [Intent]
set basic text as Intent type [Intent]
set big text style to Notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set boolean in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set boolean in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set boolean in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set boolean in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set boolean in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set boolean value in SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set bounce interpolator [Animation]
set bounce interpolator to Animation [Animation]
set bundle to Fragment [Fragment]
set bundle to notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set button negative to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set button neutral to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set button positive to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set canceled as result [Activity]
set category to notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set checked change listener for CheckBox [CompoundButton]
set checked change listener for CompoundButton [CompoundButton]
set class to Intent [Intent]
set clear view to RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set click listener to RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set click listener to Spinner [Spinner]
set click listener to view [View]
set color filter to ImageView [ImageView]
set color of hyperlinks in TextView [TextView]
set color of links in TextView [TextView]
set color of text to RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set color to Paint [Paint]
set color to status bar background in DrawerLayout [DrawerLayout]
set completion listener to MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
set component to Intent [Intent]
set content description for RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set content description to View [View]
set content insets for Toolbar [Toolbar]
set content text to notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set content to Dialog from resources [Dialog]
set content to notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set content view to Activity [Activity]
set country code to Address [Address]
set country name to Address [Address]
set current activity intent [Activity]
set cursor at the end of text in EditText [EditText]
set cursor position in EditText [EditText]
set cursor to first row [Cursor]
set cursor to last result row [Cursor]
set cursor to the end of EditText [EditText]
set custom view object to ActionBar [ActionBar]
set custom view to ActionBar by resource id [ActionBar]
set custom view to ActionBar via resource id [ActionBar]
set custom view to Actionbar by resource identifier [ActionBar]
set custom view to Actionbar via resource identifier [ActionBar]
set custom view to notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set data and type to Intent [Intent]
set data icon to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set data text for View [TextView]
set data text from resources for View [TextView]
set data to Intent [Intent]
set data to user account [AccountManager]
set day and month and year to Calendar [Calendar]
set day of month to Calendar [Calendar]
set decelerate interpolator [Animation]
set decelerate interpolator to Animation [Animation]
set default TransitionManager to Activity [Activity]
set default zoom level for WebView [WebView]
set description for RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set destination for download request [DownloadManager.Request]
set dialog data icon to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set dialog info icon to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set dialog information icon to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set display direction [Activity]
set display direction dynamically [Activity]
set display direction for activity [Activity]
set display direction landscape [Activity]
set display direction portrait [Activity]
set display direction sensor [Activity]
set display orientation [Activity]
set display orientation dynamically [Activity]
set display orientation for activity [Activity]
set display orientation landscape [Activity]
set display orientation portrait [Activity]
set display orientation sensor [Activity]
set divider color in ListView [ListView]
set divider height for ListView [ListView]
set divider height in ListView [ListView]
set divider in ListView [ListView]
set done text for keyboard [TextView]
set done text for softkeyboard [TextView]
set download description at download request [DownloadManager.Request]
set download dir as target for download [DownloadManager.Request]
set download directory as target for download [DownloadManager.Request]
set download folder as target for download [DownloadManager.Request]
set download headline for download request [DownloadManager.Request]
set download title for download request [DownloadManager.Request]
set drawable on the left in TextView [TextView]
set drawable on the right in TextView [TextView]
set drawable resource to status bar background in DrawerLayout [DrawerLayout]
set drawable to the left side in TextView [TextView]
set drawable to the right side in TextView [TextView]
set drawer listener to DrawerLayout [DrawerLayout]
set drawer shadow to DrawerLayout [DrawerLayout]
set drop down view layout resource [ArrayAdapter]
set duration for Animation [Animation]
set duration for Toast [Toast]
set duration for ViewPropertyAnimator [ViewPropertyAnimator]
set duration to Animator [Animator]
set editor action listener [TextView]
set element at location in ArrayList [ArrayList]
set element at specified location in ArrayList [ArrayList]
set element at specified position in ArrayList [ArrayList]
set empty view to RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set enabled state to view [View]
set enabled state to view element [View]
set enabled state to view instance [View]
set enter text for keyboard [TextView]
set enter text for softkeyboard [TextView]
set error image in Picasso [RequestCreator]
set error photo in Picasso [RequestCreator]
set error picture in Picasso [RequestCreator]
set error placeholder image in Picasso [RequestCreator]
set error placeholder photo in Picasso [RequestCreator]
set error placeholder picture in Picasso [RequestCreator]
set event time to notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set explicit mime type to Intent [Intent]
set explicit package to Intent [Intent]
set extras to notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set file as Intent type [Intent]
set fill style to Paint object [Paint]
set float in pref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set float in preference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set float in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set float in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set float in setting [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set float in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set float in sharedpref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set float in sharedpreference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set float in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set float in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set focus change listener to View [View]
set font for TextView [TextView]
set font of Paint [Paint]
set font type for TextView [TextView]
set gravity for Toast [Toast]
set gravity to center horizontal in TextView [TextView]
set gravity to center in TextView [TextView]
set gravity to center vertical in TextView [TextView]
set group for Notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set group summary for Notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set header headline to ContextMenu [ContextMenu]
set header title to ContextMenu [ContextMenu]
set header to ContextMenu [ContextMenu]
set headline [ActionBar]
set headline for Preference [Preference]
set headline for Toolbar by resources [Toolbar]
set headline for Toolbar via resources [Toolbar]
set headline for activity [Activity]
set headline for notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set headline from resources [ActionBar]
set headline from resources to Dialog [Dialog]
set headline of Toolbar by string [Toolbar]
set headline of Toolbar via string [Toolbar]
set headline of Window [Window]
set headline to ActionBar [ActionBar]
set headline to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set headline to action bar [ActionBar]
set height and width for Dialog
set height of TextView [TextView]
set high priority to notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set hint color to View [TextView]
set hint text color to View [TextView]
set hint text for View [TextView]
set hint text from resources for View [TextView]
set horizontal translation of view [View]
set hour format for TimePicker [TimePicker]
set hour to Calendar [Calendar]
set html code to TextView element [TextView]
set html in TextView [TextView]
set html to TextView [TextView]
set hyperlink color in TextView [TextView]
set icon for Actionbar from resources [ActionBar]
set icon to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set icon to AlertDialog from drawable directories [AlertDialog]
set icon to AlertDialog from drawable folders [AlertDialog]
set icon to AlertDialog from resources [AlertDialog]
set id for View [View]
set identifier for View [View]
set image as Intent type [Intent]
set image from drawables dir [ImageView]
set image from drawables directory [ImageView]
set image from drawables folder [ImageView]
set image from resources [ImageView]
set image from resources to RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set image placeholder in Picasso [RequestCreator]
set image view from resource to RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set info and type to Intent [Intent]
set info icon to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set info text for View [TextView]
set info text from resources for View [TextView]
set info to Intent [Intent]
set info to user account [AccountManager]
set information and type to Intent [Intent]
set information icon to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set information text for View [TextView]
set information text from resources for View [TextView]
set information to Intent [Intent]
set information to user account [AccountManager]
set input type for TextView [TextView]
set int in pref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set int in preference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set int in setting [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set int in sharedpref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set int in sharedpreference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set intent as home app [Intent]
set intent as home application [Intent]
set intent for activity in Notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set interpolator for ViewPropertyAnimator [ViewPropertyAnimator]
set interpolator to Animator [Animator]
set interpolator type for ViewPropertyAnimator [ViewPropertyAnimator]
set item animator to RecyclerView [RecyclerView]
set item click listener to AdapterView [AdapterView]
set item click listener to Gallery [AdapterView]
set item click listener to GridView [AdapterView]
set item click listener to ListView [AdapterView]
set item click listener to Spinner [Spinner]
set item long click listener to AdapterView [AdapterView]
set jpeg as Intent type [Intent]
set jpg as Intent type [Intent]
set key listener to View [View]
set keyboard enter button text [TextView]
set keyboard enter text [TextView]
set landscape as fixed display direction [Activity]
set landscape as fixed display orientation [Activity]
set landscape as fixed screen direction [Activity]
set landscape as fixed screen orientation [Activity]
set language for text to speech [TextToSpeech]
set language for text to voice [TextToSpeech]
set large icon for Notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set latitude to Address [Address]
set layout dimensions to window [Window]
set layout manager to RecyclerView [RecyclerView]
set layout parameters for View [View]
set layout params for View [View]
set layout resource to Dialog [Dialog]
set length to Animator [Animator]
set linear interpolator [Animation]
set linear interpolator to Animation [Animation]
set linear layout manager to RecyclerView [RecyclerView]
set localized activity headline [Activity]
set localized activity title [Activity]
set localized headline to Dialog [Dialog]
set localized title to Dialog [Dialog]
set logo in Toolbar [Toolbar]
set logo to ActionBar [ActionBar]
set logo to Toolbar [Toolbar]
set lon to Address [Address]
set long click listener to View [View]
set long in SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set longitude to Address [Address]
set low priority to notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set main action [Intent]
set main action to Intent [Intent]
set max date in DatePicker [DatePicker]
set max input length for EditText [TextView]
set max limit for EditText [TextView]
set max lines for TextView [TextView]
set max off display limit to ViewPager [ViewPager]
set max off screen limit to ViewPager [ViewPager]
set max priority to notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set maximum date in DatePicker [DatePicker]
set maximum input length for EditText [TextView]
set maximum limit for EditText [TextView]
set maximum lines for TextView [TextView]
set maximum off display limit to ViewPager [ViewPager]
set maximum off screen limit to ViewPager [ViewPager]
set maximum priority to notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set menu item click listener for Toolbar [Toolbar]
set message to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set message to ProgressDialog [ProgressDialog]
set millisecond to Calendar [Calendar]
set min capacity for ArrayList [ArrayList]
set minimum capacity for ArrayList [ArrayList]
set minute and hours and day and month and year to Calendar [Calendar]
set minute to Calendar [Calendar]
set month to Calendar [Calendar]
set movement method for TextView [TextView]
set msg to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set msg to ProgressDialog [ProgressDialog]
set multi choice mode [AbsListView]
set multi modal choice mode [AbsListView]
set navigation OnClickListener to Toolbar [Toolbar]
set navigation icon to Toolbar [Toolbar]
set navigation on click listener to Toolbar [Toolbar]
set negative button listener [AlertDialog.Builder]
set negative button listener to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set negative button to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set neutral button [AlertDialog.Builder]
set neutral button listener to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set neutral button to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set new adapter to RecyclerView [RecyclerView]
set new background dawable to View [View]
set new scroll position for View [View]
set notification as audio stream type [MediaPlayer]
set notification priority in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set notification ticker text in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set off display limit to ViewPager [ViewPager]
set off screen limit to ViewPager [ViewPager]
set on pref click listener to Preference [Preference]
set on preference click listener to Preference [Preference]
set on prepare listener to MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
set on setting click listener to Preference [Preference]
set on sharedpref click listener to Preference [Preference]
set on sharedpreference click listener to Preference [Preference]
set opacity of Image [ImageView]
set opacity of View [View]
set opacity value of View [View]
set opaque alpha value to ViewPropertyAnimator [ViewPropertyAnimator]
set package to Intent [Intent]
set padding between lines in TextView [TextView]
set padding for TextView [TextView]
set padding for view [View]
set padding to RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set padding values for TextView [TextView]
set padding values for View [View]
set page change listener to ViewPager [ViewPager]
set phone number to Address [Address]
set phone to Address [Address]
set photo as Intent type [Intent]
set photo from drawables dir [ImageView]
set photo from drawables directory [ImageView]
set photo from drawables folder [ImageView]
set photo from resources [ImageView]
set photo from resources to RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set photo placeholder in Picasso [RequestCreator]
set photo view from resource to RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set picture as Intent type [Intent]
set picture from drawables dir [ImageView]
set picture from drawables directory [ImageView]
set picture from drawables folder [ImageView]
set picture from resources [ImageView]
set picture from resources to RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set picture placeholder in Picasso [RequestCreator]
set picture view from resource to RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set placeholder image in Picasso [RequestCreator]
set placeholder photo in Picasso [RequestCreator]
set placeholder picture in Picasso [RequestCreator]
set plain sms data to Intent [Intent]
set plain sms info to Intent [Intent]
set plain sms information to Intent [Intent]
set plain text as Intent type [Intent]
set popup theme for Toolbar [Toolbar]
set portrait as sceen direction [Activity]
set portrait as sceen orientation [Activity]
set position for toast [Toast]
set positive button [AlertDialog.Builder]
set positive button listener to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set positive button to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set pref string [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set preference string [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set preferences string [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set prefs string [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set priority for background thread [Process]
set progress in headline [Activity]
set progress in title [Activity]
set progress to ProgressDialog [ProgressDialog]
set progress to notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set relative scroll position to RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set remote adapter for RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set remote view to notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set repeating alarm [AlarmManager]
set resource for drop down view [ArrayAdapter]
set result aborted [Activity]
set result aborted with intent [Activity]
set result canceled [Activity]
set result canceled with intent [Activity]
set result ok [Activity]
set result ok with data [Activity]
set result ok with info [Activity]
set result ok with information [Activity]
set result ok with intent [Activity]
set result successful [Activity]
set result with data [Activity]
set result with info [Activity]
set result with information [Activity]
set result with intent [Activity]
set result with payload [Activity]
set rotation value for ViewPropertyAnimator [ViewPropertyAnimator]
set rounding mode for DecimalFormat [DecimalFormat]
set rounding mode half up to DecimalFormat [DecimalFormat]
set scale for BigDecimal [BigDecimal]
set screen direction [Activity]
set screen direction dynamically [Activity]
set screen direction for activity [Activity]
set screen direction landscape [Activity]
set screen direction portrait [Activity]
set screen direction sensor [Activity]
set screen orientation [Activity]
set screen orientation dynamically [Activity]
set screen orientation for activity [Activity]
set screen orientation landscape [Activity]
set screen orientation portrait [Activity]
set screen orientation sensor [Activity]
set scrim color to DrawerLayout [DrawerLayout]
set scroll position in HorizontalScrollView [HorizontalScrollView]
set scroll position in RecyclerView [RecyclerView]
set scroll position in ScrollView [ScrollView]
set scroll position of View [View]
set second to Calendar [Calendar]
set selected item in ListView [AbsListView]
set selected item in ViewPager [ViewPager]
set selected item in list [AbsListView]
set selected item of Spinner [AbsSpinner]
set sensor as display direction [Activity]
set sensor as display orientation [Activity]
set sensor as screen direction [Activity]
set sensor as screen orientation [Activity]
set separator height for ListView [ListView]
set separator height in ListView [ListView]
set separator in ListView [ListView]
set setting string [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set settings string [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set sharedpref string [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set sharedpreference string [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set sharedpreferences string [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set sharedprefs string [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set single choice mode [AbsListView]
set size of Dialog
set small icon to notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set softkeyboard enter button text [TextView]
set softkeyboard enter text [TextView]
set sound to play for notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set space between lines in TextView [TextView]
set speech call as audio stream type [MediaPlayer]
set split background drawable for Activity [ActionBar]
set status bar color [Window]
set status bar text to notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set string set to SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set string to TextView [TextView]
set string to pref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set string to preference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set string to preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set string to prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set string to setting [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set string to settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set string to sharedpref [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set string to sharedpreference [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set string to sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set string to sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
set string value to TextView [TextView]
set stroke style to Paint [Paint]
set stroke width to Paint [Paint]
set style fill and stroke to Paint [Paint]
set style fill to Paint [Paint]
set style for Paint [Paint]
set style stroke to Paint [Paint]
set styled Toolbar headline [Toolbar]
set styled Toolbar title [Toolbar]
set styled subheadline for Toolbar [Toolbar]
set styled subtitle for Toolbar [Toolbar]
set subheadline for Toolbar by resources [Toolbar]
set subheadline for Toolbar by string [Toolbar]
set subheadline for Toolbar via resources [Toolbar]
set subheadline for Toolbar via string [Toolbar]
set subheadline to ActionBar from resources [ActionBar]
set subtext to notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set subtitle for Toolbar by resources [Toolbar]
set subtitle for Toolbar by string [Toolbar]
set subtitle for Toolbar via resources [Toolbar]
set subtitle for Toolbar via string [Toolbar]
set subtitle to ActionBar from resources [ActionBar]
set summary for Preference [Preference]
set summary text for Preference [Preference]
set tag object to View element [View]
set tag to EditText [View]
set tag to TextView [View]
set tag to View [View]
set tag to View instance [View]
set telephone number to Address [Address]
set telephone to Address [Address]
set text alignement to center in Paint object [Paint]
set text alignement to left in Paint object [Paint]
set text alignement to right in Paint object [Paint]
set text appearance for TextView [TextView]
set text appearance for TextView by id [TextView]
set text appearance for TextView by identifier [TextView]
set text appearance for TextView by resource id [TextView]
set text appearance for TextView by resource identifier [TextView]
set text appearance for TextView from specified style [TextView]
set text appearance for TextView via id [TextView]
set text appearance for TextView via identifier [TextView]
set text appearance for TextView via resource id [TextView]
set text appearance for TextView via resource identifier [TextView]
set text as Intent type [Intent]
set text color for TextView [TextView]
set text color to RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set text dimension for TextView [TextView]
set text dimension of Paint [Paint]
set text size for TextView [TextView]
set text size of Paint [Paint]
set text style bold and italic in TextView [TextView]
set text style bold in TextView [TextView]
set text style italic and bold in TextView [TextView]
set text style italic in TextView [TextView]
set text to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set text to RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set text to TextView [TextView]
set text to TextView by id [TextView]
set text to TextView by identifier [TextView]
set text to TextView by resource id [TextView]
set text to TextView by resource identifier [TextView]
set text to TextView via id [TextView]
set text to TextView via identifier [TextView]
set text to TextView via resource id [TextView]
set text to TextView via resource identifier [TextView]
set text to speech language [TextToSpeech]
set text to strikethrough in TextView [TextView]
set text to underlined in TextView [TextView]
set text to voice language [TextToSpeech]
set text view text to RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set theme [Context]
set third line to notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set ticker text to notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set time in millis to Calendar [Calendar]
set time in millisecond to Calendar [Calendar]
set time to Calendar [Calendar]
set title [ActionBar]
set title for Preference [Preference]
set title for Toolbar by resources [Toolbar]
set title for Toolbar via resources [Toolbar]
set title for activity [Activity]
set title for notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set title from resources [ActionBar]
set title from resources to Dialog [Dialog]
set title of Toolbar by string [Toolbar]
set title of Toolbar via string [Toolbar]
set title of Window [Window]
set title to ActionBar [ActionBar]
set title to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set title to action bar [ActionBar]
set toast position [Toast]
set today as max date in DatePicker [DatePicker]
set today as maximum date in DatePicker [DatePicker]
set total lines for TextView [TextView]
set touch listener to View [View]
set transaction to successful [SQLiteDatabase]
set transition for Activity [Window]
set translation x to view [View]
set translation y to View [View]
set transparency of View [View]
set transparent alpha value to ViewPropertyAnimator [ViewPropertyAnimator]
set type audio to Intent [Intent]
set type face of Paint [Paint]
set typeface for TextView [TextView]
set typeface of Paint [Paint]
set typeface type for TextView [TextView]
set up indicator icon to ActionBar to the left of the icon [ActionBar]
set user agent for WebSettings [WebSettings]
set user agent for WebView [WebSettings]
set user data to account [AccountManager]
set user info to account [AccountManager]
set user information to account [AccountManager]
set value to AtomicBoolean [AtomicBoolean]
set value to AtomicInteger [AtomicInteger]
set value to AtomicLong [AtomicLong]
set vertical translation of View [View]
set vibration pattern to Notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set view OnClickListener [View]
set view action to Intent [Intent]
set view description [View]
set view layout to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set view layout to AlertDialog with spacing [AlertDialog]
set view layout to Dialog [Dialog]
set view object to Dialog [Dialog]
set view padding to RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
set view to AlertDialog [AlertDialog]
set view to AlertDialog with spacing [AlertDialog]
set view to Dialog from resources [Dialog]
set visibility for notification in notification builder [NotificationCompat.Builder]
set visibility of view [View]
set voice call as audio stream type [MediaPlayer]
set width of stroking for Paint [Paint]
set window animation for Activity [Window]
set window size of Dialog
set year and month and day and hour and minute to Calendar [Calendar]
set year and month and day to Calendar [Calendar]
set year to Calendar [Calendar]
share an image file
share image
share image via Intent
share text
show ActionBar [ActionBar]
show AlertDialog [AlertDialog.Builder]
show DatePickerDialog
show ProgressDialog [ProgressDialog]
show Snackbar [Snackbar]
show TimerPickerDialog
show activity headline or subheadline in ActionBar [ActionBar]
show activity headline or subtitle in ActionBar [ActionBar]
show activity main window [Activity]
show activity title or subheadline in ActionBar [ActionBar]
show activity title or subtitle in ActionBar [ActionBar]
show app icon in Actionbar [ActionBar]
show app icon in action bar [ActionBar]
show app in app store
show app in play store
show application icon in Actionbar [ActionBar]
show application icon in action bar [ActionBar]
show buttons for zoom control in WebView [WebSettings]
show camera app
show camera app for result
show dialog [Dialog]
show dialog on display [Dialog]
show dialog on screen [Dialog]
show full site in WebView [WebSettings]
show full webpage in WebView [WebSettings]
show full website in WebView [WebSettings]
show home screen
show horizontal scrollbar [View]
show image via Picasso
show indeterminate ProgressBar in Activity [Activity]
show keyboard [InputMethodManager]
show notification [NotificationManager]
show notification with tag [NotificationManager]
show number keyboard in EditText [TextView]
show number softkeyboard in EditText [TextView]
show only numbers in keyboard [TextView]
show only numbers in softkeyboard [TextView]
show overflow menu in Toolbar [Toolbar]
show scrollbars on left side in ListView [AbsListView]
show site from String in WebView [WebView]
show softkeyboard [InputMethodManager]
show toast [Toast]
show url in browser
show vertical scrollbar [View]
show view object [View]
show webpage from String in WebView [WebView]
show website from String in WebView [WebView]
show zoom buttons in WebView [WebSettings]
shuffle List [Collections]
shuffle List with specified random number generator [Collections]
simulate a button click [View]
simulate click [View]
simulate click on button [View]
simulate click on home button
simulate home click
sleep [SystemClock]
sort byte array in ascending order [Arrays]
sort char array in ascending order [Arrays]
sort double array in ascending order [Arrays]
sort float array in ascending order [Arrays]
sort int array in ascending order [Arrays]
sort long array in ascending order [Arrays]
sort short array in ascending order [Arrays]
speak [TextToSpeech]
specify animation for fragment transaction [FragmentTransaction]
split string by delimiter [TextUtils]
split string by pattern [TextUtils]
split string by token [TextUtils]
split string via delimiter [TextUtils]
split string via pattern [TextUtils]
split string via token [TextUtils]
start Activity from Context [Context]
start Activity from Service
start Animation [Animation]
start Animation of View [View]
start Animator [Animator]
start AsyncTask [AsyncTask]
start CountDownTimer [CountDownTimer]
start Google Maps navigation
start activity [Activity]
start activity by intent [Activity]
start activity for result [Activity]
start activity for result with bundle [Activity]
start activity for result with options [Activity]
start activity from Fragment [Fragment]
start activity via intent [Activity]
start activity with chooser [Activity]
start activity with result [Activity]
start all animations from AnimatorSet [AnimatorSet]
start and show dialog [Dialog]
start animations of AnimatorSet [AnimatorSet]
start audio player
start countdown [CountDownTimer]
start database transaction [SQLiteDatabase]
start db transaction [SQLiteDatabase]
start email app
start every animations from AnimatorSet [AnimatorSet]
start fragment transaction [FragmentManager]
start many activities [Context]
start many activities with options [Context]
start multiple activities [Context]
start multiple activities with options [Context]
start music player
start navigation
start new Activity from Context [Context]
start new activity [Activity]
start new activity for result [Activity]
start new activity from Fragment [Fragment]
start new activity with chooser [Activity]
start new service [Context]
start or continue MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
start or continue playback [MediaPlayer]
start or resume MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
start or resume playback [MediaPlayer]
start runnable delayed from Handler [Handler]
start service [Context]
start several activities [Context]
start several activities with options [Context]
start sms app
start sql transaction [SQLiteDatabase]
start sqlite transaction [SQLiteDatabase]
start timer [CountDownTimer]
start transaction [SQLiteDatabase]
start various activities [Context]
start various activities with options [Context]
stop MediaPlayer [MediaPlayer]
stop ongoing service [Context]
stop playback [MediaPlayer]
stop running service [Context]
stop service from Context [Context]
stop service from Service [Service]
stop video in VideoView [VideoView]
store Canvas [Canvas]
store String Set in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store String Set in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store String Set in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store String Set in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store String Set in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store String in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store String in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store String in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store String in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store String in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store boolean array in bundle [BaseBundle]
store boolean array state [BaseBundle]
store boolean in bundle [BaseBundle]
store boolean in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store boolean in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store boolean in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store boolean in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store boolean in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store boolean state [BaseBundle]
store double in bundle [BaseBundle]
store double state [BaseBundle]
store enum in Bundle [Bundle]
store float in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store float in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store float in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store float in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store float in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store int array in bundle [BaseBundle]
store int array state [BaseBundle]
store int in bundle [BaseBundle]
store int in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store int in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store int in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store int in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store int in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store int state [BaseBundle]
store integer in bundle [BaseBundle]
store list of parcelable in bundle [Bundle]
store long array in bundle [BaseBundle]
store long array state [BaseBundle]
store long in bundle [BaseBundle]
store long in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store long in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store long in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store long in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store long in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
store long state [BaseBundle]
store parcelable in bundle [Bundle]
store parcelable list state [Bundle]
store parcelable state [Bundle]
store serializable object in bundle [Bundle]
store serializable state [Bundle]
store string array in bundle [BaseBundle]
store string array state [BaseBundle]
store string in bundle [BaseBundle]
store string in file
store string state [BaseBundle]
stretch content to fill the viewport in HorizontalScrollView [HorizontalScrollView]
stretch content to fill the viewport in ScrollView [ScrollView]
stretch image in ImageView to fit dimension [ImageView]
stretch image in ImageView to fit size [ImageView]
stretch photo in ImageView to fit dimension [ImageView]
stretch photo in ImageView to fit size [ImageView]
stretch picture in ImageView to fit dimension [ImageView]
stretch picture in ImageView to fit size [ImageView]
strike through text in TextView [TextView]
submit download request to queue [DownloadManager]
substring string [TextUtils]
substring text [TextUtils]
switch vibrator off [Vibrator]
toggle CheckBox state [CompoundButton]
toggle CompoundButton state [CompoundButton]
transform input to all caps in TextView [TextView]
transform input to every caps in TextView [TextView]
transform text to upper case in TextView [TextView]
translate Canvas [Canvas]
trigger AsyncTask [AsyncTask]
trigger PendingIntent by click on RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
trigger PendingIntent via click on RemoteViews [RemoteViews]
trigger a button click [View]
trigger a phone call
trigger click listener for button [View]
trigger navigation
trigger new Activity [Activity]
trigger on click listener [View]
trigger redraw of view from background thread [View]
trigger redraw of view from non ui thread [View]
trigger runnable delayed from View [View]
trigger runnable to run [View]
trigger scrollbars to draw [View]
turn vibrator off [Vibrator]
unbind service [Context]
underline text in TextView [TextView]
undo pref change in editor [SharedPreferences.Editor]
undo preference change in editor [SharedPreferences.Editor]
undo setting change in editor [SharedPreferences.Editor]
undo sharedpref change in editor [SharedPreferences.Editor]
undo sharedpreference change in editor [SharedPreferences.Editor]
unregister BroadcastReceiver [LocalBroadcastManager]
unregister ComponentCallback [Context]
unregister EventBus [EventBus]
unregister change listener for SharedPreferences [SharedPreferences]
unregister component callback [Context]
unregister from local broadcast [LocalBroadcastManager]
unregister listener for pref changes [SharedPreferences]
unregister listener for preference changes [SharedPreferences]
unregister listener for setting changes [SharedPreferences]
unregister listener for sharedpref changes [SharedPreferences]
unregister listener for sharedpreference changes [SharedPreferences]
unregister receiver [Context]
update app widget [AppWidgetManager]
update application widget [AppWidgetManager]
update entries in database [SQLiteDatabase]
update entries in db [SQLiteDatabase]
update entries in sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
update rows in database [SQLiteDatabase]
update rows in db [SQLiteDatabase]
update rows in sqlite [SQLiteDatabase]
use activity logo instead of activity icon in ActionBar [ActionBar]
use built in zoom mechanism in WebView [WebSettings]
use hardware rendering for View [View]
use html in TextView [TextView]
use native zoom mechanism in WebView [WebSettings]
use software rendering for View [View]
use total space in HorizontalScrollView [HorizontalScrollView]
use total space in ScrollView [ScrollView]
use whole space in HorizontalScrollView [HorizontalScrollView]
use whole space in ScrollView [ScrollView]
vibrate [Vibrator]
vibrate a vibration pattern [Vibrator]
vibrate pattern [Vibrator]
view can get get focus [View]
view can get obtain focus [View]
view can get receive focus [View]
view can get return focus [View]
view can not get focus [View]
view can not obtain focus [View]
view can not receive focus [View]
view can not return focus [View]
view can obtain get focus [View]
view can obtain obtain focus [View]
view can obtain receive focus [View]
view can obtain return focus [View]
view can receive get focus [View]
view can receive obtain focus [View]
view can receive receive focus [View]
view can receive return focus [View]
view can return get focus [View]
view can return obtain focus [View]
view can return receive focus [View]
view can return return focus [View]
wait and get result from AsyncTask [AsyncTask]
wait and obtain result from AsyncTask [AsyncTask]
wait and receive result from AsyncTask [AsyncTask]
wait and retrieve result from AsyncTask [AsyncTask]
wait and return result from AsyncTask [AsyncTask]
watch video on youtube
watch youtube video
wrap List into unmodifiable List [Collections]
wrap Map into unmodifiable Map [Collections]
wrap Set into unmodifiable Set [Collections]
wrap collection into unmodifiable collection [Collections]
write Parcelable object into Parcel [Parcel]
write String Set in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write String Set in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write String Set in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write String Set in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write String Set in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write String in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write String in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write String in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write String in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write String in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write String into Parcel [Parcel]
write boolean array in bundle [BaseBundle]
write boolean in bundle [BaseBundle]
write boolean in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write boolean in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write boolean in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write boolean in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write boolean in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write byte array in OutputStream [OutputStream]
write double in bundle [BaseBundle]
write float in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write float in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write float in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write float in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write float in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write float into Parcel [Parcel]
write int array in bundle [BaseBundle]
write int in bundle [BaseBundle]
write int in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write int in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write int in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write int in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write int in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write int into Parcel [Parcel]
write list of parcelable in bundle [Bundle]
write long array in bundle [BaseBundle]
write long in bundle [BaseBundle]
write long in preferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write long in prefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write long in settings [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write long in sharedpreferences [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write long in sharedprefs [SharedPreferences.Editor]
write long into Parcel [Parcel]
write parcelable object in bundle [Bundle]
write serializable object in bundle [Bundle]
write string array in bundle [BaseBundle]
write string in bundle [BaseBundle]
zoom out if content is greater than width of WebView [WebSettings]